5 70% Sat doms from the backbreed experiment

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Bloody H E L L !
Sep 26, 2008
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The five seedlings are all up now and doing well, quite a lot of stretch, typical sativa behaviour. Two are on the second pair of leaves and three are a little slower.
Yep. Later today when I get my durn camera back from the daughter ...
Here are the five seedlings.
Plant #2 (THIRD from left) is 11 days old, the others are all 7 days. No.2 seems to have got off to a fast start (probably a male!)

Though this cross has at least 70% sativa genetics and started fast like a typical sativa does, look at the leaf shape on no.2, doesn't look very sativa does it!

DJ Short commented about the large variety of genotypes in an F2 set, and I think this is an F2 set, so any comments MP members might like to make on the types in this grow will be very welcome!

The seedlings always look a bit rough at this stage, probably the fact that the daytime temp is around 40C and the extreme sun, might be a factor there. Typically they will look better soon enough.





See the runt in the last entry? Still the same. Looks healthy but unless it grows it will fail. I think I will put it in the grow room with the Aurora clones and mom, on reveg at 16/8, currently under 150W of CFLs. See if that does it. If it starts to shoot up, it will be a fairly pure Aurora I think. I have the feeling I am going to see five very varied genotypes here. I wish now I had kept the old hermie male going permanently. The problem being it would have pollinated all my fems.
Seedlings still doing as well as can be expected in the conditions: 40C, 10% RH. Minor pest damage evident. Doesn't seem progressive. Plant 2 above, has sativa growth but indica leaves. Hmm... have to watch that one.
This is my 55 type, equal parts Aurora and Oaxaca sativa.
I used this as the basis of the 73 (sat doms). I pollinated a female of this type with the pollen from the Oaxaca male. The seeds of that cross are the current experiment.

I like my 55 type well enough to want to grow more of it, :hubba: so was quite happy when this one sprouted in the lawn from a seed I dropped.
She has been flowering, oh, maybe three weeks. It's been a rough and ready outdoor grow in a neglected corner of the compost heap, you can see for yourself, but the only real problem was that I had to tie up the lower branches. This type grows very long and slender lower branches that get pulled down by the weight of the colas. I expect the dry yield to be around 3 to 4 oz. I could have done better with a bigger pot and a better position but been a bit preoccupied with the Auroras. :rolleyes: Anyway it is nice to have some bud on the way.

Rain! I checked on the 55 hybrid this morning and the rain had flattened it. On the ground. Got out the green raffia and staked and tied it all. I suppose it will recover once the weather turns dry again.
OK. Lots of progress. Pics.
First, the runt got killed in the growroom collapse.:fid:
So then I was down to 4.
Anyway, popped two more seedlings two days ago and have probably one more tomorrow, so I should be back up to 6 or 7.

These babes are growing very fast. :D This is a characteristic of the local (sativa) genotype. Long intervals between internodes. The originals got to 10 ft in a 5 gallon pot with stalks like a small tree. It will be interesting to see how these go.
The proof however of this grow is whether they revert to the original male hermie genotype.

This one looks very sativa-like to me.
The plants are outdoor in full sun, leaf damage is the usual random pests.


Here's plant #2
This is quite different. These are F2 hybrids and I believe that this is much more indica than sativa. See the very different leaves, the lower, bushier habit.
This plant had the growing tip damaged by something or other at the first internode and developed two equal sized stems from the base instead. Might be a useful technique. (laughs)


Well, the '55' (see earlier pic) is doing great in the sun. Right now the sun is full tropical, a real burner and it's killing off my flowers, already done for my green beans, but the MJ loves it. I can hardly wait to see what the yield is from this one, it's the first time I have tried this hybrid in an outdoor grow. I can pretty much see the colas increasing in size on a daily basis.

The runt having been killed in the growroom collapse, the four that were left are doing great. The tallest is now 36" - from a 6" pot! I just repotted it into a 5-gallon clay pot and will repot another today. Three are female and in flower now, but one is a boy so I hope to be able to selectively pollinate and get generation 3 of this breeding experiment.

