Home of the Old Fart's Club part 2

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I know we don’t usually post personal pics here, but you don’t know my grandson and he doesn’t grow pot... but he’s a happy camper and his picture just makes me smile...I thought it might for you all as well...here he is at the beach buried in sand...it was a good day!!!
Broke my toe, lol.

Oh No! I guess you will be hobble along Cassidy for the next week or so.

I just got my order of supposedly original strain GG#4. I know the original was clone only but these are supposed to be bred from one of those clones. Who knows but we'll see in a few months!
Keef, never thought I would do this but I did. I just dropped the ball on a brand new Mars Hydro SP250 light. It is IP65 and everything. I figured to see if it really is actually true what they say about white light and besides, it looks like Mar hydro is stepping up their game.
Hope it works for ya Nick - It should !
Umbra if that toe is not too badly deformed then put a pad between it and the next toe and tape them together - If it stick out at an bad angle - We just pull it back straight and drill a bout 1/16 inch stainless steel pin from the tip of the toe all the way back into the carpal bone - When it heals we take the pin out !-
Warning : -
Dat chit gonna hurt U more than me !-
I had to buy a tent in order to veg and bloom at the same time and figured that this old 1000 watt king would do for a good veg light but its junk. spindly looking seedlings and whatever clones want that thing don't have it. The one I sent off for a new driver is too powerful for a 4 x 2 tent so I figgered this new Mars light is designed specifically for a 2 x 4 tent and has the very latest tech so what the heck, give it a go.
Good Morning OFC....Neat light St. Nick,I bet your going to see some improvements on your grow.I have been eyeing the HLG 550 V2 R-spec....I may spring for one later this year,I cannot leave well enough alone...I just have to experiment. lol it all started with a chemistry set they bought for me at 10 yo,been a student of science ever since. This was the same year I discovered the kindling point for dry grass at edge of carport in August is very low ! Everybody needs a little excitement occasionally lol.
Morning OFC
I gotta look that light up Nick -- I got those Mars Hydro 300 watt reflector series - They getting old and need to be replaced -
Hollowpoint- - Some of these guys knows more than U can imagine about chemistry and such !-- One is a retired master of manipulating the benzene ring -- Another one can make chit that scares me !- Make U reach up and kiss the sky with exotic Chit !-- U ever hear of the "Vines of the Gods" ?- I'm interested in the process of making Hyawaska ?- but more as a medicine than a tripping for pleasure thing - That's not spelled right ?--- Anyway where's my pipe ?- I'm low but not out yet !
Warm with thunder showers today at the beach -
Good morning everyone. Gloomy foggy morning here but its supposed to be sunny and 80 later on. My lawn guy hasn't shown up this week and its getting to be a jungle around here. I spent most of yesterday polishing the truck. I don't wanna brag but she is looking good. Today I gotta get busy on my front porch. I have a roof but no floor. What good is a porch without a floor?
We live in the real world and I got problems right now that are giving me no end of grief -- I'm stuck here at the beach house with only my SS that wouldn't even come close to paying the mortgage- We been separated about 2 years and the divorce been final for awhile -- We still own this house together and she was gonna pay the utilities while I got it ready for the market - They money for supplies like paint is not there anymore -- We got some equity in the house - I want out of here and her out my life for good but I got no place to go even temporary yet - So I'm stuck in limbo -I wanna be anywhere but here and can't get out !-- I would prefer using bullets or explosives to solve my problems but-- I'm trying to be civilized !-- So this has been the root of my anger management problems!-This too shall pass - I just want out so I can get back to growing !
U just putting down some plywood Nick ?- U got the floor framed in already ?
Nick on that porch ?--Maybe U need a hidden trap door on the porch to a place U can store jars ! - U can't take it if U can't find it !-- Keep enough squirreled away to supply U until U got another crop in should things go south again ? - Wish I could had a bunch put up before this all went down but I got stabbed in the back with no warning !-
Don't ya just love it when the morning news (which reads like a broken record around here) has a murder, a meth bust and a police shooting for headlines? Folks I live in a little town with less then 800 people in it. There is a reason concealed (and open) carry is so popular here. Its like Dodge city around here!
Mimosa goes good with anything or nothing !- That's what I got in the pipe myself ! - Gonna miss it !-- Can't wait to get her child up and working - Gonna be looking for some purple Mimosa- Hopefully one with this trick terp profile Mimosa got ?
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