Holy Moly!! - My landlord just saw my plants!

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New_2_Chronic said:
WW, you are mistaken if you are in the US. Your landlord can definately lose his house. He doesnt even need to know anything about it... Ignorance is not an excuse. They will charge him and sieze the property...

there are hundreds of news stories out there about this type of thing happening. Your landlord might like you, and love that you pay your rent, but if it comes down to you or the house, youll be packing i assure you....

also,,,, youy came here and asked for advice.... you got some really good advice to ditch the grow and cut your losses, Doesnt seem like you are listening to everyone here so my question is this......WHY ASK? you are going to do what you want anyway... Your the one who thinks a few plants is worth your freedom....Very foolish my friend,,,,,very foolish....I dont wish anyone bad karma, but if they are too stupid to listen then they deserve whatever karma comes thier way.......

Word of advice..... dont drop the soap!

good luck!

I am not in the U.S.A.
WhiteWidower said:
SmokinMom, I don't know why you edited my title and statement of Holy moly. Since the word is edited by asterics anyway, why do you edit it to make me sound like Batman's dorky-50s-talking sidekick Robin?

WW- like I said, I think you do indeed need to familiarize yourself with the rules. Here again is Rule #1.

1. This is the most simple of rules. There are filters in place to block the usage of many words that are considered to be unacceptable in polite conversation. If you notice that a word you've typed is replaced by asterisks, then it is one of these words. Please reconstruct your post to reflect what you're trying to say, but without the word that was blocked. Adding spaces or other characters to the filtered word is not acceptable here. If you attempt to bypass the filter by using any means, it's a direct act against the rules of this site. The Moderators will generally only delete the word itself from your post. However, repeated occurrences of this type may cause more severe reaction by the Moderators who are entrusted to keep the peace here.

Simply put, cussing is not necessary and should not be used. If you feel like cussing in a private message to another member who is tolerant of it, then that's fine. The use of cussing in the open forums is not acceptable as polite conversation. Please just talk without using profanity.

I'd appreciate your cooperation in complying by said rules.
SmokinMom said:
WW- like I said, I think you do indeed need to familiarize yourself with the rules. Here again is Rule #1.

1. This is the most simple of rules. There are filters in place to block the usage of many words that are considered to be unacceptable in polite conversation. If you notice that a word you've typed is replaced by asterisks, then it is one of these words. Please reconstruct your post to reflect what you're trying to say, but without the word that was blocked. Adding spaces or other characters to the filtered word is not acceptable here. If you attempt to bypass the filter by using any means, it's a direct act against the rules of this site. The Moderators will generally only delete the word itself from your post. However, repeated occurrences of this type may cause more severe reaction by the Moderators who are entrusted to keep the peace here.

Simply put, cussing is not necessary and should not be used. If you feel like cussing in a private message to another member who is tolerant of it, then that's fine. The use of cussing in the open forums is not acceptable as polite conversation. Please just talk without using profanity.

I'd appreciate your cooperation in complying by said rules.

1.) The post is already edited by the filter and only **** shows up. There is no need to edit the post further.

2.) I see tons of posts with asterisks in them, yet they are not edited. Where do you draw the line? And why is it even necessary? Since the filter blocks the words you want to edit, why are you editing them further?
godspeedsuckah said:
What do you want to do with your plants WhiteWidower?

I want good bud so I don't have to pay terrorists for Hashish, I want marijuana that will get me HIGH and not Hashish that will make it heavy, and I want to breed my own plants for seeds so that I don't need to order again from a seedbank.
WhiteWidower said:
and then.

I heard him sigh when he left - so yeah, he knows.

In reply to another poster: he can't lose his house. The cops in this country first know that nearly every young person in their 20s-30s smoke marijuana. 2nd - if ever I got busted and there was threat he would lose his house, he would simply say he didn't know I was growing and therefore be released from responsibility.

Well hes not happy about it for some reason. :rolleyes: He now has hard choices to make, do you really want to find out the hard way?

