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I wonder if anyone has considered that no matter who is in charge and no matter what they do, it's just going to get worse, anyway.

It is what has historically been refereed to as the decline of a civilization. I'm sure the Romans and the Greeks had forums where the people had conversations very similar to ours. LOL

A couple phases come to mind....

Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life, son.

All things come to an end.

It was good while it lasted.

I weep for the children.

... to mention but a few.

All I can say is that I am glad that my lifetime spanned this wonderful, in my opinion, very peak of humanity, itself.
Decline of civilization. Come on Bro. Im taking it your having a bad day. Smoke a bowl and smile a little. Lol
I will never stop believing in Progress Little Brother . This is a great Country that has gotten off track. We will get our Country back and it will be better then ever. The sky is not falling and we are not entering Armageddon. Lol
This Country has been thru tougher times then this ,,,,and renewed itself. We are the greatest Country on this Planet,,and i love it. We will get thru these times and kick some Economic ***. The doom and gloom thing is not for me,,nor have i ever seen anything done by ppl that think its already over and to late. We must be positive to get positive results. We can not go around claiming defeat,we are Americans and we will be back on top my friend. Hang in there Little Brother.
Decline of civilization. Come on Bro. Im taking it your having a bad day. Smoke a bowl and smile a little. Lol
I will never stop believing in Progress Little Brother . This is a great Country that has gotten off track. We will get our Country back and it will be better then ever. The sky is not falling and we are not entering Armageddon. Lol
This Country has been thru tougher times then this ,,,,and renewed itself. We are the greatest Country on this Planet,,and i love it. We will get thru these times and be greater then ever. The doom and gloom thing is not for me,,nor have i ever seen anything done by ppl that think its already over and to late. We must be positive to get positive results. We can not go around claiming defeat,we are Americans and we will be back on top my friend. Hang in there Little Brother.

yup y r right, we will get thru it, i think? but u will feel the pain bro, fursure. everyone will. u know we borrow half each month just to pay the interest on our debt. we are gonna have to pay dearly at some point. it may be close. gold has gone up more in the last month than in 4 years. its just getting started, i think. get more warnings on this every week, doomsday predictions. their reasons are undeniable.
Of course i will feel the pain,,,thats called life. I feel the pain everyday. Lol
My bones hurt and so does my pocket book,,,but again thats life. I dont see the Doom and Gloom i guess some see. I see life which is and has always been tough for the Majority of ppl on this Planet. ****,,we dont know what tough is,,how bout being born in Bagdad or Syria or several other Countries thats getting thier asses blown up on a daily basis.
We will as Americans make America great again.
u sure are an optimist, hop as i. but if u read what i read u would be worried if u are still in business next year. no worries
Little Brother, ,,i read much more then you might think. Plus i work for tbe Government, ,and have seen plenty stuff you wouldnt believe. But again,,we will always have corruption in Politics and Life. My father died when i was 11, ,,and we were very poor. Life has been tough,,i have been shot,,stabbed,Open Heart Surgery,,,,and two bad Harley accidents. According to my Doctors they have lost me 3 times and brought me back. So i am a fighter and i believe in fighting for what you want. I will continue to see things as Positive as i possibly can and fight for my Dreams. I believe out of all the ppl on this Planet,,We Americans have the most freedom and chances to live a good life then any other Country on this Planet. I love my Country and believe great things are still to come for us and our families. We MUST remain Positive and fight for our Children and Grandchildrens future. We Can Not give up on them and their future.
It's not gloom and doom. I'm not American, I'm a 3rd world country. Your decline is my rise.

I'm not glooming, I'm celebrating. LOL

Everybody has their turn and NOBODY lasts forever. I saw it in Ceasar, and Alexander, both. And, like I said, when I visited the forums, I heard the same talk.

Different centuries is about the only difference to me.


Plus, there's no gloom with a pound of Satori. I cleaned and waxed my car today. Now, I'm cleaning the basement. All while smiling. :)
Vote,,,i never said i would vote for him,,,i said i support and want Donald Trump to win. I cant vote,,,i have been to Prison twice. Lol
Bigot? The freaking House and Senate is full of Racist *** Bigots. Lots of ppl are Racist, ,but pretend not to be. I am racist against asshats,,dont care what color the morons are. He is no more racist then all them other lying assholes who talk out of one side of their mouth. The only reason Obama couldn't pass **** is because he was black. Lol
It's not gloom and doom. I'm not American, I'm a 3rd world country. Your decline is my rise.

I'm not glooming, I'm celebrating. LOL

Everybody has their turn and NOBODY lasts forever. I saw it in Ceasar, and Alexander, both. And, like I said, when I visited the forums, I heard the same talk.

