sigh, I let the (hazy) beautiful memories of Dead shows past be just that... past.
I remember the day Jerry died. was driving in to work and the radio news announcer read the words Jerry Garcia of the band the Grateful Dead was found dead... cant say I remember much more till I came within a split second of slamming into stopped traffic ahead of me @ 70+ MPH
I was a good 3 miles past my exit and I honestly don't remember the act of driving that distance. I cant even tell you what or why I "came to" when I did, only that I'm glad I did.
It still makes me sad @ first but so many GREAT, WONDERFUL, HAPPY "Dead Show" memories flood over the sad.
Nowhere else could a harry legged and arm-pitted, dreaded-out, Birkenstock wearing, patchouli smelling, patchwork dress wearing, endlessly spinning hippie chick be sooooo BEAUTIFUL!
to Jerry :48:
Miracle Mojo to you and your tickets DK !!