Bhc: Bong-hitters Club

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What is our smoke session times? 4:20 on the hour?? LOL

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Happy Birthday Ozzie:woohoo:

I was wondering the same thing cubby...she went to bed early one night and have not been heard from since.
Talk Like a Pirate Day is upon us again

(RNN) – Arrgh, avast and ahoy ye scurvy dogs, dance the peg-leg jig, hang scalawags from the yardarm and grog the buckos in the bilge wagon.

MOREAdditional LinksOr whatever.

Sept. 19 marks the 11th annual Talk Like a Pirate Day. Coincidentally, it's also Try Not to Strangle Your Co-Workers Who Are Incessantly Talking Like Pirates Day.

The event is the brainchild of John "Ol' Chumbucket" Baur, his wife, Tori "Mad Sally" Baur, and their pal, Mark "Cap'n Slappy" Summers

TLAPD has its own website. There's a Facebook page with 76,000 fans, Slappy tweets year-round, and there's a Flickr Gallery of fan photos.

The Baurs, who came from Oregon before they moved to the Caribbean and then to New Orleans, have their own blog, Bayou Time, which is published under their real names and details the activities of the whole family, John, Max Tori, Millie and Kate.

In case you haven't gotten your fill of piratical verbiage by close of business Thursday, be sure to check out John Baur's and Summers' blog, The Ship's Log O' the Festerin' Boil, which features a multiple-episode, serialized yarn about the fictional adventures of their alter-egos, written entirely in pirate dialect.

Thanks Duck:48:


18, 19 was half smok :rant: drop in cofee
G-13, all due respect friend..........we just got rid of an idiot who talked like a backwards backwoodsman,.....I'm not intentionally seeking out people who talk like pirates..........and I'm avoiding the renaissance festival as well.
cubby said:
G-13, all due respect friend..........we just got rid of an idiot who talked like a backwards backwoodsman,.....I'm not intentionally seeking out people who talk like pirates..........and I'm avoiding the renaissance festival as well.

LMAO........ I don't miss the Yuals myself.:huh:
Yall au be gla I type englash

my talk'n'type program just responds with :huh::huh:huh::huh::huh::huh::huh::huh::huh:

19, 20 down
happy birthday (cool).jpg OZZY!!!!
Get those lungs in gear Birthday Boy, those joints aren’t gonna' smoke themselves...Happy B-Day Ozzie...:smoke1: :smoke1: :smoke1:
Party getting started now

22,23 ,24, 25 in the air the keg is tapped,round of burgers on thr grill

I'm getting a contact high from ozzy....... from reading his post.
Enjoy your birthday Ozzy..........
Went to the grocery store and seen something unusual.

The had potato chips that are Chicken and Waffle Flavor:eek:

I passed on those.
cubby said:
Melvan, sitting on the porch with coffee, weed, and no errands sounds nice...but be careful of the coyotes. They're attracted to coffee and weed, it's what all the world famous coyote hunters used for bait, but they had to stop because they kept finding middle aged housewives caught in their live traps...:eek: And that's a catch and release no one wanted to help with.

No coyote is going to mess with one of The Real Housewives of Appalachia.

Happy Bday Ozzy, this toke's for you. :smoke1: and this one:smoke1:
and this one:smoke1: and this one:smoke1: and this one:smoke1:
Thanks all been a good one

I drink to remember
I drink to forget
Fallen Heros

10 left lungs hurting but by midnight I'll make it

not doing this again til next yr that is:D
pcduck said:
Went to the grocery store and seen something unusual.

The had potato chips that are Chicken and Waffle Flavor:eek:

I passed on those.

Ahh man...I thought same...than I buy some..they real good

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