Carty Grows Jan's Gifts

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MG is a good medium. I would never say it is. I've grown in it along with other soil mixes.

The only issues I have with bringing soils in is them damn gnats. Ya have to treat everything or fight the swarms. Ya get tired of fishing them out of your coffee
MG is a good medium. I would never say it is. I've grown in it along with other soil mixes.

The only issues I have with bringing soils in is them damn gnats. Ya have to treat everything or fight the swarms. Ya get tired of fishing them out of your coffee
Haha you are like my brother was. Flick our the gnat and keep on drinking. I dumped mine yesterday. I went to mist my clones and came back with a fly upside down floating in my freshly made brew. Bummer.
Only soli I've ever got gnats from was Fox Farms.
Every one I've ever brought home I eventually got them. Ive had them critter in all mediums but it seems every time I introduce soils indoors I eventually end up with a fight.

With this peat I've been doing okay so far. I have traps n dunks available if needed. Them little things are annoying and can cause damage.

To be fair. Sometimes they can be brought home from the grocery store.
Only had gnats one time and that was an inside grow with Fox Farms.
Never used it again so I don't know to much about it.
Every one I've ever brought home I eventually got them. Ive had them critter in all mediums but it seems every time I introduce soils indoors I eventually end up with a fight.

With this peat I've been doing okay so far. I have traps n dunks available if needed. Them little things are annoying and can cause damage.

To be fair. Sometimes they can be brought home from the grocery store.

This is why I use the Promix and Peat that has been completely dried and compressed. Never had the first bug
MG is a good medium. I would never say it is. I've grown in it along with other soil mixes.

The only issues I have with bringing soils in is them damn gnats. Ya have to treat everything or fight the swarms. Ya get tired of fishing them out of your coffee
I've used them all overe 20yrs.. and because of where I live in the tropical jungle, fungus gnats is a battle I face on every grow. from Foxfarm to Roots Organics, eventually the bugs would come. but, after seeing some of the battles others face, I welcome just fungus gnats. I've been pretty successful battling them with sticky traps and soaps.. If I had the setup, I'd take the MG soil and run it thru a grinder ...

Only soli I've ever got gnats from was Fox Farms.
when I bought soils from a place that stored it in a shed outside, my fungus gnat issue was at it's worst. or lord forbig walmart where it's stored in the rain, gets wet, then fungus gnats lay eggs in it. get it home all seems fine for a week.. then the suckers are crawling everywhere in the soil.

Buy you soil from a place where it is stored indoors and dry. I bought some of the Promix from walmart 2 grows ago, same thing. Idiots store it outside in the garden section in the rain... gnats.

feel like it's just something I have to deal with where I live is all ....
Let's take a peek at seeds sent by Jan....

Batch #1 in flowering tent
Batch #2

yeah, I couldn't resist. Biggest reason is I really want to keep testing the WW..

and I've actually added a few photo periods at Jan's request, hard to say know to her...
Ice Princess... then, somehow not paying attention, I missed they were fem'd so I put 2
in each pot x's 2 pots... 4 total and all 4 popped up.

I did the same thing with the WW and have already lost 2. life is never fair, just have to adjust.


All of these came up on July 4th.. it was amazing. so this is my Independence Grow..... insert fireworks here... lol
Ok.. here is another hint on how I do things... pay attention, pull up your chair...

When you plant your seedling, plant it shallow, fingernail deep. I lay mine on their side tail downward.
I keep it moist using an eye dropper.. if you water by hand, most likely you'll flood the seedling and force it downward and bury it.. some never show due to this growing upside down.

Let the plant grow for a few days and then, top off your soil by adding enough to give the stem the extra support it needs to avoid stemming over. the more you allow the stem to fight in the wind early on the healthier this plant will become and the bigger the stem. Silica helps big time in your feeding schedule.

I'm starting to realize that many growers who are having issues with stunted plants, be it autos or photos, is their soil...

If you are constantly having issues with young plants, here is my advice.
hit 2nd hand stores and find a coffee grinder. grind that soil up, get rid of all them sticks and chunks of bark.. even my Miracle Grow soil has some..
Add perlite 3 to 1 %. so 3 cups ground soil to 1 cup of perlite. (do not use vermiculite indoors) and why I use perlite... they also make chunky and super chunky perlite. Perlite is your friend. It prevents the soil from compacting, thus, trapping roots..
I couldn't agree more, and yet I let my wife have 2 of the damn things🤦🏻 lmao
I don't hate cats, its just like you said, they ruin everything and it's not a lie.
You know what they sat curiosity kills the cat. That is a saying for a reason. They are nosey little shitz. They get into everything. I would never hurt an animal, but I have rescued a few from self harm the little buggers. Pulled one out of our pool years ago. The most recent was hanging by my green net I had around a few of the plants. It would have suffocated had I not rescued it. They are all bad little fluffy fur balls.
And you just love them to death Jan who are you kidding... hahaha.. bad little fluffy fur balls.. really. haha.

We all know to, Jan would never hurt a fly. I see you rescuing every animal you see girl. when I lived in El Paso, we used to love to catch horny toad lizards, we'd keep them for pets for a week and let them go, and go catch another... we would have to catch flies and force their mouths open to feed them... ah life at 14.

And yes, THE nosiest animal on the planet... although Mongo is pretty bad. He has to know just what your doing at all times and will push his nose into your area until you acknowledge him.... back when I could still change my oil and had my Jeep.. Mongo was like 2 and would crawl under the Jeep, up onto my chest then slowly wiggle his way up to my face and give you that look, So, what ya doing? then proceeds to grab my drain plug and run off with it... omg u dik. steal screw drivers...
Batch #1 is mostly Jan's gear with a breeder I added

Jan's Strawberry cross, hit recently with hand painted on pollen of Gabagoo f4..

Iced Latte' is one I grew out recently and was a frost monster, so she was painted with Gabagoo f4 pollen few days ago..
up & coming a mix of 4 photo periods double potted into 2 pots and the rest are autos... so, I'll run these on 14/10 thru out the grow to get both to perform as I wish....

2 of her White Widow Autos and one little Samsquatch of my oh so big Squatch off... yeah. 1 survived. the rest were hunted down like the vermin they are... muwahahahaha

You can see what a non oscillating fan does, see how just the one is super dried out.... lol.

WW is already growing it's 2nd set of leaf, how cool is that for a week old. Old school genetics like GDP and WW are totally on my radar

Pollen used
pollen collection.jpg

And be sure to use a product like Great White to improve root growth
Great White.jpg
I'm sold.... every strain I have with the word Strawberry in it's description is going to get grown out....

and since I hit her with Gabagoo pollen.... Strawberry Goo has a ring to it huh?
she is one pretty girl and her buds are going to finish fat..

Top Gun from Jan.... the oldest of the 3 of hers...

Fook Around and Find Out..... from Jan. Love the name, but even more so, love her big head... think I might paint a branch of her also...

I'm done with clip on fans that don't have a round clip on.... have one of each and sick of the cheap clamp one falling onto plants. this time it broke off important branches so I did a little Office Space justice on it...
hehe. anyone. lol.

Oh, I just realized something. If today is the 14th, my other Jan babies are a week old..

Jan's photo period Ice Princess

Jan's White Widow Auto

And my only Squatch off survivor.... Forged x Samsquatch not by Jan... haha

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