donald and mj

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I was a very big Bill Clinton supporter. He balanced the budget and my business was booming. After Bill it all went to hell in a hand basket. Now im grasping at anytning that looks like it might bring jobs back. Right now thats Trump. Will he,,,i dont know,,,but i know for damn sure Rubio and Cruz wont,,,and Hillary doesnt stand a chance with the Republicans. Hell they wont even vent a new Justice if Obama picks one,,,because they hate his black ***,,because they are a bunch of racist. They might as well be wearing hoods. Those basterds have done nothing but stand in the way of every Democrat bill that hits the floor.
So im going with Trump. If those asshats go against their own parties President, ,,the ppl will clean their clocks in the next elections for the House and the Senate ,,,just like Trumps doing to Rubio and Cruz.
Weedhopper... without exposing too much, can you say what kind of small business you own?
Did i mention I am glad for the first time ever that my mom died, as this nasty childish republican party would kill her. just the lack of manners.. Then the bigotry would finish her off.
Pants wetting really? Mr sweet potato complaining rubio wears too much make up? There is not enough pot in the world to get thru this election cycle.
Did i mention I am glad for the first time ever that my mom died, as this nasty childish republican party would kill her. just the lack of manners.. Then the bigotry would finish her off.
Pants wetting really? Mr sweet potato complaining rubio wears too much make up? There is not enough pot in the world to get thru this election cycle.

love ya rose, truly understand. trump wont help u weedhop. all he wants to do is make himself richer and that will mean more help for the upper 1%. sorry.. if u believe a word he says, u have not read all these posts.
I believe every last politician is out to better themselves. I don't think Trump, Sanders, Clinton.... any of them give two flying poops about us at all. To sit here and think that Trump won't be richer, or Sanders for that matter, after being president is insanity. They all only care for themselves, plain and simple.
At this point I would vote for anyone that was not a lawyer or a career politician.

FDR signed into law the marijuana tax law of 1937 making marijuana illegal. Just a FYI:)
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love ya rose, truly understand. trump wont help u weedhop. all he wants to do is make himself richer and that will mean more help for the upper 1%. sorry.. if u believe a word he says, u have not read all these posts.

Dont care if he makes more money,,,i want to make money, ,,thats why i want him to win. THEY all want to make money. So freaking what,,,thats why i dont punch a clock. I own my own business, ,,i want to make money. Go figure.
You guys talk like the rest of these asshates dont want to make money,,,really,,,want to talk about how much money the Clintons have made just from speeches. Give me a freaking break. Yeah Trump is the Devil. :rofl:
And i aint jealous cause im not in the upper 1%. But i sure would like to be. Lol.
Dont care if he makes more money,,,i want to make money, ,,thats why i want him to win. THEY all want to make money. So freaking what,,,thats why i dont punch a clock. I own my own business, ,,i want to make money. Go figure.
You guys talk like the rest of these asshates dont want to make money,,,really,,,want to talk about how much money the Clintons have made just from speeches. Give me a freaking break. Yeah Trump is the Devil. :rofl:
And i aint jealous cause im not in the upper 1%. But i sure would like to be. Lol.

u r like trying to tell my dog it it not in his best interest to follow a squirrel into heavy traffic. so sorry for ur lack.
Money sees Hillary getting the nomination wrapped up by mid April. If so, "she will be the luckiest politician in America" if her opponent in November is "someone that's LOATHED by nearly half of Republican voters". Should Rubio take it (not likely), Donald will likely take the independent slot and lose big. Yea, what do they know..
u r like trying to tell my dog it it not in his best interest to follow a squirrel into heavy traffic. so sorry for ur lack.

Now im like a dog,,,really. What ever Bro,,,im not gonna get stupid and nasty to my friends because we think different. Ive had my own business for over 20yrs,,,i am not a dog chasing a Rodent. I am a Man chasing my dream. Sorry i dont agree with you Hopper,,but i respect you enough to say im sorry if i made you that mad.
I made a promise to Rose and my Friends that i would not get nasty and i intend to keep that promise. We are adults who all have different opinions and thats what makes this World work. You may be right Hopper bout all this,,,but you might not,,who knows..When this is all over ,,,hopefully no mater what,,our Country will get back on top,and i can feed my family and Granddaughter whom we take care of. I will continuse to chase my Dream no matter what hapens,,and you will still be my friend Little Brother.
Now im like a dog,,,really. What ever Bro,,,im not gonna get stupid and nasty to my friends because we think different. Ive had my own business for over 20yrs,,,i am not a dog chasing a Rodent. I am a Man chasing my dream. Sorry i dont agree with you Hopper,,but i respect you enough to say im sorry if i made you that mad.

