Home of the Old Fart's Club part 2

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I missed that day at math class RE !-- Best U tell someone what nutes U using and let someone who uses them tell U !-- There's a learning curve !-- Them numbers probably ain't in no book !-- Almost got brain damage trying to find research about whether I could put EM1 in my boxes !-- Never did find that 411 !--
I tried it and I won't grow without it anymore !-- I guess U could take a gallon of water then add your nutes !-- U put 1 cc in a gallon of water and that will tell U how many ppms it raises the water !-- Do this with clean water for each thing U gonna add except pH up or down !-- Same with PH though !-- Take a gallon of water and add a cc of one or the other -shake --wait awhile - recheck your pH !-- Tells U how much one CC will bring a gallon of water up or down !-- Write that sheet down !-- U gonna need a lot less nutes than U would expect !-- The Pro- Grow or Pro- Bloom I use says 10 mil/cc per gallon -- I use 3 mils !
U gonna have to play with some water and stuff to get your answers RE !-- I'm not even sure where my PPM pen be ? -- Don't remember last time I used it !-- PPMs gave me a head ache anyway !-- I can't do that kind of math !-- Pain in the --If U ask me !
I knows more bout Snow than I let on but They's some strange sheet go on in snow country !-- My ex was from Iowa !-- They even took ole Keef pheasant hunting !---- One time !--- We just walking thru a corn field while I freeze my as* off when the ground in front of me erupted and the most ungodly sound and noise and wings --and I kilt it !-- I mean close too couldn't been more than 10 feet !-- They wanna start yelling why U kill a hen ?-- I tried to explain that I don't know what kind of children of the corn monsters ya'll got up here but I ain't going down without a fight !-- Ain't had nothing to do with hunting !-- Something almost got me !--So I kilt it !-- How U gonna know if it is a rooster or a hen until U kill it anyway ?- Something scare me like that I don't do much thinking !-- -- That was the last time U find me wandering around some frozen as* corn field !-- I ain't doing it !--
It's on the list Cane !-- Along with Pogo sticks -- Skateboards --- Rollerblades -- Unicycles -- Ice Skating -- parachuting out a perfectly good plane ?
I call the list --My I ain't doing it list !--

Awww, ya gotta live to the fullest man, then brag about it.
Racing cars, spearfishing, ultralights, sailing in a hurricane, living in a backpack, canoeing, kayaking, deep sea fishing, these are things I have already checked off my bucket list. I re-enlisted at the top of the highest point in the southern hemisphere and the next day I was diving 110 ft deep on the great barrier reef. I feel blessed to have lived an exciting life and been given the opportunity to try a lot of stupid s%#^. Unfortunately, it didn't all go well. I will say that work messed me up worse then any of the stupid stuff I did on my own.
Morning O.F.C. !-- 6 am at the beach -- Supposed to be chilly and nasty today !-- 67 and this gonna be the high !
Nick that list is stuff I ain't doing mostly cause I break too easy these days !-- I never been one those "safe" people --O.K. so maybe I was an adrenaline junkie just like U !--- I'm just too old to do that stuff anymore !
Even that parachute thing ? -- I learned to fly a helicopter rotary wing pilot don't get parachutes !-- First time that I was cruising along at a thousand feet and the instructor shut my engine off !-Things got real !--- I was going down like a rock and one chance to do an auto rotation right or die !-- I never been more alive than when I was on that express ride to hell if U mess up ! -- Ain't no getting out that helicopter !--U going down with it !-- Like that first buzz -- I looked for that an adrenaline rush to match that !-- After my fall I had to have a long talk about doing dangerous sheet !-- I just ain't quick enough anymore !--
Got some caps in my belly and a jar of weed within reach !--I'm gonna build a most magnificent buzz today !-- Move a few baby girls to Bloom and stay out the weather !-- I don't understand why my face flare up before a front then is O.K. when the front move thru !-- I'm doing good today -- So far !
They should never have allowed me to graduate high school !-- I didn't do the work --skipped class alot and they let me get away with it !-- I learned SCUBA when I was 16 years old and began going into that East Texas black water to bring back they dead !-- Only time I ever been in water where U could see your fingers on your mask below bout 3 feet was when I took the certification dive !-- I don't think I could dive anymore the ears are slow to equalize the pressure so it would hurt !
What up Umbra !-- Think I'm smoking something U bred this morning !-- I think ? -- Oh !-- That's why !-- Snow Desiel !-- Tricky stuff !
Good morning peeps. Long clean up day ahead. Nice to be finnished with the season, only if my Aggies can get the hurry up and do the same.
Keef. Pretty pic but you are feeding too much. Tips are burnt and your using to much phos. Your getting hairy buds. Cut back to a lower phos number. You will gain more weight. Good luck.
Good morning all, we have a tie for botm, if you haven't voted, hurry and do.

