1st Grow

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The thing is, I dont really do anything t them except give them water like once or twice a week. Havnt given them any food, except the mg once or twice maybe. They are sitting in my window. I dont take them out of the window except when I water them. The sun comes up around 6am and sets around 8pm. temperature of my house is around 80. Every night I put the fan on me, and since the plants are right next to my bed, they probably get a breeze from that. My biggest plant seems like its growing a new set of leaves every 2 days. Still dont knw if they are male or female. Should I start giving them 12/12 light or something? I dont really know where to go from here. also, where can I buy that techniflora recipe for success kit? als, all the pts they are in are the same size, so you can see the differences of all the plants. I think this is so strange, they are all different sizes...BUT THEY SMELL GREAT!

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Sweet grow... 2 cents keep a eye on soil ph. Good morning buddy
how do i check the ph to my soil?

how the hell do these things grow good in nature?
I just wanted t throw them utside in some soil, next to the river...mmmmhm
7 of the 8 plants have shown sex 4 of them were male and 3 were female there is 1 that hasnt shown. i killed all the males i put the 4 females under a fish tank light fixture. Its a quad high out put T5 light with dual spectrum. Aftere puting them under the light they showed sex. 2 of the plants were toped. i of the plants is about 2 inches tall and is coverd in pisols. Very strange only has 2 sets of leaves. Im considering droping them. Any suggjestions? still no chemicals. just watering then with sink water. once or twice a week.
So i feel as if they have stoped growing? there on a 12/12 cycle under the t5 fixture. here are picture Help me out.




So, I havnt posted in a while, but they havnt done a lot. I had a couple more plants than I have now. Only 1 of the 15 I started out with made it. And is growing great bud. Its small, but its a start. My room reeks of this stuff.
The one plant is the one that was the biggest in the other pictures. I also germinated another seed, and another plant with it thats less than a month. They were on 12/12 but when I got this new plant, I put the lighting back on 18/6. The big plant stopped budding up, only the bud that was there is still growing, but now, at the top of the plant, its just stem again. Im sure once I put it back on 12/12 it will go into budding again. But until then, Im thinking about topping it off....? What do you guys think? Anyways, heres my plants.
Oh, and I havnt given them, any suppliments, only bottled water, and I changed the soil in their pots.







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