Ok so this is my first grow.
I started off with in winter with 3 plants,1 was a male and 1 was a hermy,i have been left with 1 of my original crop.That is the one with the watering can next to it.
On the fathers day i planted all of the others.(except the little runty looking clones i am attempting).
My soil mix was:
Organix Mix-$12 bag from bunnings,it said it was used by profesional growers!
Dynamic Lifter
Small hand ful of booster worms in each pot
Handful of Garden Lime
Sheep Manure
Seasol/Thrive watering twice a week
"Budlink-Hydroponic Root Stimulate"...i think it has a chemical sodium silicia. I have only used this twice though,i dont think they really needed it.
NPK Blue mixed through soil
that prety much does it...
Ill update this tread a bit later,i just tied all of my biggest plant down in an attempt to try make it grow lower.i couldnt take photos because my camera sucks.
I started off with in winter with 3 plants,1 was a male and 1 was a hermy,i have been left with 1 of my original crop.That is the one with the watering can next to it.
On the fathers day i planted all of the others.(except the little runty looking clones i am attempting).
My soil mix was:
Organix Mix-$12 bag from bunnings,it said it was used by profesional growers!
Dynamic Lifter
Small hand ful of booster worms in each pot
Handful of Garden Lime
Sheep Manure
Seasol/Thrive watering twice a week
"Budlink-Hydroponic Root Stimulate"...i think it has a chemical sodium silicia. I have only used this twice though,i dont think they really needed it.
NPK Blue mixed through soil
that prety much does it...
Ill update this tread a bit later,i just tied all of my biggest plant down in an attempt to try make it grow lower.i couldnt take photos because my camera sucks.