Carty Grows Jan's Gifts

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Update on the Jan grow....

Jan, this Strawberry cross is a lovely lady... excellent structure and growth..

Iced Latte' is a plant I ran recently and had to run again just to get one seeded up by hand.
Iced Latte' sexed.jpg


These are only a week a part in age....

Somedays I just open up my tent for a few hours and crank up this old floor fan and give them a windy day... strengthens stems and makes for healthy plants...
A windy day.jpg
Our WalMart does not do ship to store anymore. If you order online you pay shipping too much fir a 50 pound bag of dirt
No way.... that blows.

If I was you I would just buy Miracle Grow potting soil with extra perlite. Your only other choice during those months is to figure a way to grind their soil to break down their stems and sticks, because in smaller chunks it's good compost. then get yourself a bag of perlite, cheap enough to have shipped, I do via Amazon.
No way.... that blows.

If I was you I would just buy Miracle Grow potting soil with extra perlite. Your only other choice during those months is to figure a way to grind their soil to break down their stems and sticks, because in smaller chunks it's good compost. then get yourself a bag of perlite, cheap enough to have shipped, I do via Amazon.
There is a lot of soil bit it is either super expensive or just plain crap. Top soil. I guess when you are close to Juarez all you get is cheap crap.
I used MG a few times. Not a problem. Stuff never has enough perilite in it. But it will grow pot.
I used Walmart brand for my greenhouse years ago. Worked great. I'd not hesitant to use this again.


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Thought this might be interesting to you dirt farmers.

MG for the win. Old school always works.. what a great video, funny how my favorite yields the most fruit and looked the heallthiest of greens.
I used MG a few times. Not a problem. Stuff never has enough perilite in it. But it will grow pot.
I used Walmart brand for my greenhouse years ago. Worked great. I'd not hesitant to use this again.
And why I always recommend adding it to most soils, but especially MG. my favorite is the medium chunky and some regular small. try lining the bottom of your pot with a light sprinkle of the medium chunk perlite.. I even found perlite in super big chunks. my favorite additive.
and DO NOT use vermiculite indoors, so easy to breath in and rips lungs apart.

I’m currently using MG with added perlite. My girls seem to like it 👍🏻 50L for £7.50, bio all mix is £20 for 50L.
There is a lot of soil bit it is either super expensive or just plain crap. Top soil. I guess when you are close to Juarez all you get is cheap crap.
I lived in El Paso on and off total of 9yrs... Military brat. 9 & 10th grade was my last 2yrs there.. used to go to Juarez all the time, best friends dad would buy yard statues to sell... excellent BBQ'd Buffalo meat.

It seems like every time you do find a soil you love and works, the company gets bought out and the formula gets changed to make more $.. Roots Organics was my go. Used to get jet black hands from breaking up all the guano and worm castings chunks before using.

Be careful buy the Miracle Grow soil, make sure your looking at the indoor to avoid dem sticks n stuff...
Add perlite and yes, worm castings would help as it's nitrogen. remember, it already contains good foods so know it's NPK. 3mos, not the 6 mos feeder unless you veg for 4mos....

My last 2 grows and these grows have all been in Miracle Grow moisture control potting soil for indoor containers... everything is going good. no, Grrrrrreat... hehhe
Carty uses MG
Ssshhhhhh. hahaha. fine, Jan uses Jacks. you guys are all so much fun. I've been busy lately so please excuse my absence ok...
Whatever Carty uses, it works.
Appreciate the love, all of you. I come from the old school of, If it works, don't fix it. Sad part is, I'm also from the stubborn Baby Boomer gen... so, took me 18+yrs to get here.
K.I.S.S. it works, but we all get caught up in the, Let's try the next best thing... I sure did. tried it all cept hydro.

Keeping things simple, growing old school strains like White Widow and Granddaddy Purple... are you seeing a trend in Carty.. stay tuned.
Well, almost.... poor Mongo. Ever since our last place took a direct lightening strike and blew the kitchen window out he was standing next to, the poor guy must have PTSD. Any thunder or loud boom and he's gone. No fireworks for an hour, so thought I'd take him out to pee... get to the door, he's walking up to me and suddenly.. Boom. back into the bedroom he goes...
Hey, wanna take a peek at a few more of Jan's donations...? "I knew you would". (like Mr Rogers) lol

Babies born ON the 4th of July.... that's right, Liberty Weed.

Ice Princess.... 4 for 4.. gotta love a C99 cross.... although these are photo periods, I'll run them side by side with the Autos... forgot these were fem's and double potted.. usually works out allowing for males...


White Widow Auto's from Jan.... 2 for 4

Lost a WW by culling one that wound up growing up, then went upside down... grrrrr.

The ONLY squach that made it... and it was Forged. muwahahaha.

Nothing showed on the others,
Hope everyone had a wonderful and safe celebration of our nations birthday. still young she is.
Good night.

P.S. Anyone who wants to test these GDP x Beast Mode seeds Draig just made, please hit me up..

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