First indoor grow

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sorry if came across wrong, goodluck let me what happens to myrtle
No Canna, vancouver guy said i MIGHT be overwatering. Yeah i know that MG is not the best but when i inherited this plant i was very unprepared and just went to wally world and got the best they had. Now that i have gotten this indoor grow almost under my belt i am gonna order me some good beans like the lowrider that have a short flower period. That way while it is still cold outside i can veg a couple inside and when it warms up i will take some clones an put some outdoors also. I hafta admit that Mary J has got her hook in me now,lol.
Well here is some pics of Myrtle at 6 1/2 weeks in flower. Aint she puuuuuurrrrtty?





:aok: looking good man you going to take her out at 9 weeks or are you a trich watching
I am trich watchin indeed my friend,lol. I am guessing another 2 to 2 1/2 weeks left though. But im scopin the thrics just as well.
is that moisture on the leaves and buds? i'll check back in mayne

Nope no moisture Dank, I don't know what your seein, maybe the light yellowing and nute burn on the tips. I gave her a full strength dose for her last fert/watering, and she got a little burned but with all water going in till the end now i dont think it'll be a problem. There is alot of frosty trichs on there, maybe thats what your seein, lol.
Well here is some pics of Myrtle at 6 1/2 weeks in flower. Aint she puuuuuurrrrtty?

Yes, she's a purdy one indeed! Wow, did you mean she's been in flowering for 6 1/2 weeks not counting veg time? How old is Myrtle anyways? I'm asking because I think I'm growing some high sativa based plants myself and was hoping to have a shorter flowering cycle.
She is 61/2 weeks in flower only, she had a long veg cycle because i topped her 4 different times and have eight colas growing on her. If i remember correctly she was vegged for five to six months before she went into flower. Ans btw, sativas usually have a eight to 12 week flower cycle from what i have seen of other grows. Myrtle was bagseed, but i still believe she is indica dominant by the way she is flowering faster than my outdoor sativas.

Oh sorry, she is around 10 1/2 to 11 months old, she will be harvested around 11 1/2 to 12 months old. I am watching the trichs to decide when SHE is ready and not when I am ready,lol.
wow man and her ei thought i was nuts for topping mine 2 times in 3 monts of clone growing for 4 main shoots and here your going for 8 lol way to grow.
Yeah since it was a freebie i said what the hey, you know. Who I got it from also had topped it once, I just took it to the extreme, it has seemed to work in my favor cause her bossoms are getting plump on the six big colas and the other two are coming along as normal. I havent changed anything but in the last four days or so she has almost doubled in size, but hasnt grown towards the light at all. I am thinkin i might clip all the big fan leaves off when the trichs are right around the color im lookin for. I am hoping she will have another fat bud spurt after a couple days of bein trimmed. Ishall see, he he.
I'm still hangin in there. :watchplant: Can you see the drool? lmao, I'm so excited, shes almost a woman! I can't wait for christmas to get here! Woo Hoo big green buds.
mastersativa said:
Well here is some pics of Myrtle at 6 1/2 weeks in flower. Aint she puuuuuurrrrtty?

wow thats hot.. im thinking mine will have a long veg like yours because of all the problems and stress ive had to put it through over its first couple weeks of veg, whats does topping it mean? i asked you a question in my journal as well dont know if you saw it but as far as nutes and salt and fert what the heck do i put in there? and when? all these scientific chemicals i feel so lost!
The only nutes i have used for Myrtle is MG. I have some bloom booster for flower and some MG plant food for veg. Along with the little MG soil mix that i Told ya about in your thread,lol. She seems to be loving it.

And I havn't mentioned the smell of her, It's not the strongest i have smelled. The closetshe is in is a big walk in, its like 10 ft long and three ft wide and 8 ft tall. When the door is shut for her off cycle the smellin there is quite strong, almost like some good skunk but a little weaker. After the door is open in the morning the smell is very weak, kinda wierd since this is my first grow indoors and I could smell my otdoor ones a long ways away. Just thought i would share that, oh and btw, there is no outside ventilation in this closet at all so that why i thought it was wierd to have a not so strong smell, no real "fresh" air going in or air going out
ya if my plant goes anywhere i hope it dont smell to strongly if so all be doing alot more sealing up in my grow box ( of course i want it to smell strong tho =) ), once my plant matures im sure i will have to purchase to light fixtures and move everything up of course i could probably grow a 2' plant in there which is about as big as i want it,
If you do some lsting it won't be hard to keep it short till the end.
lst=low stress training, there is a thread about it somewhere here, hmmmm i can't seem to find it. I thought there was a sticky on here about it. Anyhow, low stress training is when you tie it over or tie the leaves back to get more light to the lower canopy and keep it short. Topping and pinching is also used. I am not quite sure about all the ways to do lst, but i am sure someone with more knowledge on it will chime in and tell ya all about it.

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