The Aurora indicas are not doing well. I am still trying to reveg them under the HPS (16/8) but they are drying up. Looks like one of them might make it and if so I will clone it like mad or I will lose that line, which I don't want to happen because it is such potent freaking dope!

I'm going to try a little experiment too. Make my own ferts. I'll use phosphoric acid and calcium carbonate to make calcium phosphate, and add plenty of trace elements: iron, zinc, etc. . . a pure bloom nute, nothing but phosphorus. 0 - 23 - 0
Are you going to pick from this batch and work on cubing it? or you just out for fewer pheno variations?
Plants look good :aok:
I will selectively pollinate the three females with the one male, which is about to open its pollen sacs. Then I'll have to wait until I try the smoke until I can decide which one was the best. And my S1 generation will be its offspring. I do have three more small plants coming on.

What worries me though is continuing the line from there, reliably, without it degenerating. I need more knowledge on the final stages of breeding.

I am super pleased with the way these have come out. This BC1 (F2) grow, the plants look like pure sativas in leaf structure, grow fast like pure sativas, BUT: I am not sure if they are deciding to stop around 40" or if it's just a pause because I repotted them.
Right now they are flowering well and branching is good, I have over 2 dozen bud sites on each plant and the lower branches are growing 2 inches per day.
I am hoping to get a really good yield on these, aiming for a pound of dry each plant, minimum. More pics very soon.
Note on the Auroras:
The mom and two clones are just showing reveg leaves. Looks like I might be in luck. Hope I can take clones soon. I intend to take 6 clones and veg them inside to 24" then move them outside where they'll flower. Hope to get a high yield in natural sunlight. So right now the grow is 3 x Aurora indicas indoor, plus 3 x 75/25 BC1 sat dom females in flower, 1 x male sat dom in flower, 3 x seedling sat doms, and 1 x 50-50 F1 hybrid in late flower with some big fat bud on it.
BC1: 31 inches, (main stem was buried 5 in. when repotted) and 4 inch side branches at this time. Gave some calcium phosphate nute. 0-23-0
BC1: 33 inches, and 5 inch side branches. Seems like the main stem is growing 2 inches per day. Wow. In another week at this rate she's going to be at 4 feet. I'll keep recording growth rates because I think it is important to document everything on a new strain.
BC1: 36 inches. The leaves are atypical for a sativa. They are becoming three-lobed, whereas in a pure sativa I would expect a minimum of 5 and more probably 7 or more. But they are not fat like an indica, they are very long and slender. The branches are rebranching giving me the impression it might develop a profile like a cypress rather than xmas tree shape. All branches are in flower as well as the top. Since I want to see the proper genotype I am growing 'au naturel'.
Growth rate one inch per day. Will try a top dressing of sheep manure.
Repotted #3 in my new mix of 75% coco, 25% pasteurised sheep manure. Looks very happy. The male, #4, is covered in pollen sacs but they have maybe another week before they open. So I expect to selectively pollinate three females maybe next week, that will be the S1 generation; or F3.

Indicas are just beginning reveg still, not happy at all, #2 failing I think. Far too hot. Temp in the growroom is 46C. Ambient 41C. Horrible.

But the F1, the 50-50 hybrid, is loving it, and the intense sun. I added a top dressing of the sheep manure and growth was very evident in one day. Think I might get six ounces or more off this one 3-foot plant. My only problem being to stabilise it - all fem seed! Maybe use colloidal silver or silver thiosulphate to reverse one. Then cross it back out to avoid over-inbred problems :/
Bud shots.
Bracts: The BC1 strain. Obviously in early flower. Lot of growth left.
Hybrid cola: One of the colas on the hybrid. It has a xmas-tree shape so pronounced I had to stake and tie it. Fast becoming my favourite.
Hybrid-Cola Micro: Detail of the hybrid cola. You can see the trichomes on it.


hybrid cola.jpg

hybrid cola-micro.jpg
Great pics Leaf :)

The way it is growing it looks like it could pass as a common garden plant ;)


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