1st Grow

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Active Member
Jul 9, 2008
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Started growing bagseed June 8th. This was my first attempt. Started out with 15plants. I didnt think they would all make it, 9 are here today. one 9 in. one 7 in. three 5in. two 3 in and two 2 in. I currently have them in random containers. thebiggest one has the biggest container, and the smallesthas the smallest container. I should be replanting today. Im using dirt from when I visited northern oregon. Ive been watering every-every other day. They are in my window right now, but Im procrastinating on putting them in my closet with a T5 light. Im not sure what bulbs exactly. I got it from my old coral tank. There is no real ventalation, except for the AC on at 78. I dont have humidity now, thinking about it. Suggestions? Also, should I get a fan or something for these little guys?









if you are wondering why your plants are turning yellow. It is probably it is time to repot them into bigger pots. The rutes grow really fast, and if they have no where to go, you will start to see the plant wilt away. If i was you I would transfer into a 5 gallon bucket. Try to use some perlite in with the soil. It will give the rutes more space to grow. But they look really nice. Do you know what kind of plant they are?
Well, I know the 7in is some sort of oregon strain, but I have no idea to the rest of them. My dad gave me the others and told me to put them in soil. I really have no idea what Im doing, haha. the only thing about putting them in buckets is that they are just plants on my window, if I put them in buckets I dont knowwhere I would put them. Maybe in my closet with the light. I just like it that they are growing from the sun, not a light. Also, the smaller ones have a couple sets of leaves, they are just piled right on top of eachother, do you think replanting them with make the grow taller? They are stubby ha!
Yes, replanting will def. make them grow taller. They need space unfortunetly. Although there are some strains that grow rather small and still can produce a high yeild, yours seems to be growing rather tall and bulk pretty fast. I would concider trying to move them into bigger pots. If you are going to start to use lights, HPS( High pressure Sodium) are what you should be using. Only because you have passed out of seedling stage. Keep the lights close, but not too close. a 400 watt should do the trick concidering your not growing that many plants ;) and fans help a lot if you can have it on a low setting untill they get a bit bigger.
also, how should I know when I need to start flowering and all of that. If they are female of course. what speed should the fan be on? And should they be pointed directly at the plants, what angle?
You will see the flower pistols start to srpout. But depending on how long your growth has been, I would stop nutes and flush when you start seeing the tiny pistols. The fan can be pointed at them on low, just to replicate a slight breeze like it would be outside. Also when flowering stages occur you want to stop your high nitrogen level nutes and start giving a it a nute that is high in phosphorus. this will help the buds grow. The plant starts to canibilize itself so dont feel bad if the leaves start dying at the bottom. this is normal.
you can sex/flower the plant whenever you want,although its best to do it after theyre 9-12inches.this way theyre mature enough,just remember they'll usually double or tripple in size during the first 4 wks of flowering.just flush the grow mutes out before flipping the lights and adding the nutes for flowering to them.i'd suggest you to use some ionic,its cheap and very dependable,its a 3 part solution.ionic grow for your veg period,then you use the bloom and boost when its time to flip the lights to 12/12.its gonna take a lil time,knowledge,and money to get good buds from them.i'd recommend readin a bunch of threads in the different areas of the forum and take in as much info as you can.always get more than one opinion,everybody has their own ways of growing but theres some things that should not be done...flushing your plants under the shower being one. =) -later

pm me if you have a ?,if i dont have an answer then i can easilly find out for you.you can also ask timmyjg6,hes a pretty well educated grower.always willing to help with legit info.
Aurora_Indicas_Dad said:
just remember they'll usually double or tripple in size during the first 4 wks of flowering.yjg6,hes a pretty well educated grower.always willing to help with legit info.

The plants can double or more in the first four weeks of flowering? even big outdoor plants?
topping is can be done at the first set, or second or third, or fourth and so on i ussally top around the 3rd or 4th if i want to encourage maximum bushyness..
katelynbah! said:
thanks. Im going to go do it now.

