Hey Cops!!!!!

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Just a Dawg
Jan 6, 2006
Reaction score
After reading dear law enforcement official thread and JameZ intro about pigs.lol
I realized that yes they lurk these sites.

Some low end quota cop is lurking forums hoping someone will slip in there area. They gotta be here. Just common sense.

So I am asking any LEO please post here so we can ban ya. lol

Just giving a reminder to those out there. Don't trust anyone. Keep your identity a secret. Hook-up posts are just bad news. Why would anyone want it publicly known that they are shopping for clones, seeds, or herb. What is done in a PM is not anyones business. but to publicly post. "I want clones, anyone intersted?" Should know right away that 9 out 10 its LEO trying to set a sting. Or the MP famous thread with some russian chick with 100 kilos of Hash or something. wanting to make a "turn-key investment hook-up" with another member.

Note to NEWB's:
Don't PM people asking for seeds. It just makes us paranoid. And others like me are very very very Paranoid. We like our lifestyle and prefer to keep it that way by not taking unnecessary risks.
the deal is like this DRUG DEALERS dont sell there product on the internet(be real)some one telling you they will get you weed seeds or clones on the net are one of two things 1)some kid having fun on the net 2)or cops wasting my tax dollars trying to catch the kid having fun.always us your head PEACE,LOVE,RASTAFARI P.S FORGOT ABOUT SCAM ARTIST LOOKING TO TAKE YOUR MONEY
Mutt said:
After reading dear law enforcement official thread and JameZ intro about pigs.lol
I realized that yes they lurk these sites.

Some low end quota cop is lurking forums hoping someone will slip in there area. They gotta be here. Just common sense.

So I am asking any LEO please post here so we can ban ya. lol

Just giving a reminder to those out there. Don't trust anyone. Keep your identity a secret. Hook-up posts are just bad news. Why would anyone want it publicly known that they are shopping for clones, seeds, or herb. What is done in a PM is not anyones business. but to publicly post. "I want clones, anyone intersted?" Should know right away that 9 out 10 its LEO trying to set a sting. Or the MP famous thread with some russian chick with 100 kilos of Hash or something. wanting to make a "turn-key investment hook-up" with another member.

Note to NEWB's:
Don't PM people asking for seeds. It just makes us paranoid. And others like me are very very very Paranoid. We like our lifestyle and prefer to keep it that way by not taking unnecessary risks.
I like your signature Forest Mutt.
Sorry but i couldn't resist. :D
Yeah I am very very very very Paranoid when it comes
to hook ups and seeds and stuff very dangerous!! AND YES
ANY LEO on this fourm **** YOU Pardon my French lol well
I guess we all agree on that and if you ask me for a hook up
you ant going to get it so dont try. Well Peace out and Stay
" Bagseed is like a box of chocolate you never know what you gonna get", Hahahahahaha!!!!! Forest Mutt.......J/K!!!!
Hey man, Look at forest. You can't tell me the man didn't smoke herb. went though the sixites, started mass corporations, met the president (and said I have to pee...lol). The man was a genious, but too stoned to care. lol

and had to go through boot camp talking about shrimps. I'd have to be stoned through that. lol
if any authority wanted to bust anyone they can just trace your comp then scope you out but i may be wrong well back to reading any one know any good outdoor grow articles mainly for organic soil ferts???? other than dead fishies and horse poopoo
this had got to be one of the stupidiest threads open but to each his own I sure will be watching my tail now...
LOL I trust mutt but the boys in black and blue usually dont have the time to run games on the internet its usually a task for of some kind
yeah there is..Here in Seattle..its Called operation GREEN REEPER...:rofl: FruityBud had an artical on them..and Im sure they are Looking 4me...but Haha sukkaaas...catch me if you can:cop: :bolt::bong:
im new here guys and posted to a thread that seemed interesting and one of you gave a snotty remark dam all these sites have assholes i guess..
If all else fails we'll make a secret handshake!lol. Leo can lick a monkeys nuts. Just my opinion though.

signed, D.Water FAAMER

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