BC Kush

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Ganja Farmer
Bud of the Month Winner
Oct 31, 2007
Reaction score
Another journal starting. This time it's BC Kush, I have run this stain a few times already and really enjoy it, but this is the end of the seeds and the next journal will be something different. I hate to bore you all by starting a journal in veg, so I have waited to start this until DAY 17 of flowering. These babies vegged for 5 weeks, 7 out of 10 are female, 1 was an early hermie, and 2 were males. Not too shabby in my book. I think overall out of 21 seeds in the pack 15 or so were females, excellent! Well a few short weeks and these babies will be ready, enjoy this journal.

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that is a very beautiful and symmetrical garden you have there. Buds look frosty and leaf structure seems to show no mutation. They stretch well.

I would cut the oldest (usually purple stemmed) leaves to allows more light to those lower bud sites.

God job man!
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WOW..... All I could do when I saw these beauties was......:watchplant: drooooool.... awesome dude ! :D
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A little droopy but they were just watered and are in their night cycle at the moment. I couldn't help myself though, pictures had to be taken. 22 daysold and a very good amount of trichs already dropping down the leaves. They are taking the nutrients very well and don't mind 3/4 strength feedings. Of the 7 plants, 1 is much more sativa dominant than the others, I have my eyes on her. Enjoy!

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Looking good gmo!


they are sleeping...
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Very nice gmo BPOTM entree should go well ! Take care and all the best !
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that sat pheno is a real beauty gmo. :) . me like.;) .

yay, trichs!!!

you say you don't want to bore folks with vegging pics. i post 'em all for a reason. a newb can learn from documented mistakes you've made along the way, if thier paying attention. it can give them a visual of the mj plants life cycle.

they may read over your thread showing 'this is what happens when you over water'. or ' this is the point where they will start to need food' , etc...

it's all about the documentation baby. tag that sucker...:cool: ...

fine grow gmo. very top notch...Irish...
Lots more pics. The sat pheno is about a foot taller than any of the others and branched out rather than having one main cola. She is also a lot further behind flowering wise, hardly any trich development at all. I have a feeling she is gonna go for 10+ weeks, although I'm not sure, I haven't had this pheno before. I'm sure most of you can pic out the sat. dom just by the description, but she is in the first 2 pictures and the very last picture.

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also, of course, we do like our bud porn too.:hubba: ...

she is a real looker buddy. they all are. hope you took clones?..

very sweet gmo...Irish...
5 weeks flower. 3 different plants to show you this time. No pictures of the sativa, she is soooooo slow. The indica phenos, as you can see, are very similar. Super frosty, nice big colas, and quick. A great strain overall.

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i'm still here gmo. man, those look sweet. that center pic looks like trichs are exploding off from the fans. got an overhead shot of her?

how much longer?.

keep up the great work gmo...Irish...
IRISH said:
i'm still here gmo. man, those look sweet. that center pic looks like trichs are exploding off from the fans. got an overhead shot of her?

how much longer?.

keep up the great work gmo...Irish...

Hey Irish, thanks for following along. I'll get some overhead pictures of a few plants tonight. My camera ran out of batteries last night, I planned on putting up a lot more pictures than I did. Check back tonight or tomorrow and I'll have some overheads up.

I've harvested from this same batch of seeds 2 times in the past. The first tme they went about 7 1/2 weeks and the second they went for just over 8 weeks. My guess would be about 3 weeks left on this batch, give or take a few days. I'm in the homestretch now!
WoW! gmo.. nice time lapse of the budding process :D glad to see that you didn't ..uhumm.."cut leaves away"..;)
We all know that it is the "green" leaves that need and utilize light, not the flowers/buds..:)
Hick said:
WoW! gmo.. nice time lapse of the budding process :D glad to see that you didn't ..uhumm.."cut leaves away"..;)
We all know that it is the "green" leaves that need and utilize light, not the flowers/buds..:)

Well, duh :). I leave all the leaves on, until they fall off by themselves or are completely dead and fall off just by touching the stem. Thanks for coming by Hick, you da man!
Irish, I tried some overhead pictures tonight and they really just didn't turn out that well. Here is some other eye candy for ya to look at though. You can really see the trich development on that plant that you asked about yesterday. I'll try the overheads again for ya next time.

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Some bud porn since I've been stingy the past few weeks. This is at end of day 49. Around a week left. Trichs are beginning to go amber, probably 20%, so I am keeping a close eye on them.

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