I think there a bit small for topping, what you need is more light and tp repot.
the window is not enough light, more light will keep them short and bushy.
I only did it to the taller ones. I had my dad with me, so he guided me the way. I went to the store and got 9 pots for my plants. Im going to replant them tonight, or is it better to replant durinng the day? Im not sure if it makes a difference. I also got aluminum turkey pans that Im planning on putting water in and setting the plantsin the with about two inches of water. I also also going to get gold fish from the petstore and put a couple i heat tray. My dad told me the fish poo with fertilize my plants..? Ill post pictures when Im done.
Aurora_Indicas_Dad said:
you can sex/flower the plant whenever you want,although its best to do it after theyre 9-12inches.this way theyre mature enough,just remember they'll usually double or tripple in size during the first 4 wks of flowering.just flush the grow mutes out before flipping the lights and adding the nutes for flowering to them.i'd suggest you to use some ionic,its cheap and very dependable,its a 3 part solution.ionic grow for your veg period,then you use the bloom and boost when its time to flip the lights to 12/12.its gonna take a lil time,knowledge,and money to get good buds from them.i'd recommend readin a bunch of threads in the different areas of the forum and take in as much info as you can.always get more than one opinion,everybody has their own ways of growing but theres some things that should not be done...flushing your plants under the shower being one. =) -later

pm me if you have a ?,if i dont have an answer then i can easilly find out for you.you can also ask timmyjg6,hes a pretty well educated grower.always willing to help with legit info.

"flushing".. id "flushing".. what 'possiible' difference could the shower make?
I use the shower to flush plants in the winter. Been useing it for years.
I saw another post, ehere you argues about flushing in the sink or in the bathtum.. ????
as long as copious amounts of water is ran through the medium.. it is flushed. bathtub, sink, .. or living room carpet.

We also try to encourage members to post their questions "on the board".. It allows input from the entire membership. That serves two purposes..
1. other members will be able to search/find the answer to the same question, without reposting.
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I have replanted 6 of my plants. I think its the smallest of them. I have soil being brought to me as I type so that I can plant my last three. I set up my light. Stacked some storage boes on top of eachother and used that to put the light on. Its all I have right now. I can successfully fit 8 plants under there right now. After replanting the last 3, ill ony be able to put 6 under at a time. So, the light. Its a quad tube T9 high output with atinic bulbs. Well, two of them are atinic. Like I said earlier, it came off an old tank, what will the antinic lights do? Im not expecting them to do anything special, I just dont want to kill my plants with the bulbs. Im thinking about keeping a couple plants in the window and a couple under the light so I can see the differences later on. Im not sure how much of a difference it will make, but Im here to learn. I took pictures, but its not working right now, so Ill probably just post pictures tomorrow after work. Suggestions?
I replanted all my plants. My dog ate one, so we are down to 8. I fed them once with Miraclegrow, then flushed them later. They seemed to love it. The bigger 4 are growing, I can see a difference every morning. But the 4 smaller ones havnt grown at all. I think they are pretty much the same, I could be lying though since I see them everyday. Ive also been putting them under my light after it gets dark for a couple hours.








Looking good but read up on MG nutes & ask other fellow mg growers there tricks... Old Hippie has a thread & I know he uses MG nutes.
KGB30 said:
Looking good but read up on MG nutes & ask other fellow mg growers there tricks... Old Hippie has a thread & I know he uses MG nutes.

Yeah, they already talked to me about the nutes problem. I think Im doing good with it though. The plants are growing nice, and they are pretty strong. I just dont know what I should do about the 4 little guys. They are almost 2 months old and they are only like 5 inches tall. I almost want to kill them and just focus on the other 4. Ill just put them in my reptile tank. He might eat it though...
when you get $18-$25,grab up a techniflora recipe for success kit,i guarantee youll like it more than that m.g.Youll be happy you bought it.give them the recipe at 1/2 strength until theyre starting to really take off flowering.then boost it up to the full strength recipe.This stuff has made my plant go from 10inches to 24 inches in a week.
katelynbah! said:
Yeah, they already talked to me about the nutes problem. I think Im doing good with it though. The plants are growing nice, and they are pretty strong. I just dont know what I should do about the 4 little guys. They are almost 2 months old and they are only like 5 inches tall. I almost want to kill them and just focus on the other 4. Ill just put them in my reptile tank. He might eat it though...

I had two runts they'll pull out ... Give them time ... My 2 cents..

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