Home of the Old Fart's Club part 2

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Hello OFC. I see we all made it through Monday! I decided that nothing in this house would outlive me and I cut the auto down. yielded over a half pound, wet, after trim. So.. I'll pull like an ounce or two dry I'm guessing.
Keef, Im gonna make ur Canna Caps! I'm gonna use the auto bud to decarb. I'll cure a few doobs worth but the rest of it's going to caps.
Morning Nov -- Cannacaps -- trim in 2 stages - remove all the fan leaves - Then trim the bud and keep that for caps -U can add whatever bud U want to it -- They'll help whatever's wrong with U -
We got this unstable air mass sitting on top of us that's messing with my face--
Nick - Corpus Christi is a medium size town but chit happen around here all the time -Being this close to the border things can get wild -- I saw the funniest thing on my local news - Dude drove his car off the pier where they load a ferry -The ferry was not there !- The cops was chasing him so he drove off- I woulda done it with more style - He didn't even fly far - I woulda come off fast !-- Around here we got your typical "bailout" and "splash downs" -- cop pull over a minivan and 17 or so illegal migrants bailout and go in 17 different direction - The cop catch maybe 1 ?-- Then there's the police chases that end in a splash down-- Hauling a load of dope out of Mexico and the cops get on him - Turn around and head back to Mexico- The goal being to make it back to the Rio Grande and jump the load and car off into the river in a splashdown then they can then recover the drugs and steal another car for the next attempt !-Once or twice a year border patrol drag all the splash down cars out the river -- Like the dukes of hazard round here !
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Don't ya just love it when the morning news (which reads like a broken record around here) has a murder, a meth bust and a police shooting for headlines? Folks I live in a little town with less then 800 people in it. There is a reason concealed (and open) carry is so popular here. Its like Dodge city around here!

