all but one of the super silver's were sprouted so 11 seeds were planted 5 are under the 400 watt mh and the other 6 are under a flor... cannot wait to see the green leaves! I am going to give the other seed more time and a warmer spot.
the grow closet...some of the plants are so big..I am tempted to add them to my grow area..course where would I put them right? I may have a bit of room towards the back...trying to decide...
hey greeneyes! I am hoping to grow some snow white the next go round...or after I finish harvesting my more mature plants...this time around I was trying to stick to female seeds..I amy save them for outside because my plants do so well out there in that great it really stinky?
A lot less of stink then my the good ole heirloom skunk I grew a few yrs ago. Really not much smell till your movin' them around and you just get this delicious fruity reek on your hands or whatever touches the SnowWhite(s).
They have a kinda neutral smell other wise. If you had a room full of the Brava pheno, then YES, yeah it'd stink to the point I'd want to put up some sort od scrubber. Have an ozoner but I got horror stories attached to that thing.
Keeper keepin on, looks and sounds like your doing sweet.
How was the Bubblegum, I've always wondered how it smoked. I've SMOKED OTHER "FLAVOR" (woops caps off) bud like Blueberry and it wasn't uberchronic, how did the bg hit u?
it was ok...tasted really good def not narcotic high...not super dense..mine had too much sativa in it for my taste..I have heard other people ahve had an indica pheno that was awesome..