Home of the Old Fart's Club part 2

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good morning peeps,
good to read y'all this morning. I am talking southern now after hanging around the tennessee recovery kids. They are doing well so far. They got out of the rehab houses and are finally in their own place and she wanted some pot. I got a big head, she said it was top shelf, killer weed, blah blah good blah. Umbra's northern lights 5. I ask if it made her want to relapse and she just looked at me and said NO. She said she slept for the first time since she got here I want to believe her. She is working her program and he is working on not being a bigot. lol. I told him that was a deal breaker for me. I couldn't be his new mom if he was a bigot... we talked a lot.
Wanna know what seeds I popped? Franks gift CBD, cbd hemp lol, shark shock,indica cbd (thank you Earl) now the good stuff, Chocolate chunk (I) Sunset Sherbert, Indica hybrid that i love to smoke, Tangie, for our daughter, Mimosa, thank you to a wonderful man of MP, I don't know if i want that many outdoors. Not sure what goes where yet.
I am having lots of cardiac tests. They are putting a small 3-4 inch monitor on my chest i wear for 2 weeks this morning. They want me to go on an injections for cholesterol... holy crap. I will consider.

Thanks for listening. i been missing you guys but a bit overwhelmed.
Hey Rose! I've been waiting on pics of your roses! Glad you're feeling better and the docs are taking care of you. I hope it all turns out ok! I bought some Sunset Sherbert sold as Sativa, maybe it was a leaning pheno? It was a good smoke. Keef and Nick been talking about the Mimosa all morning. Makes me want some too!
Pot helped me kick my opiate addiction. I've met a few people who have said the same and they still use herb n nothing else! IF they wanna stay clean they will!
Good morning OFC

Your grandson is adorable 2Redeyes. Thanks for posting that pic.

Keef, things can only get better. Your future life will be awesome I am sure.

Rose: I really feel for you. I have been to more Doctors and had more medical tests than I can remember in the last 5 years. I was told a few years ago that I can expect to live about 5 more years. I am gonna prove them wrong as I have faith that I am here for a higher cause and I will overcome these physical issues that hinder me. You are one of the nicest people I know and the limitations of your body will not overcome your ability to help and inspire others. Hang n there.

Ness: I wish I could take pics like that. I guess I should learn how to use my smartphone. My I-pad takes horrible pics.. or maybe it is just me. ha ha Thank you for sharing.

I am not stoned yet. I guess I should take care of that.

Have a great day friends! :)
Thank you Burnin, that was very sweet. I hope i get the ok to hit the gardens today.I will ask the nurse if i am off restriction. I think i get a pill that will stop it if it happens again.
And YES, RE, that is the cutest grandson ever! What a doll baby. I want to hug him.
Nova, the roses should be in bloom for memorial day, i have a bunch of company, oh dear, i forgot about that. oh well, deep breaths. ha Thanks.
Good morning y’all...we back home now...it’s fun to check the grow after being away for several days...Now that we’re home for a stretch, I’m gonna be wetting some seed for out back...not many and only some small autos...but it’s just fun to grow...
I forget just now what is on the left but right rear is some shark shock cbd, and right front Nurse Larry x Valentine...I put’m in flower lighting exactly 1 month ago on April, 7th...

Wow! So noisy outside right now!!
The yearly cattle drive is happening on the road to my house. Those cattle do not sound happy. So many of them mooing at once. They close the road by my house once or twice a year to drive the cattle about 30 miles to the valley. The families that have owned 100s of acres up here in the foothills for over 100 years still use the public roads to drive cattle. They have easement rights as they have drove these cattle through here before the roads were built. All women on horses with trained dogs keep the cattle moving and on the road. I don't know why only women do this. I hear the women yelling and whistling at the dogs and cattle. The only men I ever see in these cattle drives are in a pick up at the tail end of the drive. It is surreal to see cattle drives like this in our modern age. But then again I do live in a sparsely populated area with no towns nearby. There is a shortcut I take to Sonora that has open cattle grazing, no fences along the road. It is normal to stop because cattle are in the road through there.