Kind of u Weedhop., am not mad (AT YOU). I also very much understand your drive to make more money. Owning your own business is the smartest way to get there (please give yourself a raise). I, too, was in construction for over 30 years. Since retirement, I seem to spend too much time reading papers. I have gotten where I hate all republicans with the tea party at the very top. Why would you ever think Donald would help you make more money?? I Have 2 Friends that buy, fixup / remodel, sell homes. Both do carpentry, are small general contractors and very well off. One of them likes trump also. He thinks the high fence will keep all of his competition away. His Xwife, VERY smart, well read and retired at 45, is the only friend who hates republicans more than I.
I have always disliked Trump. Always called him an ******* and Prick. I have pretty much always been a Democrat. BUT this year is different. I do not want another 4yrs of the Republicans saying NO,NO,NO to every freaking thing Hillery tries to pass or get done. They wont let Her do **** and you know it. So i will go with the only person i think can get things done. If they start thier **** with their own Republican President, ,,the ppl will vote their asses out of the House and Senate and then things will get done. They are already talking **** about how they wont support Trump,,,lol,,,it will be their undoing.
Rubio and Cruz are morons and would screw things up even more. After all,these are two of the idiots that keep shutting down tbe government.
Anyway we will know more after Tuesday.
Who ever wins this thing,,,i hope gets our Country back on track and gets our Democracy working again. No mattef what,,we need to clean house in the House and Senate. Get some ppl in there that can get deals done.
Ya know as a woman, i can't believe Hillary is still standing. I could have never lasted or been as strong as she is.. She did start with a life time of service and working for children right out of college. I admire her. I think if people want to pay her for speaking, good for her.
I agree that little positives will get done with ANY candidate. Republicans won't agree with anything until after catastrophe strikes. This will happen soon, imo, after, during the next recession, depression. Trump is not the devil, but Donald scares the crap out of me and many. He is more than a loose cannon. Read an article a couple months back comparing his campaign to Hitlers. Hitler ran and won with similar ideologies. The yarddog is correct in Trump may be assassinated... Weedhop, most voters don't have the time or inclination to read enough to make an intelligent decision on ridding the dead weight in the house or senate. Tuesdays close. Gonna be big news and exciting.
I am beginning to think that the elections for the senate is as important as for POTUS. IF we can get a democratic majority in the senate, then a democratic president can get something done. A republican run congress is only going to get us more years of obstruction. Replacing Scalia with a person that does not rule their religion is UUUGGGGEE.

Raising the minimum wage would be beneficial to us as a country. Yarddog, I hope that you take more into account when you vote. You could well get a raise if a higher minimum wage is adopted. You certainly cannot be for others being oppressed simply because you worked hard and have a lot of money invested in tools can you? It is disgusting and shameful that one can work full time in this country and still be under the poverty level...
I agree with you THG.
Nobody makes less the 12 or 13 dollars an hour working for me,,,nobody. I couldnt look at myself in the mirror if i paid min wage. Thats rediculous .
So many of the jobs available don't support higher wages. Hopper, your line of work is what we need more of in this country. It can support a higher wage. Minimum wage isn't the problem. The types of jobs available are the problem
Yard dog, both are are a small part of the problem. Where minimum wage has been voluntarily raised, the economy has prospered. Republicans don't want you to believe this.. We do NEED infrastructure work badly. This would be great for blue collar. Republicans WILL NOT agree.. I have read there are many high wage jobs waiting to be filled. Not enough people trained, qualified to fill these jobs.

Ham, Warren Buffet was the special guest this morning on squawk tv. I did not know he is a fan of Bernies! I have a lot of respect for both. Buffet is the only 1% that feels he should PAY MORE in taxes. That it is unfair that he (Buffet), pays a lesser tax rate than his secretary (BUFFET RULE). He is a democrat and also likes Hillary. Net worth 66 billion, lives in the $100,000 neighborhood. He also feels if you were born in America, you have already won the lottery..
Obama, other Democrats have been trying to raise taxes on the mega-rich. Republicans will NEVER agree. NO NEW TAXES!! Sounds good for those not really following. Downloaded the buffet rule..
Infrastructure is badly in need of repair or replacement thats for sure. I love Construction. Hope we get jobs back soon. Guess we will see. This Election yr **** is killing me because i am a Government Contractor,,,and nothing gets done when these morons are fighting for a Job in Politics. Bastages .:rant::rant::rant::smoke1:
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