her dankness
Better to live the quiet life of peaceful civil disobedience than try to play tough guy! As my dear friend once said, it's Ego that gets you killed... be imvisible.
What is it that your seeing that has you puzzled?I can't even find myself !-- I'm not a fighter if I have to do something I perfer the ambush !-- I don't believe in fighting fair I believe in fighting to win !- I get in a bind I will run !- I be back later !
Umbra -- Sundae Driver -x- BOG ?-- I'm puzzled by what I see but I'm keeping dis chit !
And all you need is a fishing licenseStinky - I slide that pellet rifle thru the cattails and the duck never know what happened ! - Then U take the rod and reel with a treble hook and catch duck for dinner !--
oh that, yeah, yeahBud structure !