Points 1 and 2 dont mean anything.

Sounds like your abit lacking about security.
Growdude said:
Well hes not happy about it for some reason. :rolleyes: He now has hard choices to make, do you really want to find out the hard way?

Points 1 and 2 dont mean anything.

Sounds like your abit lacking about security.

His choices are:

1.) call the cops and basically lose steady rent - which I just renewed lease earlier this month for the next year, so he is hurting himself if he does this.

2.) don't say anything, because it's no big deal.

3.) Save this info for later after I leave the house in case he wants to screw me.

If option 1 or 3 I simply call the bldg authority and all tenants in this house in his ILLEGAL apartments get thrown out, and he loses all income, and can no longer rent out separate apartments. He would be forced to rennovate and then either sell the house or rent the house (which is hard to rent a whole house).

I don't want to lose these plants.
I want good bud so I don't have to pay terrorists for Hashish

:huh: I want you to clarify this statement.... sounds very racial in its intent.... I want you to know I am very offended by this statement and you should be ashamed of yourself....
God-forbid something should happen, and cops are called, I am arrested, etc. I could use the opportunity to test the laws against medical marijuana and hopefully affect socio-political change stating how I smoke bud in part to help relieve chronic pain in my neck (daily pain), relieve depression and help alleviate anxiety.
New_2_Chronic said:
:huh: I want you to clarify this statement.... sounds very racial in its intent.... I want you to know I am very offended by this statement and you should be ashamed of yourself....

Considering that the Hashish in this part of the world is imported from Lebanon, if you are offended by the truth, so be it. I have nothing to be ashamed of. I don't want my money going to those who are terrorists in Lebanon.
Okay you need to get a reality check here.....

If option 1 or 3 I simply call the bldg authority and all tenants in this house in his ILLEGAL apartments get thrown out, and he loses all income, and can no longer rent out separate apartments. He would be forced to rennovate and then either sell the house or rent the house (which is hard to rent a whole house).

Why would you do something to this man? You are the one breaking the law my friend, You are the one that is taking the risk... So why does he need to take the risk with you? You want to destroy this mans\familys livelyhood because you were breaking the law and he reported it?

To me that is uncomprehendable to do to someone, You my friend need to grow up, and if you cant take the punishment for something YOU are doing, then maybe YOU shouldnt be doing it....If YOU get caught, It was something YOU did, not someone else. You should Man Up and take your medicine.

God-forbid something should happen, and cops are called, I am arrested, etc. I could use the opportunity to test the laws against medical marijuana and hopefully affect socio-political change stating how I smoke bud in part to help relieve chronic pain in my neck (daily pain), relieve depression and help alleviate anxiety.

:doh: not the brightest light in the growroom are we? Let us know how it works out,,,,,
New_2_Chronic said:
Okay you need to get a reality check here.....

Why would you do something to this man? You are the one breaking the law my friend, You are the one that is taking the risk... So why does he need to take the risk with you? You want to destroy this mans\familys livelyhood because you were breaking the law and he reported it?

To me that is uncomprehendable to do to someone, You my friend need to grow up, and if you cant take the punishment for something YOU are doing, then maybe YOU shouldnt be doing it....If YOU get caught, It was something YOU did, not someone else. You should Man Up and take your medicine.

:doh: not the brightest light in the growroom are we? Let us know how it works out,,,,,

Your post is hypocritical: you are marijuana grower and user and preach to me how I should man up (despite being woman) and go to jail for something you agree should be legal and/or decriminalized.

But all is fair in love and war: if he turns me in (which I don't think he would do, else I would destroy the plants immediately), then payback's a ***** (like a woman scorned), and he will see that it was mistake to stick his nose in my business, and turn me in. In such case, I turn him in (as payback), and he loses all income.

For these reasons I believe he will not say anything, as the saying goes, he won't cut off his nose to spite his own face. And he won't shoot himself in the foot willingly.
I don't want my money going to those who are terrorists in Lebanon.

