Home of the Old Fart's Club part 2

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Morning OFC
Ugh !-- I feel like I been shot at and missed -- Chit at and hit !-- The PTSD demons come at me in the night ! -I hate having to relive chit all over again - Different demons-- but " Still in Saigon" kinda covers it !-- No matter what U do U can't stop the bleeding !-- Blood everywhere !
- Wake and Bake!--I had to cut back on my medicine but I be better !

Gloman - I'm happy for U Cuz -Lisa like the weed ?

It's not so much legal weed or not ?- I just want them to quit hunting us !--
Gonna hit the low 90s at the beach -- Blower fan on the AC quit working - Gonna be hot -
It's not the same dream over and over for me - There's just too much for one dream -- The fall just turned loose what my mind was going thru -- Last night ?- I was in the open heart room again - Reliving that Friday to Sunday about noon incident - One CABG after another straight thru so the doc could make his vacation flight -- We killed 3 outta 5 but he made his flight !-- I don't care how good U are - U can be pushed till U break !- They broke me !--We got thru I just sat in the corner and cried !
Good morning friends. Keef, I read an interesting article about legal versus illegal weed in California and I can't see myself ever being legal. I have a really tough time with what I consider the crazy price of illegal weed here and the idea of the price going up 40 or more dollars for taxes is nuts. Then again, I think paying 40 or 50 thousand for a truck is insane too. My first truck was $2300 and I am evidently still living in the 70's
I need a truck !- I'm like Nick though -- A truck is a tool -- Why I pay $50,000 for one when a used one works just fine !- As for legal verse illegal -- Texas rolls over I just want to be in the mix !-- Mostly it's been a long fight and I just want to see prohibition behind me !-- I can make my own medicine !-- There's a lot of vets in Texas got similar problems as me -- I can help !-- If they'll let me !- For me it was always about the high THC Dank but once I started treating myself with oral weed I see the medicine value
I still like my Dank but the High THC / High CBD mix is my oral medicine !-
Another part is more complicated -- They threw me away like a broken tool after my fall - I guess I'm out to reclaim my dignity and prove my value ?-- It's not about money although I do like to live well !
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My first vehicle was a 1960 Ford F-150...seems I pretty much always have a truck...the current one 10 years old and bought used...been payed for a long no time ago and I can’t see myself needing another...I put so few miles on it that I shouldn’t ever need another...I used to commute 50 miles round trip every day but now I just play around town and at that not much...
Growing weed in a legal state is a bit more relaxed I think...not worried about my door being busted down...I bought some weed in a Reno pot shop just to have a look inside...like ya’ll no need to buy weed so that would be the advantage of a free state...just being allowed to grow and consume your own...
Just looking at historic last frost data for my area and it seems to have passed fo this year...I think I’ll wait a bit longer for the temps to come up a bit but then I'm poppin some beans for outside...they will be autos and maybe get two crops before fall...guess I’ll drag out my beans and see what I got...
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Do it RE, our last date of frost is April 21st. We won't put ours out till end of june.
Keef, sorry your dreams are not restful. That is hard I would think.
We got our toyota in 2013 and i think it has 3000 on it. lol when you don't have to drive to work it really cuts down. lol It is paid for and the last car/truck we will have.
I need to go to the post office today, i had a sneaky box to mail and the mail lady wouldn't take it. Now i have to go to the post office and yes there is something in there i worry about. I have been kinda paranoid about the mail for a couple of months.
I've been truck shopping, lol. I have always owned old trucks. Ones that you can no longer get parts for, lol. I just thought it might be nice to have a truck I didn't have to fix on the side of road. But they are crazy expensive.
When I moved to Cali, I envisioned growing commercially, but not NCH scale of commercial growing. I was more interested in a cottage specialty grow that was more geared toward connoisseurs and more exotic strain than would be available commercially. Eh am I there? No, but I like the work. It's the journey, not just the destination. While being legal is much better, it's not everything.
I wouldn’t put any out now either if they were photo period strain and I won’t put them out yet anyway but in a few weeks maybe get some autos started..
My Tacoma is a 2009 with 95k miles on it and I put most of those on commuting...I’m planning to get a couple hundred K before it dies and another 100k should get me to the point where I shouldn’t be driving anymore...just had new sounds installed yesterday so now I gotta keep it...
Afternoon OFC. I guess I was still sign in. Going back to caught up.
LOL RE!!! that is funny.
Ness, i am mortified you were ever in a cage. Omg. Your plants look nice. Train wreck is a sativa and it doesn't grow like one. It is very nice to grow, you will enjoy it.

It was scary. Thank you Rose. I'm sure given it a go. Happy growing. Going to be digging a big deep hole for TW. This is going to be fun.
I Kilt my last truck -- Little Chevy S-10 !-- That was the last time I broke my nose before the big slip - Eye orbit fracture and broke my up nose up pretty good - Kinda looked like it made a left turn -- It's always the face !-- Sudden down burst and gust of wind and I lost control and went off the embankment-- Lucky for me that tree was there -- NOT - I bent that steering wheel and hurt my left shoulder when I braced for impact -- Tree stopped me !

Sorry I'm a little out of sorts today -- I be better it just take some time !

Rose U need to stay away from the post office -- Use UPS - They just don't care !--They just deliver packages !
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Just snapping some pictures.
Ness momma said some days just bees that way !--

I just ask them people a simple question and Dam they was on me !-- Really didn't take many words to do it either !--
I mean -- If U cheat at golf and U cheat on your wife what's the chances U cheated on your taxes ?
You should have seen her!
3 hits off the NS X BBSL and she was TOAST!
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