Yellow leafs!!

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Jun 11, 2009
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My leafs on my 12 day old plant are turning yellow what should i do? I fed it marical grow but they are still yellow and it seems to be getting worse. Would lack of humidty cuase them to turn yellow? I need help ASAP!!!
how much did you feed???? the leafs that where turning yellow before you feed want come back or turn green again, they will wither and fall from your plant. if you plant was lacking nitrogen than you most likely solved the problem
Hello Steventbow :)

MJ needs no feed at all for 4 weeks.

Is your plant in a pot?

If so, what type of soil is it?

Yes, your feeding every time you water it plus giving it food on top, you are over feeding it, this is causing your yellowing, can you get any different soil with no slow time release feed in it and change the soil?

So i should just change the soil and give it no food for 4 weeks? Woent putting new soil in stunt its growth for a couple days?
it is now..... with kinda soil you shouldnt have to feed until at least they show sex, my experience with that type of soil is limited, but i believe what is going on with your plant is lock-out..... probally from over-watering in that type of soil..... and now the problem has been componded with the nutes you feed.. now is the time to flush you soil, dont know the conversion from liters to gallons but flush with at least 3 gallons of water. you need to get the salt build-up away from your plants roots....
And stop posting questions all over the forum, keep them all in 1 place, your going to get lost knowing who said what when and where :p

Its much easier for you to simply ask everything in a single thread so you dont have to keep searching to see if you have any answers :aok:

A flush is 3 times your pot size, so if you have a 5 liter pot, you need to pour 15 lts of water through the soil to wash the toxins off, this isnt going to help you because you have time release in the soil.

I strongly advise changing the soil.

Hahah alright :) Do you know how to flush it? Should i flush it or just change the soil?
I literally buy my soil at home hardware. i dont know
why but its real close to my house, it has bags of
JUST soil with a small small amount of perlite in it.
I add more perlite too it and thats it.
all you need is a soil that isnt too heavy

and do not feed your plant at that age
and even if it was the right time to feed it,
please dont give her miracle grow. Check hydro
stores in your area or order something online
you need the right things to grow weed or your
results will be awful good luck
"maricle grow"! I speak Spanish and that sounds like "gay soil":rofl:
thedonofchronic said:
please dont give her miracle grow

have you seen what the THE BROTHERS GRUNT have grown in it :eek:

although they are the exception to the rule :48:
I too have my plants in MGrow,they have been from seed.It is the time release type.I have put 2 plants from pots to ground and they are making it slowly.My third plant is still in MGrow and is the better looking plant.I'm not pushing MGrow because after reading,asking,and most importantly listening to these more experienced growers I will not use it again.Don't think I'll afford FFARMS but I can afford better than MGrow.You do have to be real careful about watering.Maybe also check the water you are using on the plants.It doesn't really take alot to grow them but it does take a lot to grow them to their fullest.But I do think you came to the right forum,these guys/girls know what you or I might not.Good pics are a big plus also.

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