Then you should stop buying Fuel, clothing, food.and believe it or not terrorist orginizations are involved in more than druigs...Cause they all come from lebanon too....Your ignorance is blinding here, and your lableing people as terrorist simply because they sell drugs is even more painful to hear..

Im done here..... WW Grow up and mature a little dude!
WhiteWidower said:
1.) The post is already edited by the filter and only **** shows up. There is no need to edit the post further.

2.) I see tons of posts with asterisks in them, yet they are not edited. Where do you draw the line? And why is it even necessary? Since the filter blocks the words you want to edit, why are you editing them further?

You seem to be missing the point WhiteWidower ... you can justify it any way you like, but you're still breaking the site rules. Asking people not to swear shouldn't be a big deal. The rules have always been here, and will be here long after you've gone. If you don't like them, then it's time to move on.

You've already received advice from top growers here. Please show a little respect.

Your post is hypocritical: you are marijuana grower and user and preach to me how I should man up (despite being woman) and go to jail for something you agree should be legal and/or decriminalized.

The fact is that even though we think it SHOULD be decriminilized is irrelevant, its not legal....period......

But all is fair in love and war: if he turns me in (which I don't think he would do, else I would destroy the plants immediately), then payback's a ***** (like a woman scorned), and he will see that it was mistake to stick his nose in my business, and turn me in. In such case, I turn him in (as payback), and he loses all income.

Well where I come from people that get in trouble then take others down with them are called SNITCHES....Snitches are the worst, they are not even people, they are lowlife scum of the earth and deserve to drown in thier own feces......You wanna be a snitch.....so be it!

For these reasons I believe he will not say anything, as the saying goes, he won't cut off his nose to spite his own face. And he won't shoot himself in the foot willingly.

All I have to say to this riducluous statement is "are you willing to bet 30 years of your life on that?" I know for a fact I would not. Believe me if this guy is put on the spot there is only back he will be watching......HIS OWN>
New_2_Chronic said:
The fact is that even though we think it SHOULD be decriminilized is irrelevant, its not legal....period......

Well where I come from people that get in trouble then take others down with them are called SNITCHES....Snitches are the worst, they are not even people, they are lowlife scum of the earth and deserve to drown in thier own feces......You wanna be a snitch.....so be it!

All I have to say to this riducluous statement is "are you willing to bet 30 years of your life on that?" I know for a fact I would not. Believe me if this guy is put on the spot there is only back he will be watching......HIS OWN>

You say you are done here, yet you reply again.
Runbyhemp said:
You seem to be missing the point WhiteWidower ... you can justify it any way you like, but you're still breaking the site rules. Asking people not to swear isn't a lot to ask. The rules have always been here and will be here long after you've gone. If you don't like them, then it's time to move on.

You've already received good avice here from top growers. Please show a little respect.


Excuse me, Mr. Moderator: you single me out for cursing (which is filtered anyway), and yet there are dozens of posts with the same asterisk filtering and no additional editing or comments are made.

A little consistency here, please!
Hey WW,,, the MODS dont single anyone out,,, they enforce the rules for everyone, I myself have been warned about language usage in the past,,,, So quit your cryin and accept what they tell ya.....or leave....the choice is yours but it may not be your choice for long....:eek:
New_2_Chronic said:
Hey WW,,, the MODS dont single anyone out,,, they enforce the rules for everyone, I myself have been warned about language usage in the past,,,, So quit your cryin and accept what they tell ya.....or leave....the choice is yours but it may not be your choice for long....:eek:

You are seriously an obnoxious busy-body on some sort of wannabe power-trip who gets his kicks from lecturing others. I have never used the ignore option on Vbulletin forums, but your being so obnoxious and in-your-face has made the decision for me.

Despite your saying you were done here, you keep talking. Some people on these forums have no life whatsoever. I will just set your username to ignore so I don't have to be annoyed by you any further.
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