DD, wonder why that happens? Good to know one has come back... How you feeling DD, any better?
Hi Keef,
Hi Haze... how you doing?
Hi Keef,
Hi Haze... how you doing?
DD, wonder why that happens? Good to know one has come back... How you feeling DD, any better?
Hi Keef,
Hi Haze... how you doing?
He must have deleted his post. He didn't think the OFC talked enough about smoking or growing weed.Did I miss something? Misstheboat?? Got some seat time on the the snapper. I restored a 1971 snapper comet a few years ago. Like the one Forrest gump had. Lol. She's not fast, and it doesn't have a gazzilion inch deck like these new fangled machines but when it tears up, I flip it on the back and throw $30 and I'm good for a few more years.
They should put Prince on the $20 bill & call it $19.99......
The bill formerly known as a twenty.
Too soon?
Love Prince!