First Grow

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Sorry I haven't posted in over a month. I've been kinda sidetracked with school and these plants lol. These plants did great, all three were female. They are all around 3 feet and 2 weeks into flowering. I transplanted them using scotts top soil, it was cheap and all I could afford, into five gallon containers. After buying the five gallons, I realized I could have just went with three gallons. After I use up the rest of my FoxFarm nutes I'll be switching to Earth Juice nutes. I'll also be using a soilless mix of 1 part vermiculite and 1 part peat moss. The soil I'm using now holds water for too long, and I'm surprised the plants aren't dead. It's been about a week or two since I watered them and they're still not dried out. Oh and so everyone knows I'm currently only using soil and maybe some vermiculite that came with it lol. I've learned so much from everyone here on Marijuana Passion. Thank you all. Sorry no pics yet, the girls are sleeping. :) I'll be back in a few hours to post some pics.
Here is the new veg room we set up. It's still under construction lol. The flowering room is sealed off till 9am. I have a total of 5 plants in the veg room and 3 plants in the flowering room. The strains I have are Northern Light Blue (Delicious Seeds), Cotton Candy (Delicious Seeds), NL X Skunk A.K.A Americano (G13 Labs), Blueberry Kush (Unknown Breeder), and finally Bubba Kush (Unknown). The Blueberry Kush and Bubba Kush are from clone, the other three are from seed. The clones are female, but not feminized, and all the seeds are feminized. I'm getting a cloning machine today, and the Northern Light Blue is getting cloned asap. Once these clones are rooted and transplanted I'll flower the mother. Oh and I planted the seeds on the eighth of April. Some were stunted and the others shot up in no time. I'm planning on getting a T5 for the clones and seedlings soon.



These girls are looking great. They probably would have been dead in the window lol.

Here are the pics of the flower room:

The One - 2.JPG The Two.JPG

The Two - 1.JPG Zoom In of Flower Room.JPG

Flowering Room.JPG

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