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  1. G

    Yellow leafs!!

    it is now..... with kinda soil you shouldnt have to feed until at least they show sex, my experience with that type of soil is limited, but i believe what is going on with your plant is lock-out..... probally from over-watering in that type of soil..... and now the problem has been componded...
  2. G

    Yellow leafs!!

  3. G

    Yellow leafs!!

    is it the time release stuff????
  4. G

    Please take a look

    whats up 4u2smoke... my opinion is you dont have any worries, if it was stressed to the point of hurting your fine looking ladies they wouldnt be preflowering....that is some fine looking outside plants, i cant wait until i get my place... maybe next year......
  5. G

    Yellow leafs!!

    how much did you feed???? the leafs that where turning yellow before you feed want come back or turn green again, they will wither and fall from your plant. if you plant was lacking nitrogen than you most likely solved the problem
  6. G

    What are the chances?

    no,no,no.... not all seeds produced by hermie plant will be hermie
  7. G

    Is it to late?

    just one plant,i guess i smoke too much..... if i could grow outside, i would have at-least five known females, but cool beans dude, grow grow grow...
  8. G

    ZINC deficency??

    how do you know they are in need of zinc?
  9. G

    Regular seed VS Feminized seed

    any seed can go hermie.....
  10. G

    Doctor, Doctor! What's wrong? Flower

    looks like an over nute problem to me... what nutes do you use and how much???
  11. G

    G13 Labs Pineapple Express????????

    i know, cant find any info on G13 Labs and not much on this pineapple express from them... but i watched a youtube vid on this guy that is supposedly a seed tester for this seed breeder named kush brothers.. the pineapple express that he grows in the vid, looks awesome, but i dont know if it is...
  12. G

    How Many Times?

    check the site, if still busey, fire up some
  13. G

    G13 Labs Pineapple Express????????

    whats up farmers???? has anybody got any info on these beans besides what is on the seed bank site????
  14. G

    Turn on FOX NEWS NOW!!!

    i'm just waiting for the new olimpic event, bong blasting, sign me up...
  15. G

    Just a lil update for you guys!

    how did you get your plant to sex so quick??? is it a clone???? i mean i have done a couple of 12-12 grows from the start and still have to wait anywhere from 4-7 weeks for sex to show....
  16. G

    Need big help

    dang bro with all that , it might just hermie on you or be a male altogether
  17. G

    hello everyone, been away for awhile....

    hey black1269, let me tell you, it will be better for the simple reason that you growed it... i got a year under my belt now and every harvest seems better than the last....but that could be because i am always stoned, but thats why i grow.... thanks bro...
  18. G

    hello everyone, been away for awhile....

    hey slowmo77, glad to see you still around bro... thanks for the look...
  19. G

    any suggestions ?

    sounds like you know what your doing, except i cant figure why you want 16 gallon pots?????? or was that 16 one gallon pots
  20. G

    hello everyone, been away for awhile....

    i went with new nutes for this grow, i got the technaflora sample box. always used peters before but they quit makeing that... never used liquide nutes before, this is some amazeing stuff...