IT WAS 80 degrees here yesterday!!!
(not normal at all for April here)
- OUTSIDE - pic 1
- is getting down to thirty outside some nights, tho the plants are growing slow, they are still alive.
---four amethyst + northern lights (could hermi, 3 confirmed female, one unknown)
---one purps, confirmed female
---the plastic frame is the night time cover.
- INSIDE - pic 2 and 3
- still 15 hours a day of light
- fan keeping the temps mid 70's, gets down to 65 about at night.
- pic 3 is the plants from seeds (purps/mango), the ones in gallon containers are confirmed female, the small ones have not shown sex. (cant see the mango well in this pic)
- pic 2 are three clones (sugar grandaddy purple) in gallon containers on the right side of the pic (far left is a female amethyst=NL). the others are the amethyst+northernlights, that have not shown sex.
Today i am picking up some more clones, that will be put outside on the full moon, that i believe is the 20th. These clones are acclimated to the light outside, as they were rooted outside in a high mountain valley, in a green house. We will be covering them also at night. (added later.....i missunderstood, the clones are not here yet...maybe next weekend)
i lost one clone so far. When transplanting them into gallon containers...i now have little hope for two more, they hand absolutely no roots showing out of the rock wool.....when transplanted the soil just fell away from the stuff. i will not be getting clones from him again, tho i really like the sugar grandaddy purple plants.