DrGreenThumb and The_Riz's Grow Journal

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the_riz said:
Well im tearing my hair out waiting for signs of sex. Ive found a few things around on sex determination, and although im sure 6 days isnt long enough to tell its feeling like a lifetime!

What happened to the cuttings you took to sex?
I do it the same way but I take the cutting and put it in rockwool then sex the cuttings.
Cool, Cheers EM, Is this a proven observation? or is it just a theory. Our plant ghandi's 'sexual organs' are pointing up with a single hair each, im 80% sure there female. As for the others there too early to tell really..

And growdude, man, we kept the cuttings in a glass of water each, and were putting them under the HPS for 12 hours then in a box for 12, i think on the 4th or 5th day, 2 of them had fallen into the water, and one of them had just died, so we had no choice but to scrap them. Our big 3 were getting way to big for veg in our grow space so we had to flower them anyway. we figured either way were gonna get what were gonna get!
the_riz said:
Cool, Cheers EM, Is this a proven observation? or is it just a theory. Our plant ghandi's 'sexual organs' are pointing up with a single hair each, im 80% sure there female. As for the others there too early to tell really..

And growdude, man, we kept the cuttings in a glass of water each, and were putting them under the HPS for 12 hours then in a box for 12, i think on the 4th or 5th day, 2 of them had fallen into the water, and one of them had just died, so we had no choice but to scrap them. Our big 3 were getting way to big for veg in our grow space so we had to flower them anyway. we figured either way were gonna get what were gonna get!

Well...I don't know if I have ever read about the sexing thing I described in any grow guide or grow faq, but there are others that have posted similar observations...of the top of my head, I remembered this from Zarnon's grow journal:

*4 Last point to do w/ how the flowers present. Female flowers are on a raceme (right on or directly off the stem) while male flowers are on a panicle. Here is a link to some pics which explain it better than I do.

Females are on Racemes: http://www.answers.com/topic/raceme
Males are on Panicles: http://www.answers.com/topic/panicle

Best I can do for now...but at any rate, if you see hairs, she is a girl. Nothing similar to a hair on a male at all. ;)
^^That's a real cool post.You're plants look good guys! Can't wait to see further progress :cool:
Cheers ele man, thats brilliant.. Im having a little trouble understanding so i had a look around.

so scooting around on the net looking at various Raceme / Panicle diagrams, Is it safe to say that male flowers, or panicles, develope on the branches, and female flowers, or racemes develope on the main stem, oldest at the bottom, and at the tips of branches?

Cheers carib! there definetly large enough lol
the_riz said:
Cheers ele man, thats brilliant.. Im having a little trouble understanding so i had a look around.

so scooting around on the net looking at various Raceme / Panicle diagrams, Is it safe to say that male flowers, or panicles, develope on the branches, and female flowers, or racemes develope on the main stem, oldest at the bottom, and at the tips of branches?

Cheers carib! there definetly large enough lol

Actually...I would like to say yes...but the thing is...they almost appear to come from the same spot...so close at the intersection it really is hard for me to positively distinguish...except that the male will be on a 90 degree angle from the main stem...perpendicular. Males are typically said to show first too...but can't really say I have really paid enough attention lately to verify that. One thing that is for certain though, it is very nerve-racking sexing for the first time.

I missed it before but you were exactly right on the 'football' thing, the female calyx does resemble a football shape (here in the USA of course:p ). The male is kind of a "pear" shape...on a small 'stem' or anther (hope I have my terminology right.:eek: ), and actually looks like a panicle from those pics above (if you let it finish:D ).

Went digging through all my pics and found a very good one of a pretty early male preflower...I didn't take this pic and don't remember where I found it...it may be on this site. Anyway, you see how perpendicular it is to the stem? In my experience, you can identify this angle a few days earlier, when the male preflower first becomes visible...before it even develops an anther.

I hope I have stayed on topic bro, I hate that it took so much text in your journal...sorry.:eek: Perhaps I can link to this later and you can enjoy the free publicity.:p

No not at all, thing is this is our first grow, and sex is an issue, i only hope other people who read this gain some very useful information about sex determination!..

And as of now, i dont think we have anything that is on the horizontal from the stem!.. Anyway, lights out in 15 minutes im gonna go spend some time with the 3 naked girls downstairs lol

thanks a lot elephant man!
Well they've been a week and 2 days of flowering now and not only 'ghandi' (the back right plant) but now 'tron' (the back left) have both shown there true sexual orientation!.. I still think its a little early to tell so when i go into the city some time this week im gonna get a magnifying glass and check for sure, but for now all i can say is 2 females out of 3 plants is exactly what we wanted, and the 3rd (the front plant) is still undecided! if we get 3? damn well have enough yeild to last us a few months!

:peace: UPDATE: Week 1 of flowering

Changed resevoir and added 50% nute strengh of the flowering nutes. also added 60% strengh dr hornbys big bud booster stuff.
Roots are now currently hanging over the edge of the resevoir and is physically in the water and growing long. not to sure what to do about that... could affect the pump maybe..?

Ph of the water is about 5.5 - 6ph, perfect for our set up.
Moved the HPS up to be 18" away from the top of the plants.
Some lower fan leaves are looking a little dry, picked off some real yellow ones.

Also, maybe a possible, but not yet confirmed, male among our garden :eek: Tron and Ghandi are REALLY starting to show some signs of sex (FEMALE), with Stalin i noticed small balls forming in the top bud site. will try to get some pictures sorted out for your viewing pleasure.

Also we took a cutting nearly a week ago, kept it in half a plastic bottle upside down for humidity, stuck it under my crappy 600 lumen lamp and hope it will work as i cant keep it in the flowering room for 12 hours then put it under a crappy light :(

Also we are tearing our hair out over the topping situation
hahahaaa i love you guys :D

remeber to cure it. should be good to smoke after a year. ahem.

haha, yeah bella_d, a year of curing... that would be like some kind of chinese torture

Hey, Ok, we definetly have 2 posotive females, W00H00!!!:D

However the 3rd plant (above) has some very worrying charictoristics..
well we started noticing little balls growing at budsites, anyway although they do not grow on the horizontal, they still resemble testicles..

Thing is we saw a few of these a few days ago and the ones we observed turned into sugarleaves... but they seem to be growing in vast numbers.. other than that we've seen no pistils or anything.

What do you guys think?? male or unditermined??

cheers for any input you might be able to add..

the_riz said:
View attachment 17423

haha, yeah bella_d, a year of curing... that would be like some kind of chinese torture

Hey, Ok, we definetly have 2 posotive females, W00H00!!!:D

However the 3rd plant (above) has some very worrying charictoristics..
well we started noticing little balls growing at budsites, anyway although they do not grow on the horizontal, they still resemble testicles..

Thing is we saw a few of these a few days ago and the ones we observed turned into sugarleaves... but they seem to be growing in vast numbers.. other than that we've seen no pistils or anything.

What do you guys think?? male or unditermined??

cheers for any input you might be able to add..


Very nice pic of a male. 2 out of 3 is pretty good guys..congrats.:)
Hey, thanks a lot guys, we just needed that little persuasion to chop him down, now were left to focus on our lovely females..

Will get some pics in a bit
Did you guys end up coming up with an idea for topping?
Hmmmm.... so you guys have some trimming to turn into hash? From another grow? I don't remember seeing you guys harvest anything... did I miss something?

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