Home of the Old Fart's Club part 2

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Wait !-- Other Keef can't handle his weed !

With a purposeful grimace and a terrible sound he tears the spitting high tension wires down !

OK !-- I'm done !
Well I was gonna fire up my soldering iron and work on ona my guitar amps...made the mistake of having a doob first...
Shoulda just picked up the guitar cuz I can’t seem to follow those little wires anymore...
Rose I saw you were looking for Sativa's. I love sativa! I saw you were after Tangie too.Have you heard of clementine?
I had a 1/2 gram cartridge of this stuff and 1 toke was enough. Sometimes 2 if I really felt like getting lifted. The company hasn't released results for the mix yet but they are suppose to. I have a QR code on the package.

I also am a big fan of Sour Diesel. Super Silver Haze is great too! The old Alaskan Thunderfuck was great too.
Just a generic pic from the Internet !-- Wonder if U could grow weed round here ?-- Probably someone around who could ?
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Umbra -- Clementine ?-- Like U used to breed Mimosa ?- Or was that something else ?- U know I get high sometimes and have been mistaken ?

I'm holding out for some that Merlot I know U breeding !-- Gonna be sooo fine --I can feel it in the ether !
U better stay away from him !-- He'll rip your lungs out Jim !- Huh!- I'd like to meet his tailor !

Don't pay me no mind !-- I'm doing just fine !
If U burning 1 out on the end of a pier like that and a cop comes running up on U ? -- Even if he's chasing someone else ?-- U know what U gotta do ?-- I would like to testify ! - You'll fall for about a week !-- It will hurt when U hit the water !--It was not one them pretty dives and stuff !-- - All U gotta do is decide ?-- Am I gonna stay up here a joint in my hand with a pissed off cop or am I going swimming ?
Simple choice for me !- Over the top rail ! - Quickly too! - Joint still in my mouth !- It was not a priority anymore ! It was a long swim back in too !-- Come back in under the pier too !- I was body surfing them waves back in jack --I did not want to be there anymore !
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Dam !--That Homeland Security lady took all them kids from they mommas at the border quit today ?

I be back !- I got a dog to beat !
Umbra -- Clementine ?-- Like U used to breed Mimosa ?- Or was that something else ?- U know I get high sometimes and have been mistaken ?

I'm holding out for some that Merlot I know U breeding !-- Gonna be sooo fine --I can feel it in the ether !
I didn't breed it, but yes clementine x purple punch = mimosa
Instead of trying to remember all dis chit - Can I just ask U ?
I wrote it down but I lost the note !
Good morning yall!
Feelin old this morn. I suppose I gotta quit trying to keep up with the young guys working.
I just have a hard time saying uncle.
Too bad we haven't come up with a fountain of youth strain yet! Acceptance sux!
Morning OFC!! Warm and rainy with a cool breeze off Ms Lake Erie. Skins cold and the joints ache but I smell spring in the air.
I humped a Peyote Critical deep into the forest and put her on a hill side. I didn't get caught droppin her in so hopefully she'll survive out there just fine.Fingers crossed for a baby guerilla :) I told her if she survives I'll change her name to Harambe. I haven't put a plant outside in years. I forgot how much work it can be preppin the plot. Even just the one dig had me sore and wishing for more water lol.
I think the hardest part is not going back to check on it. I was thinking maybe I'd get a solar trail cam. A buddy said they can be logged into from the net and u can put a solar panel on em for charging.
Starting my morning off with some papaya punch live resin. It's gotta be some of the best tasting stuff ever. I wish I had more.
Morning OFC-- Ugh !-- Gonna be a nice warm day at the beach-- Old bones don't want to move so good yet -- Dam !- Ya'll see Other Keef working it yesterday ?-- The boy got no sense at all !-- I tell him U in a prohibition state U can't be doing chit like that dumass !- -- He don't listen to me !-- If I could move I'd be like a real person today -- Me and the pipe we not finished yet -More Coffee ?-- Smoke'm if U Got'm !
Umbra I have a question for you. You seem to be a fountain of strain knowledge! I have a White Strawberry bean. Just 1 unfortunately. Do you have any experience with it?
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