Holy Moly!! - My landlord just saw my plants!

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Unless You have more to reveal, like the landlord is Your brother or something :rolleyes: I would still think it unsafe to grow there ;)

Having the incident in 2001, is certainly mitigating, IF He knew about the grow then, didnt say anything and the illegal nature of the tenancy, and now simply sighed heavily, I might be tempted to keep on growing but I would have to have a talk with him 1st about it :hubba:
Puffin Afatty said:
Unless You have more to reveal, like the landlord is Your brother or something :rolleyes: I would still think it unsafe to grow there ;)

Having the incident in 2001, is certainly mitigating, IF He knew about the grow then, didnt say anything and the illegal nature of the tenancy, and now simply sighed heavily, I might be tempted to keep on growing but I would have to have a talk with him 1st about it :hubba:

Thanks. No, not a relative, nor a friend. I have just been here 10 years, and pay my rent on time, don't throw parties, pretty quiet, got married and we don't bother anybody.

I didn't even want to bring it up when he was here. I just took the bills, said thanks, and then he stepped out on the balcony to presumably get a better look and left, as I heard a sigh. Sigh is not necessarily bad. It could just mean he was a bit surprised to see Cannabis growing. Marijuana and Hashish is very common here, and from what I hear the police don't care so much about busting those who grow for personal use on their balconies. There are more serious problems in this country.
I wouldn't worry about it, if you can find out if he puffs and if so slide him a little "tribute" at every harvest and then all you have to worry about is him telling all his friends about the killer free smoke he gets, a good tenant for ten years is not something landlords want to lose in this day and age
This isn't a debate. The mods spend a lot of time trying to keep this place running smoothly. After being away for the weekend, I return to 1,700 unread posts. Sometimes a thread or two slips through. Everybody who swears gets asked to stop. You have not been singled out.

Now, please stop wasting our time whining about how you don't like the way things are done around here. If you don't like it, go somewhere else. End of discussion.
tom thumb said:
I wouldn't worry about it, if you can find out if he puffs and if so slide him a little "tribute" at every harvest and then all you have to worry about is him telling all his friends about the killer free smoke he gets, a good tenant for ten years is not something landlords want to lose in this day and age

If he asked I would give him! I love giving marijuana as gifts! And no need to give him for each harvest; I'll just give him some seeds and tell him he can grow his own of same WW quality!
Runbyhemp said:
This isn't a debate. The mods spend a lot of time trying to keep this place running smoothly. After being away for the weekend, I return to 1,700 unread posts. Sometimes a thread or two slips through. Everybody who swears gets asked to stop. You have not been singled out.

Now, please stop wasting our time whining about how you don't like the way things are done around here. If you don't like it, go somewhere else. End of discussion.

You are not listening: 1.) there is ALREADY a filter that filters any words on your censor-list. 2.) there are DOZENS of posts with asterisks that I read. DOZENS,, and none of them are censored. Do a search for **** or *** and you will find too many to count.

Your objection to a post that says *** or **** where no profanity is visible is RIDICULOUS!
yeah but some people just don't realize how easy it is to grow your own smoke outside, and some people and especially property owners don't want to take the risk, that's when he could really lose everything, keep in mind I'm in Canada and you don't ever go away for 20 years when just mj is involved, I know that the U.S is far more strict "scary" if you ask me, but you have to do what you have to do
Growdude said:
Why? you just wont listen.

I don't need to listen to arrogant belligerence. He said he was done, and yet coming back with more in-your-face argumentativeness. Must be some punk college-kid or high-school kid who just likes to argue for sake of arguing.
tom thumb said:
yeah but some people just don't realize how easy it is to grow your own smoke outside, and some people and especially property owners don't want to take the risk, that's when he could really lose everything

No one can see my balcony except those who come up to my floor. In this country, landlords are not responsible for the actions of the renters.
Quote from da rules.

If you notice that a word you've typed is replaced by asterisks, then it is one of these words. Please reconstruct your post to reflect what you're trying to say, but without the word that was blocked.

It says very clearly that even though it was replaced by asterisks, you still need to reconstruct the post. Why be dificult? I've seen this argument several times and it never ends pretty. Just let it go. Good advice has been given. Why be difficult? This site is privately owned. If Marpassion wanted the rules to be 'If your name has white widow in it then every other post has to be written in pig latin' those are his rules for his personal website. A little respect...
Neo drives a geo said:
Quote from da rules.

If you notice that a word you've typed is replaced by asterisks, then it is one of these words. Please reconstruct your post to reflect what you're trying to say, but without the word that was blocked.

It says very clearly that even though it was replaced by asterisks, you still need to reconstruct the post. Why be dificult? I've seen this argument several times and it never ends pretty. Just let it go. Good advice has been given. Why be difficult? This site is privately owned. If Marpassion wanted the rules to be 'If your name has white widow in it then every other post has to be written in pig latin' those are his rules for his personal website. A little respect...

Who is to say that I didn't TYPE the asterisks in??? In fact, this is what I did! I am letting the reader use his/her imagination.
Dude, don't be difficult. You're not going to get anywhere, and you're not going to win the argument. You're going to get yourself banned if you keep this up, I'm sure of it. I'm surprised this thread hasn't got locked yet.
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