C99 Grow

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awww she's so cute, and so's the dog....sorry I had to do it one more time! Glad to hear she made a good speedy recovery. I can't believe your cindies have not shown sex yet, mine are behind you, and they had pre-flowers at 4 wks, and alternating nodes right after the males showed pre. Maybe it's the AK47 crossed into mine...I was surprised though, how fast they sexed. Umbra, I was a little worried about the wide leaflets also...but mine are getting ready to flower as soon as I have roots coming out of the cuttings

Question for ya'll: this is my first time really doing LST, and I love what it has done for the plants. I potted them in 21 quart trash cans, and have them spread out all across the width of the can. The profile is awesome, they are almost 2 months old in veg, and only stand about 6" above the rim of the trashcans. Nice spread out bushes. My question is, once I flip it to bud, do I leave all the twisty ties on them shoots that are tied down, they are not tight around the stem or anything, or should I remove them once I start flowering? Also should I trim off all the smaller shoots that branch off the stems that come from the main stem...there are maybe 4 or 5 nodes left after I took cuttings for cloning. They are also topped so I will have like 8 to 10 main bud sites. Should I keep all the other lesser shoots or prune them off? Sorry this probably wasn't the best place to ask, but I really wanted an answer from you Hemp Goddess, as I trust your oppinion, and I know you have done LST before.
Hay just had a read thru there , awesome journal! hope its ok to pull up a chair for this one :)
legalize_freedom said:
awww she's so cute, and so's the dog....sorry I had to do it one more time! Glad to hear she made a good speedy recovery. I can't believe your cindies have not shown sex yet, mine are behind you, and they had pre-flowers at 4 wks, and alternating nodes right after the males showed pre. Maybe it's the AK47 crossed into mine...I was surprised though, how fast they sexed. Umbra, I was a little worried about the wide leaflets also...but mine are getting ready to flower as soon as I have roots coming out of the cuttings

Question for ya'll: this is my first time really doing LST, and I love what it has done for the plants. I potted them in 21 quart trash cans, and have them spread out all across the width of the can. The profile is awesome, they are almost 2 months old in veg, and only stand about 6" above the rim of the trashcans. Nice spread out bushes. My question is, once I flip it to bud, do I leave all the twisty ties on them shoots that are tied down, they are not tight around the stem or anything, or should I remove them once I start flowering? Also should I trim off all the smaller shoots that branch off the stems that come from the main stem...there are maybe 4 or 5 nodes left after I took cuttings for cloning. They are also topped so I will have like 8 to 10 main bud sites. Should I keep all the other lesser shoots or prune them off? Sorry this probably wasn't the best place to ask, but I really wanted an answer from you Hemp Goddess, as I trust your oppinion, and I know you have done LST before.

Actually, I am doing my first LST now (I did some SCROG before). I left all my ties (I used cotton yarn) on my girl when I put her into flower. This is not a Cindy. Do you have a pic of your LST?

12-10-09 003-2.JPG

12-10-09 005-2.JPG
no pics since the last time my kid and I argued over it...I thought you had something about the lst mother...maybe this is her?

I'll try to get some if I can get my kid to let me get her digi camera.

I started doing the lst, right from the start, from maybe the 4th node, I bent the main stem over at a 90* angle, and now I have the branches at each node spread to a different part of the trash can lids. They were also topped , with the top split spread apart and tied down to the rim. Looks much different than yours, but yours was already a big plant wasn't it? Mine looks like a spider all the branches tied out in different directions. It's hard to explain, I'll try to get some pics.
I'd love to see an update and a nute report on your Cindies, Ma'am.
Looks like one of those bushes you can make a shape out of. An elephant or a dog would be cool. Nice lady ya got there goddess!
The Hemp Goddess said:
Thanks, but they are not growing that fast at all. They are short and squat. The tallest one is about 5" now with 5 sets of real leaves. It is almost 5" in diameter, too. I'll post more pictures on Friday. I figure that I will try to update ever week or so.

I don't live anywhere that I can get DWC nutes and equipment. I order everything I use online. And I do mean everything. I live in a very very small mountain community (1 grocery store, 1 hardware store, 3 bars...you know the kind of place :D)

ahh... true peace of mind.. i envy you THG, i HATE the city!
yeah whats up with these? Did you start flowering yet?
I'll try to get some pics up by this weekend. I ended up with 4 males and 4 females. I put one into 12/12 on 12/17, another went on the 26th, and the other 2 on 1-2. They are all short and bushy. They really took a long time to show sex. Because these were in temporary vegging quarters, I used a 400W MH instead of my T5...and I have to say that I just like my T5 so much better.
I just ordered a 2' 4 bulb t5 yesterday, can't wait to get it in. I to, have been using my 400w and it just seems like overkill for my little veg space 1 1/2x3'x6'...do you run all the same bulbs in yours? Or do you mix the spectrum? Mine is coming stock with all bulbs in the blue spectrum, so I'm going to run it like that for awhile anyway.

My Joey Weeds, I got all 10 germ'd and ended up with 6 fems, all went to flower on 12/17...I really like these plants, mine are nice and bushy. But mine showed sex early, like 4 weeks in veg, I had pre-flowers, and the next set of nodes alternated. Could be the hybrid in them though...can't wait to see your pics!
I run all blue for vegging. You think you like them now...wait til you smoke them!
LOL...I know...I can't wait, I got sugar on the leaves close to the buds already, and it is only starting week 3...I've never seen it this early, I can only imagine what the end product will be...lol.

This is my first time trying Joey Weed, and I know it's still early to tell for sure, but you know you can tell a hardy nice structured stinky plant, with trichs at the end of week 2 in flower, it's going to be something. I'm sure I'll be buying from him again. Can't beat the price!
Joey's out of Cindy until March. I sent in my order before the end of the year but don't know if I made the cut. I second choiced with C99XA11, and I think I'll be happy either way.
He was out of the c99/a11 the last time I was on there, which was awhile ago, I was wanting to give that a shot.
legalize_freedom said:
He was out of the c99/a11 the last time I was on there, which was awhile ago, I was wanting to give that a shot.

Joey E-mailed: I'm getting the C99XA11. I'll let you know how it grows. I understand that Cindy devours nutes. Wonder if the cross will as well?
These are not Joey Weed seeds. When I was on a search for C99, Joey was out and I got some from another (private) source. I am hoping for some different pheno types. The oldest plant has more of a sativa type growth. Well, here are the pics (I'm not sure the pics really do them justice).

I do have some of Joey's A11 and some A11 x C99 that I will be starting in the next month or so.

1-11-10 008-2.JPG

1-11-10 012-2.JPG

1-11-10 001-2.JPG

1-11-10 004-2.JPG
Nice, THG. Lemme know how they do on nutes, please. I'm growing out a few donated WW seeds right now, trying them out on my new super-sized containers since I've had expeience with the strain. After those, I'm doing the C99XA11 in the big pots, so I'm hoping they show their sativa genes. I want 5'-from-the-dirt monsters. New year, new methods and new strains. Man, I love this sport.

You had said H Depot usually gets there 3 or 4 days after the E-mail. If that works out, then I should be seeing my beans any day now.
Lookin good ma'am! Thanks for the update!

Pencil Head, mine are hybrids, and they are very hungry! Feeding 1 1/2 times the recomended dose...so I guess be prepared that they may need the extra nutes.
Yeah, I knew someone had said their Cindy was voracious and remembered you saying your hybrid was a hungry one too. That's fine--I got plenty of nutes.