My seeds go in soil that I keep damp, and mother nature does her thing. Never had a problem. They take their time and pops their little heads out almost 100% of the time just like my Gabagoo just did in my thread.
As for watering. I pick my pot up and I can tell if they need water because I know what the pots feel like dry. I only use a scale when I need to see if I needs another cold beer

And I agree. I use tap water. If watering my plants and grass was not good for them my lawn wouldn't be as pretty as it is. I have pear trees, apple trees, blueberries, blackberries, tomatoes, peppers, strawberries, and lemons and they all look great.
I have been transplanting all my plants that were in plastic into AC Infinity Fabric Grow Bags. Those fkers are awesome and very reasonable priced. No more plactic or terracotta for me.
I use MG( Twice As Big) soil mixed with 30% Perlite. I add CalMag when needed and in flower I use MG Bloom Booster when needed. I have used FF products (ferts and soil) but didn't see a fking difference worth paying the money for.
I keep it simple. Good soil, good drainage, and don't over water.