Thanks Hamster!
You are welcome TLC.
Thanks Hamster!
Hey buddy how's it going I was thinking about ordering same light you did but I will only be using it on fresh cuttings and babies do you think I would be better off going with the 1000 instead of the one you got I will only be using it to grow them about 8 inches to maybe 10 inches tall
Pretty girls hamster.
Honestly I would go with HO T5 lighting if you are using it for just that.
im running T fives Lewis but I need a bunch more so by the time I priced out the amount of 3 foot T fives I can fit in the same spot would be the same price as buying the LED I just don't want to overpower the little ones with the LED if it's too strong
Thanks Lewis I greatly appreciate the advice and your girls are looking beautiful
Hammy knows what he be talken about.
Lewis you are definitely getting your sexy on you looking good my friend :48:
Thanks. Another week and it is time to start checking trichomes.
Are you going to have to knock all that "snow" off of them first?
Just beautiful!
Nice work.