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  1. katelynbah!

    How long is an average grow?

    ALSO! Should I go put my lights back on a 12/12 even though my other plant is less than a month? I know I can put a plant on 12/12 from the very begining, but wont the buds be bigger if the plant grows some and then trys to flower later on, or just being put on the flower schedual from the...
  2. katelynbah!

    How long is an average grow?

    Im using a T5 Coral light I used to have on my salt water fish tank. Its 2 light spectrum and has lunar lighting. Im planning on getting a bigger light from the hydroponics store down the street, but I have to clear out some more room first.
  3. katelynbah!

    How long is an average grow?

    Right now my plant is 5 months old. And its still growing white pistols, so i don't want to harvest it yet. Why is it take my plant so long to grow? Im not using any suppliments, so should I start to do that to make it grow faster? I dont think my plant is even big enough to cone. I had...
  4. katelynbah!

    How long is an average grow?

    Right now I have 2 plants. One is budding, the other one is less than a month, so its still a youngling. My question: I want to have a lot more plants, and i am able to do it, but I should be moving in 6 months, and I dont want to have to transfer my plants, take them outside so all my...
  5. katelynbah!

    1st Grow

    So, I havnt posted in a while, but they havnt done a lot. I had a couple more plants than I have now. Only 1 of the 15 I started out with made it. And is growing great bud. Its small, but its a start. My room reeks of this stuff. The one plant is the one that was the biggest in the other...
  6. katelynbah!

    1st Grow

    So i feel as if they have stoped growing? there on a 12/12 cycle under the t5 fixture. here are picture Help me out.
  7. katelynbah!

    1st Grow

    7 of the 8 plants have shown sex 4 of them were male and 3 were female there is 1 that hasnt shown. i killed all the males i put the 4 females under a fish tank light fixture. Its a quad high out put T5 light with dual spectrum. Aftere puting them under the light they showed sex. 2 of the plants...
  8. katelynbah!

    Sexing my plants

    So One of my plants have white pistols, so Im guessing this one is a girl. Now, I have 2 that are not showing anything, and then they look like they have small white buds on the top of their plant. Im thinking these are males, but I dont know for sure! Will the plant balls grow at the top of...
  9. katelynbah!

    1st Grow

    how do i check the ph to my soil? how the hell do these things grow good in nature? I just wanted t throw them utside in some soil, next to the river...mmmmhm
  10. katelynbah!

    1st Grow

    The thing is, I dont really do anything t them except give them water like once or twice a week. Havnt given them any food, except the mg once or twice maybe. They are sitting in my window. I dont take them out of the window except when I water them. The sun comes up around 6am and sets around...
  11. katelynbah!

    1st Grow

    Yeah, they already talked to me about the nutes problem. I think Im doing good with it though. The plants are growing nice, and they are pretty strong. I just dont know what I should do about the 4 little guys. They are almost 2 months old and they are only like 5 inches tall. I almost want...
  12. katelynbah!

    1st Grow

    I replanted all my plants. My dog ate one, so we are down to 8. I fed them once with Miraclegrow, then flushed them later. They seemed to love it. The bigger 4 are growing, I can see a difference every morning. But the 4 smaller ones havnt grown at all. I think they are pretty much the same, I...
  13. katelynbah!

    1st Grow

    I have replanted 6 of my plants. I think its the smallest of them. I have soil being brought to me as I type so that I can plant my last three. I set up my light. Stacked some storage boes on top of eachother and used that to put the light on. Its all I have right now. I can successfully fit 8...
  14. katelynbah!


    where can I score some of that bat guano?!
  15. katelynbah!

    1st Grow

    I only did it to the taller ones. I had my dad with me, so he guided me the way. I went to the store and got 9 pots for my plants. Im going to replant them tonight, or is it better to replant durinng the day? Im not sure if it makes a difference. I also got aluminum turkey pans that Im...
  16. katelynbah!

    1st Grow

    thanks. Im going to go do it now.
  17. katelynbah!


    okay, well this is done.
  18. katelynbah!

    1st Grow

    when should i top or trip my plants to get max bushyness?
  19. katelynbah!


    you two need to go have a smoke break and come back and apoligize.
  20. katelynbah!


    well thanks. No, I wouldnt give my dog the water that comes out of my tap. He would grow another eye or two. Ill make sure to look into that fox farm soil. I need more soil anyways. As for the soil they are in now, it was cleaned before i even planted them, so im not too worried about bugs...