Dog's Yard

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I'm going to build my own as I always have. Just got the split air unit put in my pantry. I have a 7x11 room in my garage.
I have my guys coming over today to move the door to a different location and insulate the walls. Then they will paint and hang my cabinets. Once that's all done I will build my grow room in the corner. Going to make a 3x4. Already have the fan and light.
Yehaaaaaaaaaa 🤠
I'm going to build my own as I always have. Just got the split air unit put in my pantry. I have a 7x11 room in my garage.
I have my guys coming over today to move the door to a different location and insulate the walls. Then they will paint and hang my cabinets. Once that's all done I will build my grow room in the corner. Going to make a 3x4. Already have the fan and light.
Yehaaaaaaaaaa 🤠
That's always exciting. Good to hear your getting a grow together.
I'm so sick of these small 2 x 2 tents bro.... I'm seriously debating removing the 2 lights, and just setting up in a corner of the spare bedroom and just blowing up some photo periods so I can get to growing 2 plants at a time and do some serious LST work.... only way to do that is to fill some jars... with a big grow.

Yours are coming along great man.... you ever need some new genetics to try hit me up...
I take a simple approach. I grow more plants that are smaller vs training fewer plants to have a larger canopy. I run 5 in a 3x3 tent.
That's always exciting. Good to hear your getting a grow together.
I normally grow outside but my Wife asked me not too. We are to old for prison.😋
I use to grow inside when I lived in Florida. I grew DWC.
Matter fact that's when I joined this place back in 2008.🥰
I normally grow outside but my Wife asked me not too. We are to old for prison.😋
I use to grow inside when I lived in Florida. I grew DWC.
Matter fact that's when I joined this place back in 2008.🥰
I put a plant out last year but it died. I don’t worry much about indoor but outdoor scares me. I live on 35 acres and I still don’t want to run the risk. My luck the dang game warden would stumble across it.
Had a friend that grew outside back before anything was legal. He didn't smoke, but he used it as a cash crop. He planted his close to pine trees, which he said had about the same infrared heat signature that weed does. Don't know if it's true or not, but he never got popped, and he was in an area that got a lot of fly-overs by the guys that were looking to bust it.
I put a plant out last year but it died. I don’t worry much about indoor but outdoor scares me. I live on 35 acres and I still don’t want to run the risk. My luck the dang game warden would stumble across it.
Yep,,fking Game Wardens.
I seen where in Tennessee they got their asses in trouble and now they can't legally go on someones property without a warrant. I'm glad they pulled in on the power those asshats had.
Fking butt holes need to stick to government owned land and parks.
Fkers got way to big for their pants and finally got took down a peg or two.
The decision, first announced by the Institute for Justice, means that Tennessee wildlife officers will no longer be allowed to access private lands unless they have explicit permission of the landowner, or have obtained a court-ordered search warrant.Jul 10, 2024
Yep,,fking Game Wardens.
I seen where in Tennessee they got their asses in trouble and now they can't legally go on someones property without a warrant. I'm glad they pulled in on the power those asshats had.
Fking butt holes need to stick to government owned land and parks.
Fkers got way to big for their pants and finally got took down a peg or two.
They got a long way to go to reign in misc Gov powers.
Yep,,fking Game Wardens.
I seen where in Tennessee they got their asses in trouble and now they can't legally go on someones property without a warrant. I'm glad they pulled in on the power those asshats had.
Fking butt holes need to stick to government owned land and parks.
Fkers got way to big for their pants and finally got took down a peg or two.
Most people think that Game Wardens can search your property without a warrant because they are federal.
It’s not true.
Please don’t ask me how I know, lol.

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