I can't take the news anymore. Everywhere you look it's like an advertisement for human scum championships. The morning that guy shot up the mosque in Australia it was the first thing I saw. It's a relentless assault all around the world. We all know this so I'm gonna shut up now, I just wanted to agree and complain about it. It really grinds my gears. Why are the displays of decency so few?
I watch the news whether it's good or bad - Sometimes I'd like to bury my head in the sand and pretend all is well but I can't do that-- I live in this world so I need to know what's going on in it ! --What I see that alarms me is an attempt to install a virtual King over American democracy !- - I will never bow to the King of the Right Wing !--This has gone way beyond " politics" !--As if I didn't have enough problems about the national GOP - We end up with this Dan Patrick representing the Texas GOP stopping any mmj changes for the next 2 years !- I am not a fan !
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Good morning OFC. I live in a small town also. Local newspaper runs every police stop and arrest in the paper every week. Crime is everywhere and Meth busts dominate most headlines in most states. We certainly have our share.
Keef, I used to visit Corpus 'bout once a year, Used to certify some aspects of the navy minesweeper repair facility there. I spent 3 years in Exmouth Aus. and it weren't as hot as it was in that town.
I does get hot Nick !-- We usually got a sea breeze out on the island which helps - Farther U get away from the coast the hotter it gets !-- The sun will cook U !- AC in the summer is not an option U gotta have it !- - It got all the way down to 78 F. Last night - Humidity got to be in the 90 % range --
I'm still hoping to land somewhere between here and the San Antonio/ Austin area - Off in the boonies somewhere --
I'm may be old and crippled but I can grow the Dank- My daddy told me all the time growing up "Money don't grow on trees !" - He was wrong as usual - He didn't know bout my kinda trees - My SS and a 4 part rotation of some OFC Dank will pay my bills easy -Anything over that is gravy -- I can grow a little or I can grow alot -- I'm just not liking this waiting thing - Time to be someplace else hanging LEDs and waiting on some west coast cuts !-
Nick I think Rose got some Mimosa seed ?- Maybe she'll breed us some ?-- I'd be down with having some of this around !
Was it Burnin1 said I should hang out with like minded people when I relocate like the NORML people-- There's some around here !- We don't really see eye to eye -- They wanna talk about what they gonna do after prohibition ends - My attitude is more like "Screw'm -Let's just do it now "!-- I'd prefer to hang out with people like ya'll !- People who don't just talk the talk -- People who walk the walk and just do it !
I always read about Corpus Christi weed prices in High Times. That little blurb they have about regional strains and pricing. Was that your stuff Keef? They were braggin about your smoke bro!
I live in a big city. I call it little big city. Mostly murders, abductions, robberies and crack,heroin and pcp(there's about a sq mile neighborhood devoted to it's sale and production, they call it water world). Not to far away they also have a bunch of meth problems, but it stays quiet on that front around here. I think the tweakers stay outta sight here.
On another note, I want the feds to get off their butts and figger out they can actually pay off the deficit if they legalize weed. I want to grow 3, just 3 plants outside. And I want to grow them out where they can be seen! These Hillbillies ain't never seen the likes of the trees I can grow.
Nope Cuz it ain't my weed - Looking back it's a good thing the ex wouldn't let me move any !- They got a task force around here and if it ain't Mexican brickweed the task force tries to track it to it's source !- I just been hiding out amongst them waiting to drive my team up out the belly of the beast !-- Around here my weed would be hard to beat !-
I really wanted to get up closer to Austin where they can afford better weed !- The socio- economic conditions around here favor cheap weed !- Mexican kilo bricks
Worse than that is the synthetic weed stuff they sell !- I do not understand !- Only 3 Nick ?- I'm hoping for 6 !- Drag me some 6 foot sativas out the back door in the spring and let them run until November !
Gloman grew some my crosses outside last year and they got rather large and I can grow them in dirt same way he did -- Some got that giant indica Mazar-i-Sharif heretige- Bigass indica they be !
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This rush to grow hemp for CBD kinda bothers me - I understand that for many of them it is more about positioning yourself for when prohibition ends - It's a short hop to dank from there--
Ya'll got me off on this mmj kick --CBD is only half a medicine so I can't get excited about it !-- What I got in mind is that sliding scale of THC/CBD - One - two or 3 THC to one CBD -- Maybe even 5 THC to 1 CBD ? All in some kind of oil base -Have a range of meds to work with ? --
Nick I'm down with indoor growing where I can control everything better -- Only thing I'd grow outdoors is some long finishing sativas !- I'd really rather be inside !
I haven't seen brick weed since around '00. You could find that crap at $60 a zip back then. Loved every joint I burned too. This is no lie, I once bought a dime from a guy pushing a stroller full of brick weed. He pulled the blanket back and there was a baby and a bunch of bobby brown. I didn't know the cartels were still producing bricks lol. Laziness! I mean, they have catapults and tunnels.... aint no reason the product should be schwag anymore!!!
St. Nick- I'd love to have acouple pounds of Larry heritage on the shelf!
Nurse Larry was a limited strain developed by our very own Rosebud. A breeding of a clone only Medicine Woman and a sweet Larry OG if I remember correctly. Some of the best medicinal herb I've had. Gone to the cops now I'm afraid.
Nick I'm down with indoor growing where I can control everything better -- Only thing I'd grow outdoors is some long finishing sativas !- I'd really rather be inside !

I'm all about the indoor grow myself but I just want like you said, a few good Sativa trees to let run. I have some Fruity Thai that runs about 12-13 weeks in flower that I would really enjoy growing outdoors
Nurse Larry was a limited strain developed by our very own Rosebud. A breeding of a clone only Medicine Woman and a sweet Larry OG if I remember correctly. Some of the best medicinal herb I've had. Gone to the cops now I'm afraid.

Larry OG is one of my favorites. I had a hard time tracking any down until I was able to visit MI mmj shops. I do plan on growing some myself eventually. Even left alone as flower it worked well for me.
Good morning OFC. 2RE looks like you and family had fun at the beach. Nice picture of your grandson. Keef it's good to see you. Hope you can save up and move on soon.

Keef this is your blueberry seed. I have a flip phone now so my picture are not that good. I'll get close ups next time.

Pre 98 f2 can't fine my note on were this came for nurse larry is behide.

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