daylight vs cool?

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bean growin
Apr 8, 2009
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I am in the market for a flourscent set up but one i was looking at came with daylight tubes are these the same as cool tubes or are cool tubes the ones with the white phosforus inside? is there a rule of thumb on determing the two
Did a little googling on that. Looks like daylight tubes are full spectrum.
They the 6500k ones right? Stick with them.
yeah they are but do they run cool or do i need something to cool them?
6500k for Veg and 2700k soft white for flower
teh 6500k'as are a bit cooler in temps compared to the 2700k ones which put the more orangish/red yellow glow. (CFL soft white)
depending on the size ur room/space growin in and the amount of lights ur using. and even then only way to tell is place a thermometer in there set it up let it run like that a hour i'd say and chek temps. but place the thermometer about the hwight where the canopy of your plants will be at.
you definately want below 90 deg Farenheit. mine fluctuates between 78 and 86 depoendin on if door closed or not

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