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Feb 11, 2009
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I have a few clones that the roots are showing good on and im gonna place them into soil now. I am currently growing them indoor, although i took two and put them in the grown. Its been raining alot lately but recently stopped so the ground has been very moist. What should i do?

thnx in advance for any input!
There is no-one that looks after plants in nature, they fend for themselves :)
:watchplant: :farm: As long as the Ladies get plenty of dirrect Sun, you should have no problems. The biggest problem outdoors is thieves.:hairpull:
:hubba: Mother Nature take care of all other problems, unless a tree fall on the Ladies.:giggle:
I would suggest that you put out an old nylon filled with shaved bars of Irish Spring near your outdoor grow spots. This will keep deer, skunks and racoons from munching on your little ones. Another deterent is human urine. You could also use lion or tiger poo, in a bag. This is available from your local zoo, usually.

What time zone are you in? Isn't it too early? I have my outdoor in flower right now!
Young plants like their water, that rain and moist soil will be like a hug for those your roots.
jb247 said:
I would suggest that you put out an old nylon filled with shaved bars of Irish Spring near your outdoor grow spots. This will keep deer, skunks and racoons from munching on your little ones. Another deterent is human urine. You could also use lion or tiger poo, in a bag. This is available from your local zoo, usually.


i wont be around much where i grow, you think if i throw a bunch of full bars of irish spring around the area it will work? im not worried about people at all, but animals are plenty. i heard human hair works well too, but i think the rain would wash the scent away quickly.
soap will draw rats that wll eat your plants. if your plants are close to sexual maturity they will flower, its to early, days are close to 12 & 12.
longtimegrower said:
soap will draw rats that wll eat your plants. if your plants are close to sexual maturity they will flower, its to early, days are close to 12 & 12.

so what would you suggest i use to keep animals away when im not there?
I use chicken fence around my outdoor plants this keeps away most of all the little veggy eating animals. But the myth of human urine is just that a myth. I have hunted deer and everything else there is to hunt for more than 30 yrs and let me tell you animals will come up and inspect the spot where you urinated at. It's in their nature to inspect a new urine stain in their area. Especially young deer and does, I have done my own investigating into this. I have gone into the woods and urinated on the ground then climbed into the treestand and waited on deer to come around. Whenever the does and young deer come around the 1st thing they did was inspect the urine spot. Now the bucks will avoid this, until they see there is no danger then they will come in and check it themselfs. Animal urine in the woods is put onto the ground as marking territory or marking where they have stored food. Also for breeding purposes. What deer and other animals fear is the smells of humans themselfs. Like body odor or the smell from our breath but not our urine. But the predator urine will only attract other predators because they think that there will be a food sourse close by. If you are going to use a urine to keep things away then use Skunk urine/stink gland. When a skunk sprays it's because there was danger in the area and this will keep almost all other animals away from the area of danger. Or put on an old T-Shirt and get real sweaty then romve it and place around the area you wish to grow the only problem with this is you will have to replace the shirt with a new sweaty one every now and then. But the same will go for the skunk urine it will need to be replenished also as time goes on...take care..
Hey guys,my simple yet effective technique consists of:whole garlic bulbs (1-10 depending on patch),crushed rep pepper flakes,1 milk jug 1/2 full of water,The nastiest smelling stick incense you know.15 lb test fishing line,One full human urinary bladder (every visit).
First: I establish a "patch perimeter" with the fishing line going about mid-way between the bellybutton and the nipple line in height from the earth.I tie it around trees (posts/whatever) and run it around an area I feel comfortable with.DONT PULL&TIE IT TO TIGHT!!If a large deer walks into tight line it will snap.Make sure it is tight enough, just to maintain that working height of about 4 3/4 feet *this perimeter should be far enough away from the plants so a deer cannot reach over to a plant(s) with its head*
Next: First urinate in the jug :D I smash up the garlic with a couple of rocks and scatter it around the perimeter,and then, pepper flakes around the perimeter (personally I bring a premixed gal of garlic/pepper flake oil that I make with 1/2 cup veg oil,3 bulbs garlic and 1/2 cup pepper flakes 1cup water in a blender then added to the rest of the water making a whole gallon,what I write here is the original and works perfect,you can tweak to your critters).I then stick the incense in the urine for about 20 secs,after that i throw the incense about 10 feet beyond the perimeter in a clock face fashion @12'clock @1 O'clock etc..after that I pour the urine mix in all different areas throughout the patch,paying attention the the areas nearest the plants and closest the the edge of the perimeter.
This sounds weird but it works great.I am in an area with ALOT of deer.For some reason that fishing line keeps them back really weird the pepper flakes and urine is a deer back-up as well as for shorter pests.I had a problem with chipmunks digging but I put rocks on the soil surface :D good luck

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