BlueSmoke - First-time Grow

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Well the two clones look like they may just make it. They both had roots sprouting through the I decided it was time to pot them. I will try to get them to grow into a couple of nice mothers.

The other 5 girls are doing great. They got fed today, are are starting to glisten with tricomes on the leaves around the buds.

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Are they on 18/6 or what? Look's great! And have you harvested that other plant top man?
very nice, like the lights. are thos floros 150watt evelent or 150 true watts?
Doms- The clones are on 24hr light right now, but will be going to 18/6 in a couple of days. I did not take the entire top that was getting burnt, but did snip off a little bud and give it a try......not bad...but I think it will be much better when cured well.

Wiseguy- I actually have a couple of different CFLs. One of them is a 125x Vitalume (2700k). On the other side of the drobe, I have 2 "300W equiv" bulbs that use 65w of power, and put out 3900 lumen each. I also have a few 42 watt CFL for side fill light.
nice, i got 3 65watt's vegging light's an one 85watt cfl's. i all so got 6 floro tubes as well. going for a 250 watt hps for flowering.
Things are progressing very well. We are looking forward to the harvest. They have been flowering since 9/21/2008 - so they are at 41 days of flowering.

Have 2 clones growing very well right now, and they are just waiting for the flowering plants to get out of the way so that they can have some better accommodations.

Since all of the plants came from bagseed, it has become clear that we have at least 3 different strains. Only took clones from one of them, but we have plenty of seeds left from all of them.

They all got feed today with nute mix, and I think that they will get fed nutes through next weekend, and then we will flush, and just let then have water to finish. Does anyone have any recommendations for anything to add during finish? I have heard molasses or sugar will firm up the buds nicely at the end...but still looking for some advice.

Tricomes are mostly nice and clear, with about 10% getting milky. I have not seen any turn amber yet...but I will be watching. I am thinking that I should wait until 25% are that correct?

All and all.....very happy with my first grow experience, and many thanks go to MP and its members.

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Well the girls are growing very well. I think that they know that they are now growing in a state that just legalized MMJ. The tricomes are starting to turn milky, and the pistils are turning from white to brown. They smell strong. They are now at 47 days of flowering, and have had their last batch of nutes. Just watered with a little sugar and Sugar Daddy. Will continue to give them water with a little sugar to help them finish. I am thinking that they will go dark for 24 hours just before harvest, and we should have some nice smoke for Thanksgiving :)

I will post pictures of each plant before harvest. Since this is bagseed, I know that we have at least 3 varieties, and we will be keeping the MJ seperate, and review the qualities of the smoke once cured. Also thinking that I will collect the trim and make some bubble hash....
very nice bro, nice looking buds with the cfl's i am impressed.
nice job, bluesmoke... now... I noticed you said you don't want couch-lock pot... therefore, you want to harvest when the trichs have gone cloudy, and BEFORE any of them start to amber....

like I said, nice job with yer grow :aok:
I agree. I just looked at the plants, and the tricomes are 75% I think harvest will move up.

they have been on just water and sugar for a day now, and I think that I will put them in 24hr of darkness starting tonight, and then harvest on Sunday morning.

I have 3 or the 5 plants that I think I will top, and let the lower flowers continue to grow for another week. Any thoughts?

Also....they are stinking to high heaven, and are sticky are hell.
We harvested 3 plants, and topped 2 plants. The remaining 2 plants are still on 12/12, and will continue to fatten up a bit before we finish them. The other plants have dried, and are in the process of curing. This was a pretty light harvest, and the density of the buds is not as dense as I would like...but not bad for a first grow using CFL. We ended up harvesting an ounce per plant. The top producing plant also happened to be the plant that we took 2 clones from, and are in veg right now, and will hopefully become mothers for the next grow.

We also just got a vaporizer (Extreme Vaporizer), and have been trying out the new grow. It is still curing, so it tastes green, but we have tried 2 of the 5 differnt plants, and have found 2 very different highs.

The first plant produced what we are calling stupid weed. The high starts off heady, and then as time goes on, you realize you are thinking dumb thoughts, and just want to hang on the couch.

The second plant produced a very nice heady high. It does not stick you to the couch, and you can function....although you get some wicked cotton mouth.

More to come as we finish the cure, and also try the other 3 plants.
sounds like it wasn't a bust, eh? ;)

any plans for the next grow?
We have a couple of clones vegging right now to become mothers. We smoked some of the parent of the clone, and it is a nice smoke. That will be the next grow. I hope to smooth out the process, and get a HPS light for flowering the next grow. Heat is not an issue, and may even help in the cold winters we have here.

I will likely order some quality seeds as well.....but that may turn into a trip to Toronto to buy in person.

It is pretty nice to have 5 different jars to choose bud from. You can get just the high that you want at the moment.

I am hoping that the smoke smooths out a little more after it finishes curing. It still has a green taste to it right now...but hopefully that will dissipate as it cures. Is this because of the chlorophyll?

Anyways.....with Michigan now being a Medical MJ state, wife and I are also hoping to continue to grow and have fun, and also help out some medical users.

The wife has also found that she loves manicuring MJ, so if anyone wants to hire her....feel free....we are out of stuff to manicure right now, and she keeps eyeing my 2 remaining plants, and asking when she can get ahold of them.

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