Home of the Old Fart's Club part 2

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Talking about those expensive seed yesterday almost made me ashamed of how I abuse seed !-- I'm a cloner and was running a 4 part rotation -- To set back up I have to reclaim my Harem-- I start about 4 seed for a variety I know and sex them small to get my girl for clones -- Those I don't know I like to start 6 seed -- Hoping for more than one girl to compare them -- I slowly build my Harem and clone from clones - Long as I got a live piece in veg I got the girl -- I like trick weed !-- The mystery terp or some other trick -- I'm go thru a lot of girls but only end up with a few !-- Outta 3-4 dozen varieties and crosses -- I thin that down slowly to maybe the best 3-4 plants- That I'll clone dahell outta--I'll thin the herd with things like mothers and daughters in a side by side grow off --because there can be only 1 !-- - Only measuring device I got is me !-- Other Keef gonna have to smoke his fair share too !- Dam hammerhead !
Umbra I have a question for you. You seem to be a fountain of strain knowledge! I have a White Strawberry bean. Just 1 unfortunately. Do you have any experience with it?
I remember when they came out. Few different breeders have done this cross. It can be very dank. I grew out OGRaskel's version. He did Kyle Kushman's strawberry cough and Krome's white.
Youre a trip Keef!!
I saw you was doing some shopping. What did you end up with? Sometimes the updates come so fast on this thread I end up missing posts.
4 or 6 huh? I was thinking if I was really going to breed a strain I'd have to do 50 or 100. 50 if it's only got a few known pheno's and 100 if all I know is its dank and then do the culling. MAybe that's way to many for the quality of stuff going around these days. MAybe 10 to 20 instead? IDK, I'm a long way out from using pollen.
Nov - 100 would be nice but Most times I only need the one girl - but U have to have more than one girl to compare -
One of my work horses is Umbra's - The White - x- Nepal Indica - Then I Put That BBSL male on it -(WI-X- BBSL )- It one those things I call a production plant -- They all gonna be pretty much the same ' I know the plant -- She do everything easy - She got strong bones and can hold the weight -- finish in 60 days - Being down here in the belly of the prohibition beast - I figured wasn't any sense in trying to keep up with the flavor of the week and kinda went my own way -I got some potent indicas and I been driving them into a corner - Building my Indica Hammers --I'm 3- 4 generations in deep on some of them !-- 1st time I bred it was a dam accident !-
Then Umbra taught me the shotgun breeding technique -I don't do exactly what he does -- He does his "Box Of " thing - ( He do what he do to force diversity- I know )-- I use a single male and a mess of girls - I'll breed a one foot tall plant - Then I have to grow it out and see what it is - For me breeding is more about exploring rather than trying to create something !- I might be crazy but I know that Exclusive control of a Highly desirable plant is where it's at !- I be looking for mine !

When I was just a little boy-- standing to my daddy's knee - Papa said son don't let the man get U - Do what he did to me -- cause he'll get U !
CCR ? -- So it's gonna be like that ?- OK !
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I figured the wider the selection pool the better chance I'd have of finding that rockstar pheno. Clone and tag each plant then grow the original out and test....Lots of work. lots of testing :)
Nov - U up by Canada - Maybe U could get something over the border - Got to find it first !-- Not even sure it still exist but it might ?-- UBC Chemo !-- U would know it when U see it - instead of making 2 leaves at a time it makes 4 - Maybe someone did the S-1 on it but It will still look different - and get me Pink Kush while U there !

When it comes to breeding - I can't play the big boy game - I don't have the resources to compete - and I'm not out to sell some seed !- My game is if U can't win at thier game do something else or change the rules !-- ( ie: Cheat )
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but i swear i saw a advert in high times recently by a seed bank up there still offering UBC Chemo, Texada Timewarp,BC Sweet Tooth and a few more of those old BC strains. It mighta been BC Bud Depot. I'd like to have some UBC just to try at least. Pink Kush huh? Haven't tried that either lol.
NOV- Who Said U had to go to Canada ? - I have tossed seed across that Canadian border all the way from down close to the Mexican border !- and I have got stuff sent to me from there --Only thing is those 2 would have to be in clone form !-- The OFC is an international club of pot farmers after all -- we got some reach !
They selling some thing called "Chemo " -- Not the same - They did not breed UBC Chemo and Pink Kush from normal plants-- they are man made - Tetraploids -- They were genetically doubled - So they have 2 sets of DNA ! - See Billy Budd seed-- Secrets of the Pink Kush -- His theories are wacky and his numbers wrong but his science is spot on !
Like I said - I can't run with the big boy breeders -- They can't genetically double a plant -- I probably can !--So I guess we even ?- That thing about exclusive control of a highly desirable plant !- I'll make my own plants !--
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I don't want anybody messing with the chemicals used in genetic doubling -- That chit get on U it WILL give U cancer !-- I worked in surgery for 20 years - I been up to my elbows working in people's belly who has full blown AIDS !- Your chit better be tight U gonna do stuff like that !-- I know a thing or 2 about sterile technique !

Google -- Tetraploid Marijuana
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NOV- Who Said U had to go to Canada ? - I have tossed seed across that Canadian border all the way from down close to the Mexican border !- and I have got stuff sent to me from there --Only thing is those 2 would have to be in clone form !-- The OFC is an international club of pot farmers after all -- we got some reach !

Seedbank offers seed is all I was sayin. If theyre Tetraploids or triploid then any seed is infertile right? Or is triploid the one that produces bunk seed? Makes me wonder what they are selling as UBC Chemo seed.
I guess you could ship a clone huh? Ive seen little containers with LED's and misters lol.
I'll take a look at billy budd.
Anyone ever heard of something by Barney's Farm called -- Dr. Grimspoon ?- Straight up sativa !
Yeah I have. Dr. Grinspoon was a landrace. Fox tails and popcorn nugs from what I saw of one growing. Strange leaf serrations too. Good smoke tho.
Good morning all, A rainy day in the pacific northwest desert. I have to go work out, it has been weeks. I may go to hell if i don't hit the weights. Our rehab kids have a day off and he texted and said he would wash my car, i said, its raining..he said it won't this afternoon, how does he know. and he really doesn't need to wash my car... What a guy.
Back to sativa dreaming.
Yard growing so fast U can hear it grow !-- U know what's coming ?-- I ain't liking it !-- I hate da dam lawnmower !--
If some bubbly person were to tell me -- Come on it'll be fun let's go mow ?-
- I probably just shoot them ?
U can't just piss on my leg and tell me it's raining and expect me to believe it !- Mowing ain't be fun !
Good morning Guys
it is awesome outside today. I can't wait to put some Indicas out on my deck. Soo many new strains this year. I put 3 more clones in my second indoor grow area. One of them is growing like a monster. The NaPali Pink is about 16 inches tall and has fan leaves bigger than my hands. This is a Hawaiin strain that should be called frankenweed. lol
I will get a pic if I can remember the next time I go down to my shop.

Have a fantastic day OFC!

PS: Zigggy I hope you are yours are doing OK.
Yep !- I hope Zig gets it worked out -- I miss her !
Dam !- U think I would have problems with job placement ?
When your government job was locking babies up in cages ?- Where do U find work in your field as a civilian ?- That would be like me marketing myself as A kinder - gentler -- machine gun hand ?-- Not a lot of work in that field !
Dam !--I gotta mow !-
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