flushing at the right time

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The garden has 10 different strains, indica, sativa, and mixes. There is a seperate "flushing" tote that contains only r.o. water and clearex, which will be utilized for 2 weeks, before cutting plant down. (individual plants are able to be taken from nutrient filled tote reservoir, and placed in the flush tote)

It is this gardeners understanding that when the pistils have turned 50% amber, overall, that the focus on the tricomes begins. Those should be 20% to 50% amber (depending on desired effect to the body) before harvesting the plant.

Given that information, how does the 14 day flush work into the equation?

Here's the problem, the plant strains accidentlly got mixed up, in the garden, and there is no idea on what plant is what, so the seed breeders advertised flowering times cannot be used correctly, to "help" gauge when flowering is done.

second question: If a breeder advertises @ 8 weeks of flowering, does the plant stand to flower for 8 weeks, followed by a 2 week flush, or is it 6 weeks of flower followed by two weeks of flush? confused yet?
thank you for your responses
i myself do not know this one but i'll stand by to learn as well. last year i grew outdoors and never gave flushing a thought but this year im indoors will flush this time.
Flushing is overrated. Dont worry so much about it.
Growdude said:
Flushing is overrated. Dont worry so much about it.

r u sure about that? everything i read, says its very important
seagull said:
r u sure about that? everything i read, says its very important

From my observations yes. Ive flushed, I havent, but dont taste see or smell any difference.
People taste my unflushed WW and say it tastes like the best smoke they have ever smoked.
flushing is needed if you want to have a good taste before you even start the cure

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