My granddaughter 12 yr old is smoking right now and her mother lets her..
But!! I layed ALLLL the ground rules down to her and HER Mother on 12 yr smokin!
1) School comes first
2)Homework comes first after school
3)No skip pen school
4)No going to school Stone
5)No tardiness
6)NO Fighting enless they hit u FIRST and have witness on who started it
7)No skipping School
8)Party time on weekends Not during the week
9)No late Nights on the computer, she don't have
10) I will call the school to check up on ur Grades and progress
11)Do NOT LIE about anything
12 Always be Honest
13) Tell the turth if u have to some what beat around the BUSH then do it
14) NO BOYFRIENDS Hehe hehe
15) must stay on ur birth control shots, since active
16) Always be the in Control of what ur doing while smokin
17)Bring A's home get Big Bucks
18)I Will Kick ur *** if u don't follow this rules.
19) Be a GOOOD Kid and Smoke responsible
A kid will go far to get a high and I much rather her smoke weed then do ther Other Hard drugs or pop pills or take some house hold cleanner chit and destoy her brians..