Bhc: Bong-hitters Club

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What is our smoke session times? 4:20 on the hour?? LOL

  • 4:20 east

  • 4:20 central

  • 4:20 on every hour

  • other

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good morning BHC....... hope your day is has plenty of hits. Where is SM....... I did see it is raining in Texas this morning.
Sure is a lot of spam today...and still dont understand how a Spammer can post so many posts ...when I try the site tells me I have to wait 60 sec between posts????

Thats bunk azz shyyt
:cry: didnt make it

:rant: it's pcduck's fault too. we haven't been having the BUI practice sessions:laugh:

Yep 4u is spammer friday. looks to me like he's shopping for a cell, jail that is gray wall, steel bar and cavity searches
Good Morning BHC ::ciao:

Was wondering what breakfast meat I was going to have, but now I know;)

BIU BHC :bong:
SPAM it is not just for lunch anymore:D
Time to get The GROW on:D

For those that arent ....thats your loss:p

Good morning all

Ozzy What a light weight, couldn't finish all those joints, lol.

Friday is the best day because it's Wake-N-Bake Project Runway day!
Morning BHC,

What's with all the spam???

4U, what's going on in the garden today?

Anyone heard from Sm?

Ozzy, it looks like you better get in some practice for next year....I'll help...:48: :48: :48:
:ciao: cubby....

The rains move in again today and will stay untill just keeping an eye on the cover and Looking for Rot...The Shed is up in full swing other than the Flower room...I emptied it out to clean and paint..Moved the 6 plants I had out under the Cover...Hope they finish out they have 3 weeks left on 2 and 2 weeks on the others....And than we start Harvesting outback in Ovtober....:D...Hope your well and High

Thanks for asking about me guys. I'm fine, maybe a slight funk but what's new. :p

Ozz, happy belated my friend! Sounds like you really enjoyed it.

G13, yes, RAIN! It's a miracle! 76 for a high today, and low 80s for the weekend. Midweek back into the

Missed everyone. High to all. :D
Howdy folks. Very wet day here,,, and boy did we ever need the rain.

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