Fungus Gnats? Used Diatomaceous Earth any suggestions next?

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Kills the bugs and problems tho, if I was upstairs or not in my basement I would do another way then powder and try the sprays but glad I did it so far so good
Biothrine Flow. Low toxicity, lasts for months.
When using dirt, water from the bottom only. This simple solution works extremely well.
I just unpotted 5 males. 2 inches of roots on the bottom, 2 inches of damp soil and 2 inches of dry soil on top in 1 gallon pots. What more do you want ?
Pyganic, I got it from Amazon. Azamax is another organic one, but expensive.

Very simple solution. In 9 years of indoor growing I have never had soil gnats. Why ? Cause I only water from the bottom, this leaves the top 2 inches or so of soil dry. The gnats cannot crawl through, it kills 'em. Simple enough ?

Had gnats, studied everything online, came back to your simple solution. Started by aerating my soil with a meat carving fork and letting top dry out. Worked like a charm. No chemicals or di-earth needed.
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Pyganic, I got it from Amazon. Azamax is another organic one, but expensive.


Pyganic for the win.

Can be used 24 hrs before harvest with no danger to consumer

Justbread the instructions and follow them to the tee and this feces works like magic.
Pyganic for the win.

Can be used 24 hrs before harvest with no danger to consumer

Justbread the instructions and follow them to the tee and this feces works like magic.

Thanks.You have a huge crop to contend with. I only have a couple of plants. Can't wait for Florida to get legal.
Next grow I will just be put on a diametrious in the soil premixed from now on it did excellent I never really like put a sprays or anything on my plants but that’s me otherwise it stopped all bugs in its tracks I would use again
never had any mind made up, as soon as i noticed bugs i hit the forums, but google is ya best friend but why would u ever want to spray on ya plants or smoke it idk preference to me if possible and was able to do soil and powder and i feel like it was the best after reading. yes some might do the job they might work but its how u feel wen u go into the grow room and go yea hmmmmm maybe id like to do something different lol i got to this and now after learning so much this is an in soil mixture from the store so if u do bring home buds from the grow shop with soils right away a scoop in every bag mix would solve a few problems, unlike the sprays that just put on wen u run into bugs... the DM is all natural and we can eat it and its in alot of products. research is ya friend but others suggestions also show other people how to help with problems and since alot of non good info is not available i think this forum topic hels alot even on a google search people can find this
never had any mind made up, as soon as i noticed bugs i hit the forums, but google is ya best friend but why would u ever want to spray on ya plants or smoke it idk preference to me if possible and was able to do soil and powder and i feel like it was the best after reading. yes some might do the job they might work but its how u feel wen u go into the grow room and go yea hmmmmm maybe id like to do something different lol i got to this and now after learning so much this is an in soil mixture from the store so if u do bring home buds from the grow shop with soils right away a scoop in every bag mix would solve a few problems, unlike the sprays that just put on wen u run into bugs... the DM is all natural and we can eat it and its in alot of products. research is ya friend but others suggestions also show other people how to help with problems and since alot of non good info is not available i think this forum topic hels alot even on a google search people can find this

did you even look up the specs on Pyganic or Spinosad?

I didn’t think so

they are both OMRI certified and can be used up to 24 hours before harvest and will have zero negative health effects when smoked or consumed and yet they will kill the gnats and pot worms
Again though that is your preference to smoke or to spray and feel safe about it drying into your buds and harvesting them like that I don’t know my preference was not to spray based on that kind of details regardless if it’s organic or not there’s a lot of different options I was just hoping this topic helped a lot of different people no one is right or wrong it’s all what you prefer
Again though that is your preference to smoke or to spray and feel safe about it drying into your buds and harvesting them like that I don’t know my preference was not to spray based on that kind of details regardless if it’s organic or not there’s a lot of different options I was just hoping this topic helped a lot of different people no one is right or wrong it’s all what you prefer

kay sara Kay Sara
did you even look up the specs on Pyganic or Spinosad?

I didn’t think so

they are both OMRI certified and can be used up to 24 hours before harvest and will have zero negative health effects when smoked or consumed and yet they will kill the gnats and pot worms
Yes and that D. Soil isn't as safe as you think. Try breathing the tiny dust particles....if you have poured it out of a bag, you likely have. Works about the same way as asbestos. I"ll take my chances on Pyganic.

Yes and that D. Soil isn't as safe as you think. Try breathing the tiny dust particles....if you have poured it out of a bag, you likely have. Works about the same way as asbestos. I"ll take my chances on Pyganic.


Bubba I know you were talking to JTDS and you are correct , it is not a good thing to breath DE and one should always wear appropriate protective gear

Bubba I know you were talking to JTDS and you are correct , it is not a good thing to breath DE and one should always wear appropriate protective gear

View attachment 276174
Yes I was, sorry I know you know. I have an unopened bag I bought, but decided not to use. I,be seen the results of silicosis, and mesothelioma. Not pretty.

Superworm insect frass had fungus gnats for the first 18 months growing not bad and de works but they always came back. Got the superworm frass back in april and have not seen s flying pest of any kind since. Top dress once a month with it good shit.

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