I'm happy with my aero cloners !-- U know I'm working on a genetic doubling process to turn regular diploid (2 strands of DNA ) plants into tetraploids ( 4 strands of DNA ) --( See the story of Dr. David Suzuki and how he created UBC Chemo )-- Anyway when I treat cuttings --I lay them out to wilt -- When they limp they go into a hot dilute weedkiller solution I call my Zombie Juice !-- After several hours of absorbing the juice they go thru a long rinse !-- Then I have to try to root them !-- Most should die despite my best effort !
I just need to get lucky once !-- Be treating Master Kush cuts in a few days !-- It was billed as a tetraploid but it's not !-- It may be one again one day soon !
I just need to get lucky once !-- Be treating Master Kush cuts in a few days !-- It was billed as a tetraploid but it's not !-- It may be one again one day soon !