Home of the Old Fart's Club part 2

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Good morning pot heads, the sun is out today. Smokin my Harlequin this mornin and trying to nurse my blue dream cbd back from the abuse I handed it a couple days ago. It’s stopped dying but I haven’t seen much new growth up top though it is sending out roots into the juice. I got rid of the top feed as it was just seeming to make a mess of things. I’ll think about that some more. Appearantly it’s only useful during initial growth in dwc.

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Morning O.F.C. !--
U know I got brain damage ? -- Musta had one those black out spells !-- Don't remember a thing about the last couple days !-- That's my story and I'm sticking to it !-- but -- I don't seem to have a problem anymore !-- Wake your tired ***** up we got weed needs smoking !-- Wake and Bake !
getting there,,,works going at a good speed(now),,my buddy's were giving me snit about drinking tea and smoking weed till 10am,,,its hard the tea is hot and the weed is good ,,,I got the outside done,,siding(t1-11)all done,,,, 22 windows installed in one day(go zig)it was harder pulling out the old windows than it was to put in the new ones,,,taking today off ,gonna take my father inlaw out for lunch(vet)and spend the rest of the day with my son
Morning OFC....
Keef you had us worried.....:48:.....
Ziggy congrats on your hard work...have a great day
Good for U Zig !-- U push it too hard the body will shut U down !-- U don't get got rest it slows the work down !-- I'm trying to get the farm squared away !-- That White Indica up there gave me a baby girl fathered by ole Waldo !-- My boy dead now !-- I got a good pollen bag from him !-- Sexing is getting scary !-- Looks like 3 outta 3 girls so far !-- Started some more PH -x- BBSL seed -- I be wanting my Purple Blackberry -- I ain't talking about just a name either !-- All I want is something U look at and smell and know it's a Purple BlackBerry -- Nurse Larry gave me a girl too and Squish -x-- Oregon Lemon is being stubborn and slow showing but she a girl !-- Now I'm waiting to see sex on Nightshade -x- BBSL !--- Looks like I be sexing for awhile !-- 3 Mazar-i-Shariff -x- BBSL be coming up next and "V" !-- Beat your momma or get da hell outta dodge is the game I play !-- They got they job cut out !--
Sounds like you have your job cut out for you:)
By the way Happy Veteran's day..
Back at U Cuz !-- Gonna be a good day !-- Things starting to get complicated back there !-- I got stuff and things like this Blue T.E. --SR 91 --Master Kush still need to get some pollen !-- Sorting it all out means somebody gonna have to smoke big weed !-- That Blue T.E. is a Tranquil Elephantizer mom outta Bohdi bred to "Trips" he was my B.B. King boy from Umbra -- It's a Blueberry with a peppery finish !-- I plan to keep her as is but I gotta put some BBSL pollen on her just to see !-- Gonna be a lot of Snow Lotus in them babies !-- Plus Some of those seed I got wet came from a Snow Desiel mom and a Black Berry Snow Lotus dad !
Then I bring those 2 lines together ? --Who would I use for the mom ? -- Give me a dam headache where my pipe ? -- Snow Desiel while I make me some caps ?-- That'll work !
Good morning potheads. Keef, glad your back among the living, well done Zigggy that sounds like a ton of work your doin. Good mornin mrcane, happy vets day. Where are ya Rose, hope your not snowed in...
Me and the wife are gonna go watch the vets parade this mornin down on Main Street...actually Main Street in our little town is called “high street”.
Morning everyone. There is a daily tradition here called wake n bake. Bowl of herb and cup of Joe. Blue Mountain Jamaican coffee and chem berry. Led arrives next week sometime.
RE -- Thanks I'm sore but all's well !-- 77 at the beach right now !-- I got some cloning to do today -- U don't get a piece into veg U loose the plant !--
Umbra I have a beautiful Squish -x- Oregon Lemon girl !-- She got hair this morning !-- Thank U !-- She worked me !
D.D. helping her sister move into the little house she bought and D.D. been keeping her pets so they got to go home !-- Glad things are finally settling down post Harvey !--We getting there !

Sent Giggy seed to 6-8 of these BBSL crosses and told him feel free to share them !
Umbra I'm digging on my Newman's Own Special Blend out of a Kuerig sweetened with turbinato sugar !-- That 's just the way I roll !-- Just packed a fresh pipe of something I got from WoodHippy called Panama Powerhouse -- It Got some red hair in it !-- Reminds me of something just can't place it !
U work with what U got !-- This my baseball cap heat press -- I'm adapt it to press oil !--Got 2 problems !-- See that Orange curved piece ? -- Hard foam !-- Can't get the pressure I need !-- Other problem is the pivot point for the pressure lever is too weak !-- Too much stress it will snap !-- So the plan right now is to remove that Orange buffer pad -- Make me a plaster of Paris mold of it -- Fill it with chopped fiberglass and resin and make me another just like it that got no give !-- After it set I'll cure it in the oven above the temps I need !-- Gonna pick up a bar or C- type clamp to take the pressure off the pivot point !-- It may be a one heat plate system but I put them together and heat the bottom up good before I start pressing !-- I can always put my cap press back together ? - May want to put my brand on give away caps one day ?

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Good morning all ya all. I worked a little too hard around this house yesterday so ice is my morning friend today. Got a lot done... i love it when ya get a wild hare and clean. Wild hare and a good sativa. 2 RE, thanks for missing me. No snow yet but lots of rain. we had no rain last summer so it is good for the dry earth.

I am having buliletproof coffee and Haze/mist in a joint form. We made oil this week, turns out my older brother needed it. I also made up a recipe for tincture out of RSO, i mixed MCT (coconut oil) a bit of that stupid expensive antibiotic honey, and a syringe ( a very small one) of rso. I hope it helps his appitite. I tasted it, a drop and had to take a nap. oh dear, he is an old dope smoker, he will handle it. That's the news from lake wobegon where all the men are good looking and the woman are strong... (did I say that wrong?) ha I used to love Garrison Keilor. sp
High Rose !-- Looks like we got rain moving in too --Just scattered showers !-- Maybe keep the temp bearable ? --78 now !-- Been catching up on the news !-- Flynn and his son in deep doo-doo -- and what da hell going on in Alabama ? --
Don't worry I ain't gonna do it !-- I'm outta clear bottles and U would want that thing to be seen right ?
Blueberry brandy with a Blueberry bud or would U want a contrast like a lemon bud ?
I was talking to the Gloman about making some orange liqour and he started with -- Squeeze 5 gallons of orange juice !-- It was over for me right then !-- Me squeeze 5 gallons of orange juice ? -- How about -- No !
I guess we making it with concentrate ? -- Me Squeeze 5 gallons of OJ ? -- He got to be high !
Veterans day and the Commander -in - Chief brings shame to our country -- He says he believes Putin over our own intelligent services !-- Maybe I need to just sign off and stay gone cause I ain't living in a brietbard country !- Chester the Molester as president and Alabama want to send a child Molester to the Senate !--
What about that is suppose to make a veteran proud ?-- The man and his klan bring shame on us all !--
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