Does size matter? When it comes to seeds…

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I don’t know about grown but definitely smoked underway and in refit.
Very Cool , I was lucky to be invited to see a sub get commissioned ( just put in the water ,still ton of work needed )with the propeller covered. in Groton., Then we were able to go in a decom . sub . And that was even years b4 I saw Hunt For The Red October 6 times !
The one that was commissioned was probably a TRIDENT sub. I’m sure the decommissioned sub tour was fun too. I was lucky enough to work on subs for over 30 years.
I have two friends who were submariners and during the course of our friendships I had interrogated them about that time ! If I was younger and could fit thru a door easier and not hit my head so much I would have become one !
The one that was commissioned was probably a TRIDENT sub. I’m sure the decommissioned sub tour was fun too. I was lucky enough to work on subs for over 30 years.

i am curious as to your thoughts on Tom Clancy’s novel and the movie Hunt For Red October

i think I read something once about Tom helping with the Hollywood set up of the interior of a nuke sub and the military saw it and told them to change it because it was to accurate
I just loved the book . Tom is known for great detail. I just loved the movie and to me Alex Baldwin was the best Jack Ryan . Sad he turned into a weenie. They had a great cast and well acted and directed. There was a movie about subs ( many) called Hunter Killer that was pretty good .
The scene from when they fired missiles from a base at our sub and a russian war ship destroyed all incoming and returned fire . I watch that scene and others with my first class electricians cap . roger that ...
i am curious as to your thoughts on Tom Clancy’s novel and the movie Hunt For Red October

i think I read something once about Tom helping with the Hollywood set up of the interior of a nuke sub and the military saw it and told them to change it because it was to accurate
I like Tom Clancy’s stuff. The book and movie was close enough to the real thing to hold my attention but the set was a bit off of the real thing although it Was close enough for the basic novice watcher to enjoy. When the movie came out we got a big talking to about keeping quiet about the differences so i guess if I told you anymore I’d have to hunt you down 😂
I like Tom Clancy’s stuff. The book and movie was close enough to the real thing to hold my attention but the set was a bit off of the real thing although it Was close enough for the basic novice watcher to enjoy. When the movie came out we got a big talking to about keeping quiet about the differences so i guess if I told you anymore I’d have to hunt you down 😂
Oh Oh Im easy to find too! If you come after me PLEASE make it a submarine NCIS kinda of mission .I heard sub food is the best !
I think Canada allows it. They have some rules about it like waiting so many hours before operating weapons…
It is the smart thing to do .
But ,not to be that guy when Im tuned I am more cautious ,aware ,and do dumber things straight most times. But Im aware and do not want " Because He smoke pot crap" I will drive adjusted and never drive with any alcohol . When I drive its just me ,a jump drive with music ,a cigar and the road ,thats it.
Just like the rest of the World , Hey no problem The Dumb Americans will foot any War bills.

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