I don't know who is louder right now, the hundreds of angry cattle or those cowgirls constantly shouting and whistling. lol

Gotta go. I am really stoned and I want to go outside and watch.
That Texas mmj bill I was counting on made it out the Texas house and goes to the Senate- It will pass if Dan Patrick will allow a vote -- It's all in the hands of the Texas GOP now !
Who knows maybe he'll let them vote on it ?-It would pass-- I believe it when I see it-- I got no faith at all that the GOP will do the right thing !--
I had a hope once that someone up in the Austin area would help themselves by introducing me to some medical professionals interested in mmj and help get me outta this jam -- That's not happened - I don't forget chit like that !-
I'm all about the indoor grow myself but I just want like you said, a few good Sativa trees to let run. I have some Fruity Thai that runs about 12-13 weeks in flower that I would really enjoy growing outdoors
They would be monsters outside. I'm not sure you could go 13 weeks flowering outdoors in the mountains where you are. But I wasn't going to get to them anytime soon, and knew you would love them.
Larry OG is one of my favorites. I had a hard time tracking any down until I was able to visit MI mmj shops. I do plan on growing some myself eventually. Even left alone as flower it worked well for me.
NCH let me take cuts of his Larry OG. I did a few crosses but didn't keep it. I simple didn't have enough space to keep it and all the other moms I have. The Larry x Lemon Thai turned out excellent though.
NCH let me take cuts of his Larry OG. I did a few crosses but didn't keep it. I simple didn't have enough space to keep it and all the other moms I have. The Larry x Lemon Thai turned out excellent though.

Did you happen to keep any of that seed?
I hope that goes through promptly for you Keef. Maybe that is why they shot down the minor possession changes?
Nov - Rose took a clone only Medicine Woman and used a Larry OG male on it -- She called it Nurse Larry !- Several of us have grown it !- Excellent weed with a little mystery to it !-- Being one those that can't leave well enough alone - I used a Black Berry Snow Lotus male on the Nurse !- I tell people The nurse was all polite and stuff - Not so her daughter-- She rude and crude and will Steam Roll U and ain't nothing U can do to stop her she just keeps coming !-- I'm happy I kept some regular Nurse Larry seed !- That baby girl with the BBSL daddy she not for a novice!-- but that wasn't enough -- I bred NL -x- BBSL to Umbra's bigass hybrid blueberry -- BPU-X-BB -- I have no idea what to expect but I got seed -- I also used a chocolate dad from Umbra's BOC on his dam B.B. too !-- Should have enough seed to find me a nice chocolate blueberry ?-
U just don't know what it's like having to sit on the sidelines while others be growing -- OK - maybe Nick and Zig know - I should be happy I didn't end up in jail too
Nov - I think they got a few more weeks in this Texas government session -- It's all in the hands of dude named Dan Patrick - If he allows a vote it will pass but he will probably run out the clock before a vote can happen !- We'll see soon enough !
Last summer I ordered some comfrey root starts....planted a couple in a flower bed here and today I harvested my first batch of comfrey leaves...filled a five gallon bucket and then filled it with water...about 4or5 weeks I should have a nice organic batch of fertilizer to use on my organic outdoor grow...Gonna do about 6 or so outdoor autos in the back garden this year...
I regret not taking pics of the comfrey before I chopped it but it just looks like comfrey...the Bocking 14 variety I think...
Evening Folks. Rose I'm so happy the kids are doing good. It sounds like your feeling better. That's scary putting that monitor on your chest. I read up on the cholestcrol injections. Is yours low?
RE that's a nice set up. Gives me idea's.
Burn1 has the dust settled? I hope it's over by now.
Keef what you got cooking?


This is the only close up I have for now. Keef these blueberry seeds were just marked blueberry. I say back in 2016 you sent them to me.
Yes Ness - I remember well !- What U got there is some f-2 seed from Umbra's BPU-X-BB also known as B.B. King !-- The BPU - x - BB daddy was my boy Trips !- He came out the ground making 3 leaves at a time instead of 2 !- He was a triploid !-- BB is one of Umbra's frost factories and it will grow HUGE outside !- Gloman just took one down he said it didn't have a blueberry profile but I bet it will after some time in a jar - -Never seen one without blueberry-- it was a full sister to what U got !- 1st time I heard one didn't come out some kinda blueberry !- I smelled fresh blueberries and others had more of a blueberry muffin smell !- She'll do U right !
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