Keef, i will find you the lineage of the "purple haze" that isn't really that.

I feel hopeful this morning for the first time in a year, thank you Virginia!.
Good morning all, we have a tie for botm, if you haven't voted, hurry and do.

I feel hopeful this morning for the first time in a year, thank you Virginia!.

Good morning ofc, Rose I’d love to break the tie but it won’t let me vote again...

And next year should be the year...but it’s good to see Virginia lead the way.
Morning Rose -- RE ! -- Forget about it ! -- Donnie Done he be lucky to make the end of the year !-- Rose I went to vote but I couldn't !-- Next time maybe I vote !

What up Aggie ? -- Yeah its running too hot I been cutting back on my bloom nutes but I had started splitting my bloom nutes between Botonacare Pro-Bloom and Tiger Bloom !-- It is not balanced out yet !-- I'm at 3 mils of each per gallon and still burning the tips some !-- I guess it be time to drop to 2 mils of each ?--
It's not my time yet to really kick it !-- I mess around with this plant !-- If it can go wrong I'd rather it happened now !-- The grow I got now is just my cloning station / Veg for a proper grow !--I'm rounding up my plants for a production grow and I'm looking for a secluded place to run !-- -- This is school and I appreciate the pointers and I listen !

Green Santa seed run going out to the Gloman and Giggy today !-- Grow'm big and grow them strong !
Geeze Keef, are you going to whine, cry and bitch the entire 12 years that Trump is going to be in office.

Only 11 years left.
I think I'm bout the only one using an aerocloner --Especially for whole cycle grows !-- For what I want to use it for it'll work fine but come a production grow I got other plans !-- What I got stays like it is and I get by till then !-- Still gots lots to learn !--
I find my next male -- Might be Umbra's Squish -x - Oregon Lemon not sure yet but I be making a mess of feminized seed ( soon as I learn how ) -- I can keep growing the regular diploid and also get back to the pickle jar lab and this genetic doubling -- make me some Tetraploids !-- U got 2 perfect technique growers one got better genetics he win !-- I'm looking for my trick pony !
Good for you Buddy. Myself, I just jarred up 9 qts of Blueberries and 3 qts of Suprise! I still have 2 trays of Suprise drying out, probably another 3 qts when its done. I have a good stash with a Nurse about 2 weeks out and a couple more going into flower next week. Finally I can leave the house!:vap-Bong_smoker:
Good for U Nick !-- It's all about not running out !--I get by !-- Raining and nasty here so been doing some farming !--
I got myself a new girl !-- NL -x- BBSL long as she don't hermie !-- I don't wanna jinx it but I think I got a Squish -x- Oregon Lemon girl too !-- No hair but she packing them leaves closer together -- I hope so !-- Umbra was right about this one !-- I like what I see in plant structure and I know how he breed !-- It'll be fine no doubt ! -- I'm getting closer to where I wanted to be on the plants I want !-- I do my big feminized seed run maybe in the spring ? --I probably shed all but bout half dozen these girls -- Then maybe I can go up on plant size and down on plant number !-- We see ?-- Take me awhile to get these things sorted out !
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