Everything Tap Water Related

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The reason I created this thread is because I have been interested in switching from distilled water to tap water. However, I have run into some issues with tap water PH. My tap water contains chloramine and chlorine. Sure I can rid the chlorine by letting it sit out for 24-48 hours. I can remove the chloramine by using a product like AmQuel Plus, the issue arises in the following.

I let the water sit out for 48-72 hours in an open container. I add the Amquel within the first hour of pouring it into the bucket and mix the water. 72 Hours later the water ph is at 7.8 with a ppm of 100 (140 before adding AmQuel Plus. Now here is the problem. I add my nutes and ph the water to 6.0 for soilless medium (coco). As time goes on, the ph of the water buffer back up to like 6.5 + and when I say + i mena it can get back upwards of 7.0 +. I am using PH UP to adjust the ph after adding nutes.

Clearly there is something in the water that they add so that the water maintains its hardness. Is there anything we can do to combat this issue? Anyone happen to work with water for a living?

I just started using tap water (previously distilled) and this is a constant problem. I may have to stop using tap. Does anyone else run into this issue with their tap water? I can post the towns tap water report if someone would like to take a look at it. I was told that AmQuel Plus would not be an issue for the plants as it is also safe for fish.

I hope someone has a resolution for this or a suggestion. Thanks.
I'm a bit lost here. If your pH is rising, why are you adding pH up to the nutes?

Are you making a bunch extra or?

Have 0 experience with coco, so ??????

No, I take water from the container and pour it into 1 gallon container. I then add in my nutes which brings the water ph to like 5.2ish. I use ph up and set it to 5.8 - 6.0.
Don't PH the water/nute mix and wait a little while then PH test it. You might not need or be using too much PH up
I waited approx 30 minutes after i added the nutes to the water until I checked the ph then adjusted. Should I wait a bit longer than 30 minutes? Is there anything in the water that cause the ph to jump back up that high?
Could be. most water company put out a paper that has what all is in their water check it out
What should i be looking for in that report that causes the ph to remain high? Is this common for everyone who uses tap water or do people tend to purchase specific nutes ?
accid said:
I waited approx 30 minutes after i added the nutes to the water until I checked the ph then adjusted. Should I wait a bit longer than 30 minutes? Is there anything in the water that cause the ph to jump back up that high?

I let mine sit overnight. I believe that it takes more than 30 minutes for the buffers in the nutes to work.
Ya otta have this crazy well water I have. YOu can let it set all night with gh nutes and it wont buffer at all.

Hemp Goddess (and anyone else),

Do you commonly add the nutes to the tap water then let them sit overnight (like 12 hours +)? The next day you come back and the ph has changed due to buffering of the tap water so then you readjust the ph then water instantly? Is that correct?

I'm new to tap water. I was told that the nutrients start going bad the longer they sit in the water. So I take it just about everyone adds nutes then waits a few hours or even 24 hrs then readjusts the ph THEN waters...
How exactly do you mix your nutes? Nutes do not go bad sitting in water (consider hydro grows), but it is a good idea to areate the water if they are going to sit for a while.

Here is my regime: I draw water and let it sit overnight. I then nute the water and let that sit at least 12 hours. I never check the water's pH until I am ready to pH it. I pH the solution and let that sit 12 hours or so and then recheck. I generally start my solution a little low and let it drift up.
As of right now I simply add nutes to the distilled water, adjust ph and feed... all this in a matter of 10 minutes. Has worked great.


You stated " I generally start my solution a little low and let it drift up." Could you clarify? So once you ph the water with the nutes, you keep it a bit low then water cause you know it will drift up? Im not sure what you mean here.

Do you notice after you add the nutes then let it sit for 12 hrs that the ph has buffered? Also, after you have added the nutes and ph adjustment then wait 12 hours, does the ph stablize at that point. There should be a sticky all about tap water and its buffering effect considering these plants require water. Perhaps there is one, but I havent seen it in any of the threads to this degree.
There is no real "standard" of any kind with tap water. All tap water is different with water companies using different chemicals and different aquafers having different chemical compositions. For instance, chlorine will evaporate out of tap water, but chloramine will not. There are no regulations for pH. The composition of the dissolved solids will differ with different locals.

I do not ever check the pH of my solution immediately after adding nutes. I let it sit for 12 hours or so. My pH tends to rise a little the week or 10 days between res change-outs (but not always), so I will start with a pH of 5.4 or 5.5 and let rise to 6.0 or so (this is hydro, soil requires a higher pH). A little pH drift is a good thing as different nutrients are available at different pH levels.

Here is a chart showing nutrients and the pH at which the nutrients become available to the plants: http://www.marijuanapassion.com/forum/showthread.php?t=1908
uh oh I'm doin this all wrong. I put the nutes in the empty gallon jug, add water straight from the tap. I fill it about 1/4 and shake it up then fill it all the way then give it to the plants. Never had a problem. The ph of the water is about 6.8. I don't check ph after adding nutes cause the water has changed color and my swimming pool ph tester is based on color lol. The plants seem to like the cold water.
The nutes bottle states not to mix nutes together. You are suppose to add them to water. To clarify, fill the gallon jug then add the nutes and mix. You should get a ph tester as well.
If your water is high in ph it likely is high in alkalinity as well. Alkalinity is a buffer, high alkalinity will cause the ph to be difficult to lower and keep low, low alk and it will bounce all over the place.

My well runs about 8.0ph with 230ppm alk. Getting the ph down to acceptable levels would be harder than bringing in RO water so off to the little water kiosk I go . . .
accid said:
Hemp Goddess (and anyone else),

Do you commonly add the nutes to the tap water then let them sit overnight (like 12 hours +)? The next day you come back and the ph has changed due to buffering of the tap water so then you readjust the ph then water instantly? Is that correct?

yes I had to start doing this inorder to get a stable ph...... I had to start covering my water after everything got adjusted....... seems evaperation of the ph lowering agent rate might be greater than my water evaperation rate....... causing my ph to creep up over a few days if left uncovered. I mix 5 gallons water in buckets at the time.

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