caught with seeds

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Active Member
Feb 10, 2007
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hello, guys i have a question and you answers would be apperciated. i was pulled over and the cops found about 200 seeds with me all different strains with labels and i also had 1200 that my someone borrowed from me and payed me back so they thought i was a drug dealer they went searched my house and everything and they took my phone, money and the seeds and told me that there is going to be a detective investigating the case and if he feels like that i got that money from selling drugs they wont give it back. do you guys think they would be able to do that or open a case on me? thank you for your answers
Dude, if you haven't already, you need to get yourself a lawyer. Fast.
cruseonme said:
hello, guys i have a question and you answers would be apperciated. i was pulled over and the cops found about 200 seeds with me all different strains with labels and i also had 1200 that my someone borrowed from me and payed me back so they thought i was a drug dealer they went searched my house and everything and they took my phone, money and the seeds and told me that there is going to be a detective investigating the case and if he feels like that i got that money from selling drugs they wont give it back. do you guys think they would be able to do that or open a case on me? thank you for your answers
What state are you from? Each state has different laws when it comes to MJ and stuff of that nature. What ya need to do is look up the laws in your state. You can do a google search and i'm sure you will find something. Have you gotten yourself a lawyer?
Remember to keep your mouth shut and as long as you didn't say anything you'll be alright. Just think, OJ got off becuase he pled the 5th.
That sucks man. Yeah make sure you get a good lawyer. When i got arrested by LEO they took my lighter( it was a nice one not some silly bic), I know thats still not the same as $1200, but its the principle. Dont they have anything better to do..... like solving a murder or perhaps preventing them.
the sad thing is you wonder what happens to all the money / plants / bud / seeds that are confiscated?¿.. hmm... maybe pocketed / re-homed / smoked and planted? one can only imagine lol

Anyway.. If your friend borrowed the money and paid you back can you not just use a receipt and a testimony?

Where im from the posession of seeds is not illegal, there sold in shops here, its just what you do with them that can get you introuble..

hope everything goes ok man i wouldnt wish this upon anybody
I live in california, no i didn't get a lawyer yet because they said the District Attorny might reject the case because of not enough evidence. When they had me arrest the cop sent two other units to check my house to make sure there is no plants.
stoneys right ,,,get your self a GOOD lawyer fast ,,,good luck man,,,,p,l,r
dude just make a contrack about borowing money and make your friend sign it THE DATES ARE IMPORTANT and i hope you got a police raport or atleast a badge number , go to them show them the paper and the will defitly reject the charges but geting lawyer is you # 1 thing
never give a cop permission to search your house without a warrant, hell if they come up to your door and ask to come inside say no. if you give them permission to enter your house they can use anything that they find against you, even if it wasnt what they where looking for. even if a cop is there for a totaly legit reason if you give permission for them to enter and they do find anything you lost your rights, with your permission they dont need a warrant to use your property that they found as evidence.
i called the the number they gave me and they said that they left a message for the detective and he is going to call me back. you guys think i should wait or i should get the paper work and go to the police department?
I think you should already have a lawyer giving you advice. This forum is great for getting info about herb itself. but CORRECT AND ACCURATE legal advice can only be bought. GET A LAWYER MAN. Or you'll end up gettin screwed by our legal system.
Just my 2 bits worth.

P.S. You have the RIGHT to remain silent. You have the Right to attorney. I suggest using both of those rights immedietly. ;)
..."Ain't no cop no friend"...they will not do you any favors. Their job is to do everything in their power to gather evidence to prosecute you, AND have you convicted.... not to administer "justice". "I" have not seen many with any interest in "justice"...only interested in turning their arrests into convictions.
Here is something everyone should check out. It basic but informative. (I'm not affiliated with this site or product)

I saw the full vid online but can't remember where. I'll post it if I can find it again.

LEO will sucker you into giving up your rights!!!

I respect respectful LEO's but absolutely hate the jack*** power trippers who think they are above the law they are paid by us to uphold.

Dude, lawyer up!!!

great vid, The number of times i've gotten away with several things (radar guns, being pulled over while smoking, etc.. luckily the cops where im from are a little less "out for power" than most places, and dont try and force knowingly illegal conduct opun you such as illegal searches etc..

All it takes is curtosy and understanding. E.g when i drive with a joint (i know its a stupid practice and i dont condone it in any way) I always keep a bottle of spray in my door pocket, make sure everything is out of site and have a fresh pack of cigarettes with me, I got pulled over once for "looking suspect" because i had my hood up.. Deal was it was winter and i was having a "cigarette" out the window of my car..

I find police can be very easy to deal with if your just nice, dont talk back, and co-operate with there "licence check".

funny thing is i've been pulled over hundreds of times, usually red eye and in my opinion stinking of pot, and i've always driven away with an apology :D

riz <- smooth operator lol!
Hick said:
..."Ain't no cop no friend"...they will not do you any favors. Their job is to do everything in their power to gather evidence to prosecute you, AND have you convicted.... not to administer "justice". "I" have not seen many with any interest in "justice"...only interested in turning their arrests into convictions.

that busted dvd looks like something every pot smoker/grower should have in their dvd collection. i will deafinately be getting one
of course get a lawyer...check high times they always have pot friendly lawyers in the back for each all depends on why they pulled you over..if they didnt have probable cause they cant search your car, therefore the evidence they found is not admissable in almost positive that they broke the law by going and searching your house without a warrant...just because you have seeds does not mean they can go into your house without permission...and Riz...i got caught with 110 grams one time, cops only reported 70 into evidence, it went right into their lungs, dirtbags
.just because you have seeds does not mean they can go into your house without permission
..they could most certainly argue "probable cause"...AND "conspiracy"..
let alone your house! Wheres the search warrent?

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