The debate was ridiculous... i have never watched big time wrestling, but I think i did last night.
Rubio looked like an idiot. Cruz looked like the moron that he always does. Trump was Trump. Ive always thought Trump was a Prick and still do,,,but the guy that owns the Company i have subbed out to for 20 yrs is a prick,,,and that Prick has made me lots of money. So i will go with the Prick thats gonna make me money,,,and my best chance for that is with Prick Trump. Lol
In this election, I would be more concerned with, who will be Vice-President.
Bernie may die in office
Hillary may be in Jail.
Trump will resign and will be laughing, as he does.
Trump is everything ham said. But he is also dangerous. I would not only be embarrassed should trump wins, but I would be afraid. He will start a trade war with china if he does what he says. Weedhop, Obama has been told NO on ANYTHING he wants to get done. Even if it's the republican ideas. How did trump make us, you $$?? Did you ever take a minute to see what Obama has done while fighting republicans?? A vote for any republican is a vote AGAINST the middle class. Its been the Reagan, Bush tax cuts, for the rich is what's making them stronger and the middle class weaker. Why are republicans against healthcare?? Raising Minimum Wage?? Deny global warming? Hmmm. BECAUSE THE WEALTHY WILL HAVE TO HELP PAY FOR IT. When Dems wanna raise taxes on the ultra rich, so they pay the same tax rate (%) as you, THE REPUBLICANS scream "NO NEW TAXES". The republicans have stated Obama has done nothing!! And most unread voters believe and state this. This is exactly what they want. PLEASE spend a few minutes reviewing thread. THANKS