Different centuries is about the only difference to me.


Plus, there's no gloom with a pound of Satori. I cleaned and waxed my car today. Now, I'm cleaning the basement. All while smiling. :)

Will not say what i would like to say to you Hack,,, because i promised Rose i would keep it clean.That was a shitty thing to say Bro about my Country. This thread was just fine without your Anti American Bullshit.
Completely unnecessary.
Sorry Rose,, i never expected that. Everything has been just fine. Everybody was keeping things clean and agreeing to disagree.
My oldest just turned 18 and he's excited about the election. Even though we already voted early, I kept him home from school on Friday because he wanted to go to the Trump rally. I got so tired of hearing Trump bad mouthing the other republicans, I swear it's all he did for the first 20 minutes, protesters being escorted out... He never really did say much about the issues. I did enjoy speaking with the reporter from New Zealand, but that's another story.

On Saturday we went to the Sanders rally. What a different experience, I enjoyed it and most of what he had to say. He didn't badmouth Clinton, just referred to her as his opponent. I hope to god he gets the nomination but unfortunately I don't think he will. :(. I scratch my head wondering why anyone votes for Hillary.

An observation I made- Trump's audience was mostly older people. Sanders crowd was mostly 20 and 30-somethings. More lax and not so stuffy.

If it's Clinton and Trump in the election, I'll probably just not vote at all. Maybe I'll write in Willie Nelson.
Lol,,,im With ya SM,,,i cant vote. Lol
Me and my Wife both like Sanders,,,but im a realist. He cant win with all the Hillary supporters out there,,,as you see.
And i cant stand Cruz or Rubio.
By the way,,nice to see ya SM. Glad ya came by,,i miss yas.
What? You can't just be happy for me? I want my children to go to nice schools made of brick and motor with heating and cooling like your children do. Are Americans the only ones who should have this? My country is what your country was... before it was the great country it is today.

I think it's unfair of you not to be happy that I, and my children will be able to have as good a life as you have had.

My people will work hard, just like yours did in the past. And we will grow, just like yours did in the past. And we will succeed, just like you did in the past..... and you will hate me for this???????

I will never understand people hating people. I thought we were all supposed to be happy for the graces of others.
I dont hate you Bro,,,i dont know you. What i dont like is your attitude towards my Country.
You said
It's not gloom and doom. I'm not American, I'm a 3rd world country. Your decline is my rise.

I'm not glooming, I'm celebrating. LOL
That is not cool.
I would never celebrate you are your family's demise
I would hope for you and your Children to have a great life. I dont like to see anyone anywhere to do without or not be free. If you knew me Little Brother, ,you would know i am a good fair man who would never wish any family from anywhere to not have a wounderful life.
What Country are you in?
Hackerman, I thought you were on the east coast????

Good to see you too, weed hopper! :headbang2:
I did not celebrate anyone's direct demise but in order for some to prosper, others must suffer. It is sad, but it is the way of this world since the beginning of time. Maybe some day it will change but from forever until today, if small nations are to rise and become great nations.... great nations must fall. There is simply not enough in today's world for everyone to prosper. This is why America is great but the great nations of the past are all gone. America took the world from them by being better and stronger. Again.. maybe someday there will be enough for everyone. But not today. If there were enough, would your people not be paying mine "minimum wage" as you do your own people? You pay my people per month what you pay your people per hour. I understand, You are looking out for you and yours.

So it was when Alexander conquered most of the known world and took their riches. Or, Rome, when it took people and slaves in order to prosper and give wonderful lives to the Roman people.

Or, for that matter, America, when it raped the Rain Forest for cheap lumber and pulp to make your paper companies the greatest and richest in the world (at my people's expense) or when your country came to mine and paid $8 per month to my people to make products so the companies in your country could prosper and get rich. I wish my people were paid $8 per hour like yours. Maybe some day we will reach that great and giant goal. Not today. But, someday.

But, please do not look upon yourself any differently that Rome or Greece, killing and taking what you want regardless of the other nations suffering. You did it anyway. You did it to me and my people.

It is the way of the world..... for me to prosper, you must not. I am sorry. I did not make the world that way. It just is. And, I want my family and my people to have all the wonderful things that the Greeks and the Romans and the Americans have had. Our turn is here and your turn is over. Just as Greece is battered and beaten. And Rome is barely a city from a great nation. So, must America fall for another nation to rise. I am sorry for you but I have my children to think of.

I will work harder and harder and my children will work harder and harder. And, some day will will grow better food and build better cars than America and the world will buy from us and the American economy will suffer (again I am sorry for you) simply because we can supply what the world wants better and cheaper than America.. just like America built a better world than Greece or Rome.

I hope my children's children will treat yours better than you treated me.
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