View attachment 17144
Just a size update really, there getting pretty damn big, i hope to start seeing some signs of sex.
The plant at the back right "Ghandi" named after its small, weak, but powerful predecessor, has really outgrown the other 2 as we hoped, and what more would you expect of such a power lol...
Whils't the other 2 have developed what could be either male or female growths, Ghandi has produced what appear to be female sites. I cant get close enough for a pic, and its very small, but it appears to be a small american football type shape with two fine hairs coming out. Its the only one i can find on the plant as the others look reletively undeveloped..
I cant stop looking at them which is making them seem to develope slower than normal, thats just me lol.. 1 female would be a disapointment but 1's better than none i guess theres still time, holding out mass hope lol..