Home of the Old Fart's Club part 2

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40,000 dead !-- Yeah flip the switch turn it all back on and Let's mix and mingle ?-- How about NO !-- I used to be the crazy one ?-- Liberate Michigan ?-- Consider the honest reputation of the source ?-- Naw I ain't believing dat chit !-- Kick the dying into high gear ?-- I really need to be deeper in the woods !-- I'm trying to buy a bat cave during an epidemic that is causing an economic collapse ? - I'm sure all will go well ?-- I'm in deep do-do !-- Ain't I ? -- Mudhole didn't kill me yet-- but dam !
40k is just the beginning...
Where my Rona money?? Shit I got 6 kids. We ain't going work? I need me some stuff.... Cigarettes... Beer... The mall open yet?
Make sure you send them payments in weekly fucking waves.
How many lost yearly by standard strains of flu?
Just curious, how many unborn babies get murdered ( I mean aborted) yearly?
Just the kind of thoughts that make me go hmmmm.
3k-49k to the flu, on average. With the flu it depends which strain hits, the number changes every year.
I'm not looking up the other stat. That's a whole nother can of worms that is just as sad as any other form of death.
40k already for Rona and we don't know what it's going to do tomorrow....
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Good Morning and Happy 4:20 everyone...now I would not think you all would smoke any cannabis today??...Might be wrong on that one ! Keef...sac-a-lait...home made fries and hush puppy's...heck with the green salad...it was just for show anyway...I could knock some of that out any day of the week! Gman as long as you do not drive during out of body experience ...it would be ruff to meet your self on the way back home. 2 inches of rain here last night...no wind damage...my buddy North of me is catching He ll...he had 80 mph winds and 5.7 inches last week....got over 6 inches yesterday. It washed his new drive way out in 3 spots and blew a yard swing off...has not been found yet. He is 72 this year and needs hernia surgery...they put it off due to CV-19...he is filling holes in the woods with dirt...starting to wonder if he's over whelmed or something. Couple jobs and then shut down for 4:20 time...Enjoy your day Stoners!

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Morning OFC
What up Crocket ?-- It's dark here 5:30 ish am -- Dam !- Mornings are hard !-- U guys down there holding up OK - probably better than us ?-- We lose 40,000 people in 2 months to this virus and people try to normalize it in some way ?--
- Abortion - Been there done that !-- Medical decision between a woman and her doctor - No body else's business !-- Her body her decision !- A baby is something capable of surviving outside the womb !- Until then it's is a part of a woman's body and her decision !-- The religious Right in the US tries to impose It's believe system on everyone with this issue -- Which is not an issue but it is a medical issue between a woman and her doctor !- Preacher ain't got chit to do with it !
Crocket- Is that island house still available ?-- People don't seem to get it round here that this is a choice of life or livelihood-- Sure U might/probably survive it but I don't like gambling with my life !

Beat HP in tbis morning ?-- Must have slept in a bad position -- neck is stiff and head not turning easy ! --
Coffee and a pipe - Not ready to start this day !-
Edit -- HP beat me again !
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We doing alright , down to zero cases overnight , borders still closed , and the stay the fuck at home still applies but I think we got it covered , The man aint going to free things up for a while they talking another 4 or so months make sure we break its back . , not as bad as USA, whats with the muffins that are protesting id be looking for an island if I was over there , night time here windy, cold and time for a whisky cheers
Have one for me !- I had to quit the stuff -- Kept getting whiskey bumps -- U know when U drink whiskey and bump into things like doors -trees and other people's fist !- Get an asswhooping and not remember why !- Had to quit dat chit !-- U guys doing the right thing on tbis virus and I wish we were !-- We pretty much screwed !- No national stay at home order they openning beaches in Florida and Texas gonna try a slow opening -- I'm looking for a place to burrow in !- The virus changed the world - people got to find a new way to live !-- Without the needed testing everyone is suspect of being a carrier !--
The protest?-- That's the ugly underside of America !-- I'm ashamed the world had to see our cult of ignorance !
Been thinking about one those avatar pics again !-- The cartoon character "Yosemite Sam"- with pistols blazing --Is usually one I lean toward !- Today though I feel more like the meme of Mickey Mouse standing defiantly with middle finger raised as a fierce eagle with talons extended dives in for the kill !
Happy 4:20.

Enjoy your day. I know I will. Thanks to the grow help from around here. I'll visit more later, school starts in earnest today. This evening will be Dax's birthday party. Coconut oil dark chocolate brownie fudge. A 1 inch. (2.5mm) square is plenty.

Stay safe and healthy.
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